
Base art by Star, Blue, and Cliest
Valcorp - Common

These little critters have Venus Fly Trap, Mouse, Rat, and Fly DNA (along with a handful of scraps from other species, probably) and are approximately the size of your average rat. They have no eyes, but the vine-tentacles growing from their head are highly dexterous, sensitive, and capable of a sense resembling taste or smell. Some have wings, granting them very limited flight capabilities. Like rats, the Venumoufly are relatively intelligent, and their vines allow them a unique degree of dexterity and problem solving capacity.

The Venumoufly are generally considered a failure by Valcorp, as their odd mix of traits makes them rather unsettling and unpopular as pets (at least with most of their usual customers). Despite being blind, these critters make incredible escape artists, and dozens have escaped Valcorp and into the streets.

Venumoufly seem to be a social species, and enjoy the company of their own kind, as well as the company of humans. Those people that do take in one of these strange looking creatures will have soft, warm, clingy new bff.

Diet-wise, if a rat can eat it, so can they. They do particularly love to eat insects, though.