Eastern Religion

The Gods of Nova Cael are few and in-between. Different regions hail different gods - some of them are completely unique to the region, some are the same gods under a different disguise. The shared deities have one respective consciousness - meaning that The East’s goddess of the eternal darkness Bevan and The Middle’s god of death Chernobog are the same being, just in different forms. It is that way so different believers have easier ways of perceiving them based on their way of life.

The Ancestral Gods (The Eastern Beliefs)

Cadmus Cinnbar - the high demiurge of urdus


  • Nova Cael


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Cadmus is a dragon-behemoth, the only one of his kind. He is the creator of Urdus as we know it. Now chained under the lands of The South for his wrongdoings, the demiurge is long forgotten by many.

  • Cadmus is a malevolent god and he is not to be trusted under any circumstances.

  • His sacred animal is the spikeheaded dragon.
  • His sacred items are the Mask of The Sea and the Firebreather - more on that can be found in Artefacts.

Bevan - goddess of the eternal darkness


  • Death
  • Darkness


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Bevan is a large canine with fur that seems to have captured floating stardust in it. Soft curls that adorn her face, the same way the invisible clouds of the night adorn the moon. Her voice is sweeter than the one of a nightingale, careless and light - but beware of getting close to this deity. The night sky is more unreachable than it seems.

  • Bevan is a neutral god and she is not to be trusted unless the situation calls for it.
  • Her sacred animal is the unicorn
  • Her sacred item is the Crown of Stars - more on that can be found in Artefacts.
  • Her festival is called Starfall - held in winter. More on that can be found in Culture & Religions.

Tangrum - god of the neverdying light


  • Birth
  • Light


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Tangrum is a large creature of sleek fur and sly smiles. His body seems to shine under the sunlight, even having its own glow. Mist is always riddled around this deity's legs, as if trying to hide his menacing talons. His voice is too clear to be true and has a metallic ring to it - it sounds empty, hollow, much alike to the sun god's heart. Run far from the sun's burning embrace, mere mortals. His dazzling smiles are just as captivating as his scorching embrace.

  • Tangrum is a neutral god and he is not to be trusted unless in dire circumstances.
  • His sacred animal is the scorcher bering.
  • His sacred item is the Cloak of Clouds - more on that can be found in Artefacts.
  • His festival is called Sunrising - held in summer. More on that can be found in Culture & Religions.

shreya - protector of the balance


  • Life
  • Balance


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Shreya is a small wolf with fur that has a faint hint of iridescence to it. Stardusts seems to gather around her ankles. Her face is captivating, almost as beautiful as the morning hues of her pelt. Don't fear this deity, mortal - she means no harm. Do not be afraid to spill your heart to her altars and festivals - she's as kind as she can be.

  • Shreya is a benevolent goddess who heeds to all her followers' calls.
  • Her sacred animal is the southern evening hawk.
  • Her sacred item is the Necklace of The Last Light - more on that can be found in Artefacts.
  • Her festival is called Midlight - usually held in autumn and spring. More on that can be found in Culture & Religions.
Code by Aurorean