Prompt Shop Bop

4 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 16
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

Prompts written for the VOK prompt shop. Cause why not have a collection of them instead of having them all be individual?

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Into the Unknown [S7Ma3]

"Into the Unknown" - Maji

from Frozen 2

"Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls"

Everyone Maji has ever loved is a part of the Isle of Roses. Those she treasures are all a part of the pride she calls home, and there is no one else that she considers dear. At least, that's what she would like to believe. In truth, many of those that Maji cares about are members of the Isle of Roses. Her mate, Kusafiri, is the clearest example. She loves him, truly loves him, and there is no doubt that she would be alright wherever she was, so long as she had him by her side. Kusafiri is her support, the one who saved her from the demon possessing her and who has been her anchor since then (as well as her bridge between herself and the world that she so often struggled to interact with and understand when she first was freed and joined the pride). On top of that, her friends are also a part of the pride. Her best friend, Cuore, has proven time and time again to be trustworthy and passionate; even in their disagreements, however severe, they have managed to overcome them, and though she knows he still disapproves of her refusal to raise her own cub, it has not stopped them from being close. The Healer has become such a big part of both Kusafiri's life and her own that Maji doesn't know what she would do without him. And Sasa, the cub she got to train and teach as her Learner Soldier till he became a Soldier alongside her, is still dear to her. She is incredibly proud of him and the effect she had on his life, and Maji continues to cheer him on throughout his endeavors. Jiwe may not talk much, but he obviously cares, and Maji enjoys his company on patrols. Despite the original distress he had when Tenga broke off their mateship, the gray lion has since begun to thrive again, and she could not be prouder, especially since he has, in his own quiet way, always been there to be proud of her achievements as she adapted to the pride. None of that even covers her feelings for the rest of her pridemates, who all hold special places in Maji's heart (though some much more so than others).

However, she is fooling herself every time she tells herself that everyone she has ever loved is a part of the Isle of Roses. First and foremost, Maji has no recollection of her time before her possession, so she cannot remember anyone from before that time (let alone any feelings she held for them). Even though she cannot remember them, however, doesn't ruin the legitimacy of the feelings she once held for them. It's something that has on more than one occasion plagued Maji; any family, lovers, or friends she might have had before her possession has been completely forgotten. She has no idea who she knew before the water spirit tricked her and took control of her body, and as much as she tries to act like it doesn't phase her, there's a reason she has never told anyone beyond Cuore and Kusafiri her story (at least, not the full extent of it). To know that there are pieces of herself and her history that she may never know is a thought that Maji hates having to confront. What were her parents like? Do they think of her? Do they wonder what happened to her? Was she still with them when she got possessed, or had she long since left? The demon might tell her that she had long since left them by the time they met, but Maji doesn't know how much stock she should put in what he tells her. There is no way of knowing when he is lying and when he isn't, or whether he ever lies or ever tells the truth. He is a demon who possessed her, after all. He is full of trickery. Even more disturbingly, Maji has been forced to confront the fact that, in all likelihood, her parents are dead. The thought that she might never get to see them again is horrific, to say the least. And though she doesn't know if she had any siblings, if she did, what did they think? Were they younger or older? Were they friends or enemies? Do they wonder what happened to their sister? Do they care? What about any lovers she had? The water spirit always avoided discussing any romances she held, besides the one it held with her (if that relationship could even be called a romance). Was there someone that thought she left them because she was possessed and disappeared? What if they found her in that state? Would...would the demon have eaten them?

And then of course there's the issue of her child (or children, though Maji is unaware of Grimm;s existence). Despite refusing to have any part in raising her, Maji still cares for Hadithi. She is her mother, after all, and though Maji cannot handle even the idea of raising the cub she had with a water demon, Maji wishes her well. Though she was fairly unphased (at least externally) when her daughter disappeared, she never wanted that to happen. Maji doesn't know what happened to Hadithi, doesn't know if she's dead or alive, but she does think about her. She tries her hardest not to, wanting to maintain that distance between her (and therefore the demon), but Maji cannot help sensing the empty place she would have occupied were she still alive. But even bigger than that is the fact that, as much as she'd like to deny that part of her history, she knows she loved the water demon at one point. It betrayed her, possessed her, but she at one point did love it. That is why Hadithi even exists, why it refuses to leave her alone. It was only able to possess her because of the attachment they had, and though she doesn't remember it, refuses to even try and remember it, it is still a part of Maji's story. At one time, she loved that water spirit, and no amount of denial will change that.