Flora & Fauna

Flora & Fauna

The Fauna

These are not the only creatures that live in Nova Cael - there are many wonders that the land hides, yet these are the ones that have names and are more commonly known.

Golden Blessings

Legendary animals who have a golden pigment to their entire body - even their blood runs golden. It's rumoured that they give magical abilities to the person who eats their heart. Not much is known about them and what their purpose is.

They follow the family structure of their kind. They cannot be tamed and are not sociable. Impossible to find, can only appear if they want to and never in the same place. Power level unknown.

Also known as: "zlatno-ochi" in The East.


Miniature wyverns who live in the south coast. They're mainly nocturnal and are able to produce small sparks or bursts of flames by emitting a flammable saliva and igniting it by dragging their sharp-tipped tongue over their teeth. This behaviour is rarely used for attacking and mostly used by males as a display in their mating season.

They live in 'fires' and don't have a notable family structure. Can be tamed and are fairly sociable. Hard to find. Power level 2.

Example: "a fire of embercos".

Spikeheaded Dragon

Semi-large dragons that live in the rocky beaches of the East, the coasts of The South and some of the vacant islands in The West. Usually either sandy-coloured or a deep, dark red, these dragons cannot breathe fire but they're able to spit acidic toxins, which if left for long enough are able to burn through flesh. They have an impressive wingspan and are able to fly for long distances, although they're quite lazy and rarely leave their nests. They're Cadmus Cinnbar's sacred animal.

They don't have a family structure and are solitary beings. They cannot be tamed and are malicious. Hard to find. Power level 25.


Small white lights that appear all over Nova Cael - they usually dance around close to the ground and seem to lead on anyone who wishes to follow them. No one knows exactly what the spirits' purpose or intent is - some assume that they're simply mischevious spirits that intend to cause confusion and some believe they're the Gods' subtle way of nudging people down the path they've set for them...

They don't have a family structure. They cannot be tamed and are neutral. Only appear when they want. Power level unknown.

Yutrobog's Hare

Silver long-legged hares with two pairs of ears. They're known for their stamina and durability compared to their normal cousins and are often used by pack leaders to deliver messages. One of the few beasts that can utter a few words in the First Tongue.

They don't have a family structure. They can be tamed and are very sociable. Easy to find, usually bred by nomads. Power level 0.


Creatures with the looks of a female wolf who live in swamps. Their main goal is to drown and suck the life out of any young man who passes by their pond or swamp so they can keep their eternal beauty. They often take in young girls and teach them their ways, sometimes even making them believe they are a true samodiva. They speak the First Tongue fluently and can even utter modern words.

They live in 'mantraps' and have a simple family structure. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Hard to find if you don't know where to look. Power level 10.

Example: "a mantrap of samodivas".



Carnivorous deer that live in the forests. They hunt anyone and anything and suffer from almost constant hunger. They're taller and darker than their normal ungulate cousins, with sharper antlers. Their mouth is filled with tiny, sharp teeth and their front legs have three toes for grabbing instead of hooves. Usually join in normal herds to hide their presence and bad scent. Their skin is slightly slimy and could leave trails.

They don't have a family structure and lead a parasitic lifestyle. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Hard to find if you don't know where to look. Power level 10.


Deformed and wrangled creatures that resemble wolves, with the most notable feature being their upside-down head. They can briefly change the main colour of their fur to one's most adored individual to lure in lost travellers or wanderers, which looks believable only in bad weather. They usually eat only the heart and leave the corpse to the birds. Osobnyaks smell like a rotting carcass in the summer heat. They can speak the First Tongue.

They don't have a family structure, can be rarely even seen in more than groups of two. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Hard to find. Power level 5.


Owls that only live in evergreen forests that call for help in the First Tongue and steal the eyes of those they lure. They have distinct talons on the second joint of their wings and lots of eye-shaped holes on their chests - it is believed they put the stolen eyes in them. They're a rare sight and their call is considered a bad omen.

They have a simple family structure. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Hard to find if you don't know where to look. Power level 2.

Example: "a curse of polunochiks".



Also known as the snakes with a thousand eyes - for an obvious reason. They can only be found in deserts or caves. They're noted to attack only virgin women and scar their faces beyond recognition. It is not known why that happens.

Unknown family structure. Cannot be tamed, possibly malicious. Extremely hard to find. Power level 3.


A bird whose gold and orange feathers make it look aflame under sunlight. They're known to be the messengers of Yutrobog and Tangra and live in the highest mountain peaks. They're a rare sight and their sighting is considered a blessing for the family of the one who saw them. They can deliver messages from the gods by elaborate symbolism via objects.

They don't have a family structure. They cannot be tamed but are sociable. Impossible to find, can only appear if they want to or if they're there to deliver a message. Power level unknown.


Tiny reptiles that live in the caves of the south. They have extremely poor eyesight and are able to navigate via ground and air vibrations. They love hoarding gems and minerals, so if you want to make jewellery you better find your way into a queen perirst' nest.

They have a tightly knit family structure. Cannot be tamed and are passive. Hard to find. Power level unknown.

Example: "a flash of perirsts".


Southern Evening Hawk

Medium sized birds of prey that are extremely shy and skittish. Usually spotted at swamps and cliff sides at dawn and sunrise - parts of the day where they're less likely to be disturbed. They're distinguished by their long tail feathers, almost transparent under the daylight. They’re also Shreya’s sacred animal.

They don't have a family structure. Can be tamed but are not very sociable. Hard to find. Power level 0.

Common Field Dutti

Large flightless birds with long beaks and bloody red eyes. Often described as territorial and bloodthirsty, these carrion eaters live in The South and the lower parts of The Middle. On rare occasions, they might kill lone and weak travellers.

Unknown family structure. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Not very hard to find. Power level 7.

Example: "a murder of duttis".

Swamp Vulture

Relatively large vultures with green plumage. Said to be a bad omen when sighted, supposedly the messengers of the samodivas. There's a rumour that once a man is killed by a samodiva, their soul doesn't reach the sky but instead is captured into the body of a swamp vulture.

No family structure. Cannot be tamed and are possibly malicious. Not very hard to find. Power level 1.

Janusian Viper

Perhaps the friendliest demon that can be found in The South, the janusian viper is a lengthy serpent with fire-coloured scales. It's said that one of them cooperated with Janusii when he tried to steal from the gods, in secret hopes it would sneak up on a god and kill it, thus becoming a legend. They are fluent in the First Tongue.

No family structure. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Hard to find. Power level 5.

Scorcher Bering

Tangra's sacred animal and the top predator of The East and The Middle. Extremely heavy-built big cats that almost resemble grizzlies with their mannerisms and build. Not much is known about them.

Unknown family structure. Cannot be tamed and are possibly malicious. Hard to find. Power level 15.

Maneater's crocodile

Large reptiles that can be found in the eastern parts of Nova Cael, as well as in some larger lakes and swamps of the middle. Said to be the fathers of all true born samodivas, hence their name. Fluent in the First Tongue.

Simple family structure. Cannot be tamed and are malicious towards men and dangerous for women. Commonly found anywhere near swamps and lakes. Power level 15.


Bevan's sacred animal. Large creatures with a trademark red pelt, heavy hooves and ferocious eyes. The single horn on top of their head can often reach up to 1 - 1.50 metres. They move in herds and often seek out lone travellers to hunt - they’re also carrion eaters.

No family structure. Cannot be tamed and are malicious. Easy to find. Power level 10.

Also known as: "hellhorns" in The South.

Tusker’s Badger

Lazy, medium-sized creatures that can be found everywhere around The West, Middle and East. Usually brown in colour, which is in a stark contrast to their pearly tusks, for which they were hunted almost near extinction as folk believed they'd cure any illness. They spend most of their time underground. Males are only aggressive during mating season.

Simple family structure. Cannot be tamed and are passive. Easy to find. Power level 2.

Griffin's horse

Small feathered ungulates that suspiciously resemble underfed gryphons. Usually move around in flocks and are known for their distinct "weeyii" calls. Mostly herbivores, can attack and eat pups if they're starving.

No family structure. Can be tamed and are passive. Easy to find. Power level 1.

The Flora

This is not the only flora that is unique to Nova Cael - these are merely the ones that are more commonly known or have a purpose, be it decorative or otherwise. Many are able to tell between poisonous plants because it's considered basic knowledge, but only the Bilel family is able to combine plants in a way to make sedatives and aphrodisiacs. There are families and groups that are even more advanced, but they’re few and in-between.

Night Embers

Fiery flowers which only bloom after dawn. They're said to be the food of the Ember-bird and are sacred in The Middle. Quite rare to find.

Crying Oaks

Tall trees that produce huge amounts of sap. Can be used to bind together all types of accessories, from necklaces to satchels. Can be found everywhere but The North and The South.


Tiny little flowers with a strong and sweet scent. Usually used for festivals. They have a sweet, sugary taste and are relatively harmless. Can be found in The Middle and The South.

Bride's Blessing

White flowers that grow on swamp water. They act as some sort of a "carpet" and can be pulled off as a single layer and used as a bride's veil. Poisonous to eat. Can be found in The Middle and The East.

Monkey Tails

Extremely elastic vines that grow on old/dead trees. They come in different girths and lengths depending on where they grow. The best ones can be found in The West.