
Base art by Soli
AAA - Rare

Bukbuks are social species made up of a mixture of chicken and rabbit DNA, and are about the size of your average chicken. Due to their social nature, they are best kept in groups of three or more, and are generally only recommended for experienced chicken or rabbit owners. Because of this, the Academy maintains a Bukbuk coop on campus where Companions can better take care of and visit any Bukbuks they own while still allowing the pets the social interaction and freedom they need. The coop is mostly looked after by YA Companions still on campus, though a couple more experienced staff members are also assigned to the coop.

Bukbuks predominantly eat hay, seeds, and vegetables, with fruits given as occasional treats. Perhaps the most interesting fact about Bukbuks is that most of them do, in fact, lay eggs! And not just any eggs, but "easter" eggs - eggs with odd and 'unnatural' colors and patterns that one would never find on a regular egg. These eggs have been tested by the scientists in the lab who have confirmed that Bukbuk eggs are essentially identical to chicken eggs and perfectly safe to eat. They just, you know, come with a rainbow of colors on the outside.