[FRAG] House of Liars

Explicit Violence

Who are you, to think you get to dictate anything about anyone else?

Contains major violence and detailed gore. Please be wary when reading.

Sequel to Keep a Secret and Grieve in Blood.

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Grieve In Blood

Morning Star did not consider himself a man well-versed in pain.

To think, that a year ago, he was working as a basic secretary for the Coalition, logging Timeline data and occasionally going on "missions" with Magnotris, trying to gather different varieties of magic to supplement their Corruption cure. He had shied away from violence - either participating in it, or being found on its receiving end. He'd trembled in fear of it, avoided it at all costs, based his life around ending it.

So funny, it was, that he was now enmeshed in it - surrounded by it, inflicted with it, swimming in pain, drowning in a mire of conspiracies and gods he'd never wanted to be involved in. When, exactly, had he been marked for such a thing? How long ago had Pyatiugolnik decided to throw his life to the wolves? When had his fate been sealed?


The ringing in his ears faded, slowly. There weren't any time to answer his questions - per usual. Maybe, when all this was done, he'd kick back in his house, get the fireplace roaring, and mull over everything he'd been through in the last few months. Maybe, only then, would he finally understand: why him?

They were in space, stars and planets spinning and floating over his head as if they were a child's mobile. Though he'd only been here once before - the incident with Bereave - a white-hot shot of fear still ran down his body and through his legs. The only thing stopping him from toppling over was Hour Star, clinging to him, legs shaking just as hard. 

And before them stood Genesis, a regal halo of orange light framing their near-manic snarl. 

For a brief second, no one spoke. The stars idly turned behind Genesis, their faint light blotted out by the sheer brightness his own body exhumed. He seemed less of a person and more of a force, a sense of being - where Bereave had been akin to emptiness, a void, a hole, something that shouldn't have existed.

you know, you have a LOT of gall to be saying something like that to ME!

Morning Star instinctively flinched, ears flattening against his head. He didn't-


Punctuating the near-scream, Genesis jabbed a hand at their chest, turning on their heel to start pacing. Morning Star watched their heavy footfalls, each one hard enough to shake the tiny, invisible platform they were perched on. With every step, Hour's fingers dug in tighter to Morning Star's shirt. 

you know, i bet he would've given anything to see me like this. not just DISTRAUGHT, but FRUSTRATED. RESENTFUL, EVEN! do you know how many years he's spent trying to pull those emotions out of me?

No, Morning Star didn't-

more than you have brainspace for numbers. and look! what would he say, if he could see THIS? if he knew some little upstart brats, those stupid fucking shapes did this? oh, i know what he'd say - i told you not to trust that Pyatiugolnik!

But Pyatiugolnik didn't have anything to do with-


With acute awareness and a sudden blast of paranoia, Morning Star suddenly grasped the other's slipping mental state. Genesis didn't react to the thought - they merely doubled over slightly, clutching their head desperately, as if to either vomit or sob. Along with the next wave of emotion - depression, regret, guilt, and longing - came a harsh blast of static that nearly made Morning Star crumple.

"What's going on," Hour whispered, in the tiniest voice he could manage, as if it'd hide him. 

no... no, this is my fault. this is all my fault. i shouldn't have taken so much of it, i shouldn't have... but i just wanted to MAKE THINGS! I WANTED TO SEE MORE! I WANTED THERE TO BE MORE! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST FUCKING GRASP THAT?!

The sheer anger that came next nearly spurred Morning Star into snapping at Hour. He caught himself at the last second, the fury-riddled quip dying in his throat as he struggled to climb back into his own brain. His own thoughts felt alien, even though he knew intrinsically they were his, and he couldn't quite grab them. 

No. No, he had to focus. What was going on? Think. Walk through. Reason. Oh, what he'd give to have Magnotri-

you can't WANT someone, you can't, you can't, you can't-

Nevermind nevermind nevermind nevermind

Just think. Just breathe. Just use logic. Genesis. Genesis and Bereave. Genesis was here. Going to enact revenge. On him. For k-

don't SAY IT!

Now Morning Star toppled over, taking Hour Star with him as he hit the floor. A wave of pain struck his back, but it was nothing compared to the swell of tears in his eyes and the sudden, half-choked sob that wormed its way out of him. He could feel Hour's own shaking shoulders and the wetness of his cheeks, pressed up against Morning Star's neck. Neither compared to the loud, desperate whine from Genesis, echoed in the space.

No one spoke as Genesis slid down to their knees, slowly, head in hands. A trickle of stardust - tears - dripped down their cheeks, pooling into a perfect circle on the platform. 

It took Morning Star several seconds to sit up, Hour still tightly within his arms.

to think.

to think that you get to sit there, after everything you've done, and you get to hold someone, and they get to hold you, and you get to pretend like you aren't a murderer.


"I'm NOT A MURDERER!" Morning Star screamed, the harshness of his tone surprising even him. The rage that was bubbling - now that was wholly his own, and he knew it, and he clung to it, desperately, the only sea of self in the ocean of the primordial god's mind he was occupying. 

Genesis' head sharply flicked up, tears now dripping over a returned snarl. 

NO? you're NOT? then where do you THINK bereave is?

"I didn't want to murder him!" came the shouted reply as Morning Star stood, Hour clutching his leg. "It was out of my CONTROL! It wasn't my FAULT!"

you BORE WITNESS TO IT! it was you! you were the common thread that drew all those people there, brought them in to witness the act of CRUELTY and VIOLENCE you committed!

Cruelty, violence. At the thought of Jubilee's terrified face - of the expression of the Overseers, as Morning Star and Sundae and Sterling held them at gunpoint - gave him pause. The fire in his heart cooled - not enough to fully quench it, but enough to bring reason into his mind. As he stared down Genesis, chest heaving in breaths, slowly he returned to himself.

"That doesn't make it my fault." he said, plainly.

if you'd never meddled, it wouldn't have happened.

Morning Star merely watched Genesis seethe. The coldness emanating from him, in their psychic link, slowly stilled the buildup of anger in them. After a few seconds, Genesis merely put their head in their hands again, letting out another soft whine. Morning Star did not move.

"Morning Star," Hour whimpered again.

He turned his gaze downwards. His younger brother was still near-sobbing, tears streaming down his face, trembling, some blood dripping from his nose. Automatically, Morning Star reached forwards to put a hand on Hour's head, cupping the other's hair. Genesis' head lifted - Morning Star watched out of the corners of his eyes - but he did not react.

Dully, a sense of imprisonment overcame him. 

He had no idea what to do. He had no idea what to say. He didn't know how to get them out of this situation, and the people that did - well, who was to say they'd even show up? They'd bailed him out before, but had his lucky finally run thin? Was he about to reach the end of his line, here, now, dying in cold space with Hour bleeding out next to him?

He could really die here. He could just be wiped off the face of reality, as easily as running an eraser over a whiteboard. There'd barely be an imprint of his consciousness left, not enough to string back together into himself. He'd be dead - dead just like a mortal, dead in a way there was no coming back from. What use was his Blessing then? What use was anything he'd done, to meet such a sorry and sad fate?

Back up. He was panicking. Breathe. There was no guarantee he'd die.

oh, you won't.

Morning Star closed his eyes, counting to ten and inhaling slowly. He could hear Genesis shifting, and his fingers curled tighter in Hour's hair.

you think i'm going to just "let" you die after that? that you get to die, holding onto him? i know you care about him. i can feel it. it's leaking all through everything you say, like some sickening little coating on all you do, like you're made for caring about people.

did you care about bereave, morning star? did you care about him when you so lovingly watched him die? did you understand how i felt when i found out? haha - no, of COURSE not.

He opened his eyes. Genesis stood at their full height, arms wide open though their cheeks were still wet. The mixture of paranoia and mania in their eyes was distinctive, though Morning Star couldn't focus on it long enough to think. Fuzzily, he managed to grasp that he was losing his mind. Perhaps in a literal sense.

no one understands. not one of you ungrateful little... little SEEDS! that's ALL YOU WERE. seeds. a blueprint. a PROJECT. i was - i was going to show bereave, i was going to show him how wonderful the things we could make were. i cut up little pieces of myself and i warped them out of shape and i put them on display, to show him, so that he'd learn to love it like me and then we'd make something. we'd make perfection!

and i was GETTING somewhere! he'd made timelines! he'd made worlds! he was starting to grasp it, and we were as close as we'd ever been! i could really see it - see a beautiful future, where everything was okay and we had each other....

Bouncing, idyllic rolling fields filled Morning Star's mind. Though they were foreign in a way he couldn't describe, the very image of them filled him with peace. Hour's shaking stalled.

we would have been able to leave all this behind.

all the mistakes. all the horrible little creatures that never really understood us. and we would've made something beautiful.


Genesis had returned to pacing. Morning Star's head turned, following their movements.

i never liked this childish world anyways. i don't need it aynmore. it can rot. i don't... but now... but... i....

Even as the other trailed off, Morning Star understood. He watched as Genesis slowed, as once more Bereave's death settled on their mind, and they grit their teeth, hands clenched tightly. There was nothing he could say to make it better. He knew that.

No. That was Genesis' thinking. 

Morning Star gave a single, half-step forward. "I know you're h-hurting," he began, though his voice wavered. Genesis didn't move as he continued. "I can't imagine what it's like. I know I c-can't. But... would he have wanted you to be like this? To lose hope?"

don't pretend like you know him.

"I'm not." Morning Star bit his lip. "I'm trying to t-talk to you. I'm trying to communicate."

He had to try. He had to reach out. He had to express it, that desire to fix it all. Everything in the last few months piled in his head, from the very start of his resentment against the Overseers, to meeting Hour's closest friends and enemies. Through it all, he'd always tried - always bonded, made friends, changed lives. It was what he did. No matter what.

to what end? if i had my way, this world wouldn't even be standing anymore. i would already be in the new one, with bereave.

"It's important to me," Morning Star said. "I want to help peo- you. I want to help you. I am made to care about other people."

Genesis' head lifted, and for a brief second, there was a flicker of exhausted understanding on his face. As quickly as it appeared, it was replaced with cold-iron resentment.

please. you think some trite forgiveness and some rehashed phrases are enough to undo what you've done? you really aren't grasping the magnitude of this.

bereave is dead. bereave. bereave is dead.

The phrase was enough to make Morning Star shudder.

my partner. half of me. my reason for existence. the only person who understood me. the person who completed me. he's dead.

i'm forever imperfect.

i can never form singularity again. i can never speak to bereave again. i can never... i can never see him smile, or hear him joke, or....

Morning Star held back the onslaught of sobbing. Hour buckled under the pressure. Honestly, he didn't blame his brother. He didn't blame Genesis, either, even though his own emotions ranged from 'scared shitless' to 'fearing for reality'.

and YOU get to sit there.

YOU get to hold your closest friend.

Morning Star's eyes flicked to Hour, who cowered.

no. no no no no no. that's not fair. it's not fair! you don't GET to have him after what you did! you don't GET to enjoy that! i'm going to - i'm going to fucking KILL everyone you love, and then we'll see how you feel, huh?

Instantly, Morning Star backpedalled, protectively wrapping his tail and arms around Hour. Genesis' snarl turned up in a smile at Morning Star's wide-eyed panic, the fear palpable in his mouth. No. No, no, no.

Images of Hour, Sterling, Magnotris, Jubilee, Sundae, Wage, Roseline, flashed in his mind's eye. They didn't deserve to die. No. Not for him, not like that.

see? you're getting the picture now!

But - but he thought - how could Genesis -

oh, trust me. i have enough destruction magic to wipe a few people away.

Bolted to the ground, Morning Star could only watch helplessly as Genesis reached out, glowing hand bright enough to make pinpricks of tears form in his eyes. He wanted to move, to curl around his brother more, to shield him somehow. His body refused to obey him, pinned in place by Genesis' magic. And, the cherry on top - he knew Genesis could've just snapped their fingers and ended Hour right then and there. His brother's sobbing intensified as the idea struck him as well.

"Morning Star!" came the plea, loud, desperate, uncertain. He didn't know how to quell any of those in Hour.

Genesis was merely drawing this out to make it more excruciating for Morning Star.

He was so useless in the end, wasn't he? Couldn't talk his way out of this one. Just like how he couldn't talk his way out of Bereave, couldn't talk Jubilee down, couldn't talk Hour down. He had to sit there and wait, hope for someone to save him, fingers crossed that one of his contacts would pull through and scoop him out before he drowned under the weight of his mistakes.

It was almost funny to see the bolt of burning cyan magic crash into Genesis' head.

It was too weak to do damage, but it served its purpose well - distraction. Genesis swung around, and Morning Star's eyes followed his gaze to Dijamant, integral diamond structure, flanked by Rendgen, Jubilee, and-

"MORNING STAR!" Sterling yelled, peeling from the group to run over. 

are you really going to try to stop me?

Oh, please. Somehow, Dijamant had such an easy smile as he shifted into an aggressive stance. Morning Star would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous. I'd like to see you face off against me - I'm much better than you remember, Mom.

With a cry of rage, Genesis' hands lit with magic, but the resulting boom as it collided with Dij was obscured by Sterling crashing-tackling-hugging Morning Star. The other's arms wrapped tightly around him - all four - and held Morning Star close to his chest.

As Genesis was distracted with Dij, bits and pieces of emotion and memory slowly returned to Morning Star. He experimentally flexed his hands. Still, it was off, but at least it felt a little bit more like him. Genesis' feelings and thoughts faded into obscurity, and instead were replaced by a pit of fear and worry that - unfortunately - he knew was entirely emanating from himself. 

So he'd been bailed out. He still wasn't sure where they'd go after this. Even if Dijamant somehow dispatched Genesis, he was sure it'd be temporary. So that meant that once Genesis recovered, they'd chase him to the ends of time itself, never giving him a second to breathe, never giving him a chance to exist. This had to finish one of two ways: either Genesis had to die here, or he'd forever be a fugitive from the most powerful entity in the world.


Please. Please, please, please, no. Why were those his options? Why couldn't he just fall back on talking? Why couldn't he just pick a nice, even compromise instead of the actually-worst choices in the book? Genesis or him. One of them had to die, no matter what. There was no beating around that bush. Somehow, he had to come to terms with that - and he was acutely aware of how little time had to even grasp the concept.

"Say something!" Sterling's voice snapped him out of his ruminations.

Morning Star blinked rapidly, shifting. Sterling's grip had loosened, but Hour still clung to him, face in his shirt now that he was on the ground with his brother. Sterling stared at his face, searching his expression for any sort of emotion, clutching Morning Star's shoulders. 

It took him several more seconds before hoarsely, he managed, "Sterling... why are you here?"

"Oh-" Sterling winced slightly. "You sound like one of the big magic meatsacks."

Huh. He did sort of sound like Pyatiugolnik, didn't he? He hadn't thought he'd activated his Blessing. "I-"

"Jubilee brought me," Sterling continued, seamlessly as he shot a focused glare at the aforementioned. "I don't know what's going on. He said you were in danger, and he didn't have time to explain. And, well - here we are again, huh? Back in some ridiculous skyland with another one of the big deities. There's only two, right?"

"Yes," Morning Star replied, trying not to process anything the other said.

"Are you okay?" came the next demand, and Morning Star breathed in. Sterling's gaze was soft, eyes still flicking between him and Hour.

As he lifted a hand to his forehead, Morning Star leaned forwards, biting his lip. "I don't - I don't know what's going on. W-What's been happening?"

"Honestly, I don't really know, either," Sterling admitted. "Jubilee isn't explaining and last time I talked to Magnotris he didn't explain anything, either. I was kind of hoping you had some explanations, but...."

Morning Star tilted his head up. Dijamant and Rendgen were both still engaging Genesis, somehow managing to keep the other's barrage of magic at bay. He wasn't sure how it worked. He didn't want to guess. Jubilee was darting around beneath them, and he could sense some sort of telepathy - giving commands, maybe? But he couldn't discern anything else.

"What the fuck," Hour hissed through his teeth, though there was no malice.

Near-robotically, Morning Star crouched, Sterling following, wrapping his arms around Hour. Still shaking, Hour's fingers tightened in Morning Star's shirt, and for a split second, neither of them dared to move.

Watching Genesis fling Jubilee into the dirt, with a mere flick of his wrist, sent a shudder down Morning Star's body.

"Who is that guy?" Hour whispered, loudly, wiping the blood from his nose. "Where are we!?"

"I-" what could he even say to try to comfort Hour? "That's... that's Genesis-"

"You're kidding." somehow, Hour could still keep the incredulousness packed into his voice.

Sterling's hug tightened comfortingly. Morning Star squeezed his eyes shut, "I'm not, I promise. And - and with him is one of the Overseers of the Coalition, and two of the Magnitude Fragments...."

"Do all of them want to kill you!?"

Morning Star shook his head, though he couldn't meet Hour's eyes.

"Then why does fucking - Genesis - why does he want to kill you? The fucking Bereave thi - wait, wait, that whole thing where - where you said he broke in half? That's why?!"

"Yes," he weakly replied.

Hour's head bonked against his chest as the other exhaled, slowly, trying to contain some sort of emotion Morning Star couldn't place. Really, he didn't need the reminder that this disaster was centered around him - rather, he'd really just like to find out he was dreaming and that he'd wake up curled up in Magnotris' arms, lamenting over his regrets and how badly they were affecting him.

He didn't want to think about how he was the one lynchpin in all this - that Genesis had been right. If he hadn't been connecting all these people together, no one else would have to suffer this fate. They'd move on with their lives, and no one would remember a little blip on the radar known as Morning Star - maybe a once-hero, perhaps a Blessed Overseer, maybe a nice guy who just wanted to make friends.

Everything was so hopeless.

Hour's shoulders stiffened and he leaned back, the trembling finally removed from his expression. "So, what do we do?"

"Huh?" Morning Star blearily lifted his head.

"You said you took out one of these big guys before," Hour said, jabbing a thumb at Genesis, who was currently violently clawing his way out of a diamond-shaped box. "What do we do to kill him?"

The shot of fear that ran through Morning Star snapped his jaw shut, but thankfully, Sterling piped up: "My magic."

Hour narrowed his eyes at the other. "You... right. You're the uh. Gold thing."

"Thing?" Sterling's hands tightened into fists.

"Wait," Morning Star cut in, holding up a hand. Both of the others drew back silently, directing their glares at him instead. "I don't... I... I'm not s-sure I want him to die."

"What?" Hour squawked, "he's trying to kill you - me - like, everyone!"

Morning Star put his head in his hands, "I know that! But I don't - I just wish this could be resolved some other way...."

"Morning Star-" Sterling reached to hold his shoulder again.

"Shut up." Hour slapped Sterling's hand away. The other shot him an enraged glare, but Hour had already turned towards his brother, "Morning Star, listen to me. Sometimes - no, a lot of times, you don't get to pick what you wish for. You have to do the thing that will resolve the conflict, even if it hurts."

"Don't say something like that," Sterling cut in, near-snarling. "That's fucking absurd."

Hour put his hands on his hips, leaning forwards slightly, "And what would you recommend? Morning Star sit there and watch as everyone dies around him? Whether he likes it or not, someone's going to die here. I know you didn't feel it, but I felt what that big guy is. He's not gonna fucking listen to reason. We can't stall this forever with some shitty diplomacy!"

"We're going to figure something out," Sterling shot back, "I know we are. Morning Star doesn't have to kill anyone. We'll find the best-case scenario."

"So what? You're going to let him sit there and be selfish while people put their lives on the line to buy him a few seconds to try to think of a quip that'll defuse this? You think it's that easy? Sometimes when you're a leader, there is no best-case scenario. You just have to pick the one that ends the mess the quickest, so you can get in to cleaning it up faster."

"Please stop arguing," Morning Star weakly managed.

Thankfully, both settled down, though they were both staring at him. He wilted under their gazes, trying to ignore the sounds of magic and fighting from Genesis and the two Mags. It was so, so loud - searing oxygen and nitrogen as they warped the elements into something burning, powerful, and certainly painful. Hour Star's words swirled in his head the rising tones of his voice as he'd argued matching the ambience from the fight.

Morning Star slowly slid down further, biting his lip hard enough to bleed. What he wouldn't give right now, to have Magnotris by his side. Please. He'd had a stroke of luck earlier, summoning Sterling and Jubilee - and not that he wasn't grateful, but there was nothing more than he wanted than his partner's comforting voice and arms.

Though the magic of the fight was deafening, he still caught a distinctive pop of teleportation. 

"We should lose Juice if we-"

The sound of the fighting instantly stopped, and Morning Star lifted his head. The first thing his eyes snapped to was the familiar, tall form of Magnotris, who stared up at Genesis in a mixture of confusion and disbelief. He stood next to some other person Morning Star didn't recognize, who was also staring up at Dijamant and Rendgen in shock. There was a poignant pause.

"What the fuck is going on now," Hour muttered under his breath.

Quantum! Dijamant broke the silence, What the fuck are you doing?!

"I, uh," started the newcomer, just as Magnotris' eyes slid around the arena, "hi Dijamant. H-hi Rendgen."

Before Dij could reply, Genesis' hand swung down, and he was swatted out of the sky like an insect. Rendgen half-turned in startlement a split second before he, too, hit the ground hard enough to visibly crack the platform.

Magnotris' stare locked onto Morning Star.

so what is this supposed to be then, huh?

Genesis was near-growling, leaning over Quantum, who took several steps back. Magnotris broke away to run towards Morning Star, who sat up straighter, tears streaming as he lifted his arms. 

calling in backup? shapes i didn't even know about? does this fucking revolt never end?

With a running jump, Magnotris collided with Morning Star, the two toppling over and sliding a few inches. A million things to say rose in Morning Star's mind, but none of them made it to his mouth - only a wretched sob, as he buried his face in Magnotris' chest, clinging for dear life. Magnotris held back just as tightly, wings shifting to hide them both, as if he could protect them from Genesis behind.

"What are you doing here?" Hour managed, raising an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

Magnotris merely shook his head, unable to wrench his muzzle out of Morning Star's shoulders. 

oh, and would you look at that?

Morning Star's eyes flew open.

He scrambled to sit up, Magnotris sliding down slightly. His partner glanced up at him, then at Genesis, expression morphing from worried to furious. Before Magnotris could move, Morning Star clamped a hand on his shoulder tightly, trying to avoid crying as Genesis' eyes bored into him, in a way that he couldn't quite articulate. 

The link was closed - he couldn't feel Genesis' emotions anymore, and Genesis didnt seem to be reacting to his thoughts. But it didn't take a genius to guess what was running through the god's head, and the sinking realization that his desperate need to not be alone dragged all of his closest allies and friends into the abyss with him injected itself right into Morning Star's heart.

Frantic mania flooded his system, and all he could do was scramble backwards, holding Magnotris to his chest. Out of the corners of his eyes, he watched as Dijamant slowly leaned upwards - but then was flattened with a single jerk of Genesis' hand again. There was no one left to bail him out. There was no one left to save him.

Hour was right. He'd wasted his time whining and hoping another solution would come, and now here he was, helpless to stop the inevitable.

looks like we're back on track then, huh? which one should we start with? i'll even let you pick.

"Morning Star, what's he talking about," Magnotris hoarsely whispered, his fear resonating in the air. 

He couldn't speak. He just couldn't. The only thing he could think of was to apologize for being the reason Magnotris was going to die. And that thought alone made tears well up in his eyes - tears he couldn't control. It was his fault. He was the source of all the issues, he was their core, he was the connecting thread. He was going to be the reason Magnotris died - he was going to have to take that to his grave. 

How would he ever forgive himself?

"Are you done?" Hour's voice cut in.

Oh stars please no.

Genesis squinted as Hour stood up, tail swishing from side to side, hands on his hips. "No, really, are you finished yet?"

what the fuck?

"Hour, what are you doing?" Morning Star barely managed, voice scratchy and throat pained, though it sounded like him.

Hour glanced at him over his shoulder. "Well, I'm not just going to sit around and wait for this fucking bully to finish his threats."


"No you didn't," Hour shot back. Genesis' expression melted into incredulous confusion. "You made the world, but people were an accident. They showed up out of nowhere, you didn't plan for them. I remember that. I had to learn the creation myth. Morning Star taught me it."

i made the world, you are a part of it - if this world didn't exist you wouldn't have existed either!

"I know that, I'm not stupid, for fuck's sake," Hour rolled his eyes, tail swishing, "Though you seem to be insistent on implying I am."

Morning Star opened his mouth - to say anything, anything at all that would reel Hour back in. He had to know that what he was doing was ridiculous, right? He'd just said that trying to talk to Genesis was futile, so why was he bothering now? He'd kept insisting that Morning Star had to make a decision - had to decide to kill Genesis... which meant....

Oh. Oh no. He was stalling. He was buying Morning Star more time, dancing back and forth with Genesis, trying to keep the other from making any sudden moves while Morning Star worked up the courage to order Sterling to kill him.

At the realization, Morning Star's eyes welled up in tears. Magnotris and Sterling both balked, the former reaching up to wipe at them. 

Sterling whipped around, grabbing Hour Star roughly, "You need to back the fuck away, you're making Morning Star upset."

"Hey-" Hour tried to shrug the other off, but he couldn't dislodge Sterling's fingers. Genesis' eyes flicked between the duo. "Fuck off, I'm talking to the big guy here-"

you fucking worms.

He had to do something. He had to do something. Anything. He couldn't let Hour and Sterling die. 

Morning Star peeled himself off the ground, away from Magnotris, running. Hour and Sterling both half-startled, turning to face him just as Genesis' snarl turned back upwards into a smile. He crashed between them, shoving past and flinging his arms open to shield them, though his legs nearly buckled from fear and panic.

oh, going to be the willing sacrifice, are you?

The voice was so taunting, so simply taunting in his head. Panting, Morning Star stared wide-eyed up at Genesis, trying to keep himself from falling over.

"Morning Star," Sterling started. "Wh-"

"Morning Star back off," Hour cut over him.

Genesis lifted their hand, bright with magic. It wavered and blistered, closer to Bereave's form than his own.

okay. we'll play it this way, then. let's see just how many people will cry and sob over your death - we'll see how much damage that one causes.

He had to protect them. If he died, they'd stay alive. They could move on. He'd be a martyr for them. It'd be fine. They'd get to keep breathing. It'd be okay. It was worth it. Please, oh please.

Morning Star closed his eyes as the whine of Genesis' magic filled the air. Despite his convictions, he didn't want to see it. He didn't want to know it. He could only pray it wasn't painful.

goodbye, morning star.

The last thing he realized was that, abruptly, he was pushed over.

And as he fell - as his body careened towards the ground - he was acutely aware that the blast of magic just barely grazed him. And as he hit the platform, muzzle down, nearly cracking it open, he realized there was a coating of blood splattered on his back. Not his own. And not caustic gold.

Which meant-

There was a chorus of horrified screams, Magnotris and Sterling's among them. Morning Star lifted himself from the ground, aching, eyes bloodshot as he slowly turned his head. 

His eyes settled on Hour Star, lying on the ground, blood coating the skid marks from the sheer force of the blast he'd been hit with.


Genesis stared in disbelief for a second, before his gaze hardened to resentment. He pulled his hand back again, but the magic didn't come forth as easily this time. His expression strained, and a second later, more of the blackened void-magic rose to being in his hand, though his grimace spelled how much effort it took.

Morning Star wasn't watching, though. His eyes were firmly locked on his brother's body: bloody, broken, and not breathing.

Sterling scrambled to help him up, with a cry of "Morning Star!"

He didn't react, even as Magnotris joined Sterling, both protectively huddled around him.

i won't miss this time.


A voice - just as loud and overwhelming as Genesis' - cut through the air. Quantum instinctively ducked low to the ground, near-flattened - he'd been in the middle of sneaking around to Dijamant and Rend, still held down by the god's magic. Morning Star still couldn't take his eyes off Hour.

He did, however, look up at the sudden burst of magic. Some newcomer brust from a rip in space, landing on the platform hard enough to shake it, in some sort of ridiculous pose Morning Star would've laughed at, should he have had the energy. They stood to their full height, wings twitching as they put their hands on their hips. As they hit the ground, a shockwave of their magic was enough to topple Genesis - who went tumbling to the ground.

Everyone stared. Even Genesis, whose destruction magic died in their arms as confusion overtook the anger.

"Oh fuck off," Quantum hissed under his breath.

"Wow," Juice announced, glancing around, before his eyes landed on Dijamant and Rend, whose mouths were open. His pupils practically dilated. "OH WOW."


"It's-" Quantum's ears lowered, "it's not that simple-"


so what is this supposed to be? more mutiny? just how many of you are there working together?!

"Working together?" Juice echoed, looking up at him, "Aw, naw, don't know these folks." he pointed to Dij and Rend, "But I wouldn't mind meeting them!" 

Genesis slowly lowered their arms, still staring down at juice.

where did you come from? who are you?

"You can call me whatever ya like," Juice replied, with a casual wink. "But my friends, they call me Juice."


Jubilee looked up at Genesis, then to Rendgen, then to Juice. "How did you find us?"

"I was following Quantum and Magnotris - we were in a bit of a spat, y'see, and we hadn't exactly finished it," he replied, gesturing towards them.

A twinge of pink rose to Quantum's cheeks. "Shut up."

you've made more of them.

Everyone looked to Genesis. His expression was unreadable.

you've made more without me.

Juice coughed, "Right, so what's going on here?"

Dijamant climbed to his feet, jumping off the platform to float in the air once more, smile bright, We're deposing a dictator.

"More accurately, the plan was to escape with Morning Star... you were the one intent on killing Genesis," Jubilee lamely interjected.

"And ya didn't invite me?" Juice shot back, feigning insult as he draped an arm over his forehead. "Please. I'm the best rebel there ever fuckin' was."

"Morning Star, say something," Magnotris begged, quietly. 

He shifted, pulling himself away from the duo as Juice and Dijamant quipped something else back at each other. Their voices faded into pure background static as Morning Star slowly approached Hour, who had yet to move.

This wasn't real. This wasn't really happening. Was it? It had to be. No. Please. Anything but this.

He reached forwards, hand on Hour's shoulder. The other was cold. The blood wasn't flowing. No.

Morning Star lowered himself to the ground, blood caking the front of his body. He shakily drew Hour Star into his lap, brushing the other's bangs out of his face to catch Hour's empty expression. Something rose in Morning Star, though it was so alien and unfamiliar he couldn't describe it. Inexplicably, though, he knew that it was his own.

No. This was everything he'd been trying to avoid. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Hey," Sterling's voice came, from behind him. The other crouched, a hand on his back. Morning Star flinched. 

Morning Star's fingers curled in Hour's shoulder.

"Well he looks like a sittin' duck to me," Juice chirped, inspecting Genesis. The god had made it back onto his feet, though he merely stared at Hour Star, still unreadable. Their emotions were just as obscured to Morning Star as his own.

Spitefully, he hoped it was guilt.

Oh, trust me. They're just gearing up for round two. But - with you here, I bet we could-

fine then.

let's end this.

Neither Juice, nor Morning Star, nor Dijamant, nor Quantum, nor Magnotris, nor Jubilee, nor Rendgen, nor Sterling moved. Frozen to the ground, Morning Star's bones tensed so hard that he feared they'd snap, and what would he do then? Crumple to the floor?

Genesis' own legs buckled, and with the weight of the world on their shoulders, they feel to their knees. The sudden weight made the platform they all stood on shudder, and instinctively Morning Star pulled Hour closer to his chest. 

You've gotta be kidding me...

Dijamant alighted on the ground near Quantum, face in hands. Quantum looked from Dij's face to Genesis, still barely comprehending. He froze for all of a few seconds before darting forwards to wrap his arms around Dij, nervously, tears starting to well up as the full gravity of it all hit him. Dij put an arm around his shoulders.

"So what?" Juice asked, flexing his hands, "It's over then? We just kill him?"

Jubilee glanced between Genesis and Juice, shoulders shaking as he tried to stand up. Rend darted over to help him. "N...No, it's not that simple. Magnitude Fragment magic alone won't be enough."

"Then what the fuck do we gotta do?" Juice pressed, jabbing a finger at Genesis. The god didn't react. "I'm not exactly fond of this guy."

We need gold. Rend clarified. Lots of it.

Collectively, the Mags turned towards Sterling, who was still crouched near Morning Star. For a split second, his ears flattened back and his eyes widened in realization and fear - before being overcome with a sort of strength and self-identity that, frankly, Morning Star envied.

He didn't say a word as Sterling slowly stood, shoulders squared, hands clenched into fists at his side.

"No." Sterling's voice rang out, clear, echoing. "I'm not going to kill them unless Morning Star wants me to. And he already said he doesn't."

He didn't move as every gaze turned onto him. Dully, he reached forwards to wipe a thin line of blood that dripped from Hour's mouth, then scrubbed his fingers together, watching the red smear away into nothingness. There was just nothingness inside of him. There was just nothingness inside both of them.

Shifting slightly to lean further over Hour Star, bangs obscuring his face, his brother's words swirled in his head. Had to make a decision. Couldn't stall forever. They both knew he'd have to decide. And now everyone was waiting for him, waiting for him to choose, to give the order. How funny, wasn't it? This was all just... Genesis lashing out. They just wanted to die.

So why couldn't they have just fucking said that? Why did they have to drag everyone here, act like they'd ruin Morning Star's life, taunt him with threats of murder and pain and destroying everything he cared about? Why did Hour have to die for this

They'd just connected again. They were going to be a family. They were going to become friends. And somehow, someway, everything ended up getting in the way of that. All he wanted to do was make friends with people. All he wanted to do was forge connections. And stupid, belligerent gods kept dragging him into their messes - and for what reason? He happened to know people? He happened to have Pyatiugolnik's Blessing? Oh, it'd done him so much good.

Morning Star's fingers curled in Hour's shirt, tighter, as if he could drag Hour back to life kicking and screaming. As if, if he just tried hard enough, everything would go back to normal. But no. Everything was out of his control, like always. He was just some gods' puppet, being dragged around wherever they wanted him to be.

Not fucking anymore.

Slowly, he lifted his head, eyes locked onto Sterling. The other's hard stare softened at Morning Star's face, slick with tears, dripping over his bared teeth. No one breathed as he opened his mouth.

"Kill them."