Quick Race Guide

More in-depth information can be found on each individual race guide. This information really makes these races feel alive and not just like humans with pointy ears. They include religious holidays, histories, world views, diets, and lots of other important information that you should understand in order to play your character fully.

This is the cliff notes version in order to help with character creation.


Basic Appearance
Skin Tones: Normal real-world spectrum of human skin tones.
Hair Colors: The usual hair colors.
Eye Colors: Again, usual eye colors.
Male Heights: Average ranges between 5'8" and 6'2"
Female Heights: Average ranges between 5'4" and 5'10".
Differentiating Features:

Attitudes Towards Other Races
Dwarves: Dwarves have been through a lot of the same shit we have. They are strong, steady, loyal...they may be a touch simple, but that's ok, they're better than those other humanoids.
Companions: 90% of the world = what the hell are those??? The 10% that have paid attention or live in Silverbrook: Ranges from 'dangerous feral abominations' to 'OMG I want to be one!'
Elves: When we believed they had magical powers they forced us to be their slaves. Now that we know they don't, we see them for what they are...stuck up assholes who are so inbred they made themselves all but sterile. The world isn't yours anymore.
Humans: Due to the changes in history (enslavement to elves) most humans are pretty cool with each other, however we do still have petty issues like not being very forward thinking when it comes to who you love....the political temperament on these sorts of issues is very similar to modern day our Earth.
Liberi: We don't 100% believe that mermaids exist, and if they do we're pretty certain they will sing your soul away and cause your ships to crash into the sea.
Drow: Drow are generally viewed as rather unnerving to the average human, with their grey complexions and shark-like teeth. The insular attitude of the Drow has also added a fair deal of mystery to their race, and there are a number of frightening but largely untrue rumors and horror stories around these grey-skinned people.

General Location Information They are not indigenous to Indonesia and they definitely do not live in the ocean. (Meaning: There are less human populations in Australia, Indonesia, and the Mediterranean Sea. These are more heavily populated by Liberi).
Homelands: Just about anywhere.
Places they are in Power: Anywhere save certain places ruled by Elves, Drow, Dwarves, and Liberi.
Historical Locations:


Basic Appearance
Skin Tones: Porcelain white skin
Hair Colors: Shades of silver, blonde is impure
Eye Colors: Commonly blue, pink is perfect, and red is highly valued and rare
Male Heights: 6'2"-6'4"
Female Heights: 6'0"-6'2"
Differentiating Features: Slender and willowy body types, pointed, larger ears

Attitudes Towards Other Races - Specifically of purebred elves from the homeland; those who have fled to human nations will likely differ greatly from these opinions
Dwarves: Low-lifes, but they make some excellent jewelry
Companions: Abominations or pets, but they make great conversation pieces at parties
Elves: The superior race
Humans: Slaves that got away (or just flat inferior. Pureblood elves do see themselves as better than everyone) However, with our race on the brink of destruction the humans are our best chance at continuing our legacy
Liberi: Interesting trades, probably the race we prefer associating with the most. They can be kings of the sea so long as they know their place.
Drow: Dark taints to our great legacy

General Location Information
Homelands: Europe, especially England and Ireland
Places they are in Power: Europe
Historical Locations: They spread briefly towards the Mediterranean, and their architectural influence can be found there, (and it can also be found in America due to human exposure to the culture) but with the loss of so many of their race the empire has shrunk back to it's original region.


Basic Appearance
Skin Tones: Generally ashy gray to charcoal black skins
Hair Colors: Silver to white
Eye Colors: Most Drow are born with silver eyes, however other bright colors (pinks, bright greens, cyan, etc) are Uncommon to Rare
Male Heights: Traditionally, the males have always been the smaller of the two sexes with average heights ranging 5'4" to 6'0".
Female Heights: Traditionally, females have always been the bigger sex, with average heights ranging from 5'6" to 6'2".
Differentiating Features: Drow are very dark skinned. They have pointed ears, like elves, and angular faces. Their most notable features are the pointed teeth that resemble those of sharks.

Attitudes Towards Other Races
Please note these attitudes are usually seen through the eyes of an old-world thinker and not a new-age Valcon.
Dwarves: Dwarves are merely bothersome.
Companions: To old-world thinking Drow, Companions are abominations, the bane of existence. To new-world thinkers, Companions are intriguing and revolutionary.
Elves: Since they are basically cousins, they are usually detested, due to religious views of Elves being compared to the Sun and Light, while Drow are considered to be the Moon and Darkness.
Humans: Many times, Drow care little for humans, as they hold no real threat and no real interest.
Liberi: Because they live in the water and not on land, Drow find them mysterious and annoying.
Drow: Drow are full of pride. New generations of Drow are frowned upon by the older generations, and vice-versa.

General Location Information
Homelands: Located on a small group of islands where it is very hot and humid.
Places they are in Power: Thelor, their home country.
Historical Locations: Very insular peoples, they have only just in recent years started to be found outside of Thelor in human nations.


Basic Appearance
Skin Tones: White, Light Peach, Peach, Light Tan
Hair Colors: Generally Brown, Black, Blonde, White, Blue, Red, with Blue-Green and Maroon more rare
Eye Colors: Generally Green, Blue, Black, Brown, Hazel, with Pink, Red, and Gray more rare
Male Heights: 5’6’ – 6’6”
Female Heights: 5’3 – 6’2”
Differentiating Features: Gills and webbed fingers and toes. They do not have tails like in Little Mermaid. If one were born with a tail of this kind it would be seen as highly prized.

Attitudes Towards Other Races
Dwarves: Drunken little men who make stupid risks that can be profited from.
Companions: Intriguing. Something new in a world of the same.
Elves: Egotistical. It is easy to use when trying to get something from them.
Humans: Don't always see what is right in front of them, but they are ingenious little creatures and ever so much fun to watch!
Liberi: Sometimes we stay too much to ourselves, which can be problematic because the world is encroaching on us from all ends. We have to start expanding or potentially be wiped out.
Drow: Haven't had much contact with them.

General Location Information
Homelands: The Mediterranean coastline as well as much of Australia. They live on land and have communities in the ocean itself, so the Great Barrier Reef and the Mediterranean sea are both heavily Liberi populated. It is uncommon to see them outside of their homeland.
Places they are in Power: Their homelands are influenced by the Liberi populace.
Historical Locations: Liberi have made their presence known in the Caribbean during the heights of piracy. They LOVED that time period, and anywhere where there are rumors of pirates you will likely find a cove of Liberi near by.


Basic Appearance
Skin Tones: All human skin tones, and sometimes slightly red-tinted.
Hair Colors: Commonly all human hair colors. Uncommonly: Garnet Red, Pink, Orange. Rarely: Green, White or Silver(Unless caused by age), Purple
Eye Colors: Natural human colors, as well as various shades of purple, orange and red. Gemlike quality.
Male Heights: 4' - 5'
Female Heights: 4' - 5'
Differentiating Features: Short and stocky with a tendency towards beards

Attitudes Towards Other Races
Dwarves: Good, hearty, solid, loyal folk. No one is more loyal than a dwarf, and no one is more hardworking. We are also a lot of fun at parties.
Companions: Unnatural, weird little creatures....but they seem pretty harmless.
Elves: Entitled inbred jerks. Think they know everything just because they live a little longer.
Humans: Can't hold their alcohol, but basically decent folks to be around.
Liberi: Weasley pirates who WILL swindle you out of money. They cheat.
Drow: Gray Elves with pointy teeth. Still act just like elves.

General Location Information
Homelands: Rocky areas of Europe and the Polyneisan Isles
Places they are in Power: They have no direct seats of power
Historical Locations: Dwarves tend to stay close to home, though there have been traces of dwarven civilizations in the Appalachian mountains as well as in the Himalayas.