Middle Religion

The Gods of Nova Cael are few and in-between. Different regions hail different gods - some of them are completely unique to the region, some are the same gods under a different disguise. The shared deities have one respective consciousness - meaning that The East’s goddess of the eternal darkness Bevan and The Middle’s god of death Chernobog are the same being, just in different forms. It is that way so different believers have easier ways of perceiving them based on their way of life.

The New Gods (The Middle Beliefs)

The creatures of The Middle believe in five main gods - those that center around all fundamental things in life - the day and night cycles, life and death, fighting, healing and hunting. They're the most religious region in the continent. They practise prayers, rituals and host festivals dedicated to the gods, which can sometimes last days. They can also leave offerings near a god's resting place or near an altar. An insult to one's patron god is an insult to themselves, as they're ferocious protectors of their beliefs and history.
The New Gods, other than the ones already existing from the beginning (Belobog, Chernobog and Smert) were created by the strength of people’s beliefs - they were not god-made like Shreya from the Eastern Beliefs. Across Nova Cael, the hope and belief of the living has an unnatural strength.

Belobog - god of the sun and day


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Belobog is a pearly white canine with florescent fur that seems to glow under the sunlight. White, bloodshot eyes that can no longer see because of looking at the sun for ages upon ages. His voice is torn and parched, like a lonely traveller lost in the southern deserts. Beware of this being, for fire runs through his veins and his tongue is a blue flame..

  • Belobog is a malevolent god but can be trusted if he has taken you as a follower.
  • His preferred form is a white canine.
  • His sacred plant is the white poppy.
  • His sacred item is the Seal of the Sun - more on that can be found in Artefacts.

Chernobog - god of the moon and night


  • Unknown


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Chernobog is the oily black brother of Belobog, with pearly white, unseeing eyes. The few who had seen this monstrosity describe him having a disfigured face with overcrowded teeth poking out of his mouth, blood and saliva dribbling down to the ground. However, despite his fearsome appearance, the night god is much more soft-spoken than his daylight companion. A voice that is softer than an owl's wings, the voice of a mother speaking to their firstborn child.

  • Chernobog is a malevolent god but can be trusted if he has taken you as a follower.
  • His preferred form is one of horrors beyond mortals’ comprehension.
  • His sacred plant is the night ember.
  • His sacred item is the Mark of the Black God - more on that can be found in Artefacts.

Smert - god of life and death


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Many say that the creator and reaper themselves don't have a shape or form - they are just a spiritual being there to even out the scales of our existence. But if you listen closely and try not to focus on a birthing mother's wails or a sinner's last breath, you'll hear a soft and gentle hiss accompanying them. Perhaps you might even feel a tongue lick your ankles or two daggers dig into your heart?

  • Smert is a neutral god who cannot be trusted.
  • His preferred form is that of a black viper.
  • His sacred plant is the belladonna.
  • His sacred item is the Scale of God - more on that can be found in Artefacts.

Perun - god of war and combat


  • Unknown


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The god of war with his white fur stained red and brown, the stench of fresh carcasses and fear settled deep within his bones. The bravest of warriors say that once they've completely lost touch of reality and the only thing they've thought about was getting more blood on their fangs, the sound of heavy footsteps rose above all others and brought them back to reality. Perun is a terrifying foe to have, yet you can find comfort in the fact that he does not pick sides - all he cares for is the amount of blood spilt.

  • Perun is a malevolent god who cannot be trusted unless in dire circumstances.
  • His preferred form is that of an arctic bear.
  • His sacred plant is the blue spruce.
  • His sacred item is the Crown of War - more on that can be found in Artefacts.

Yutrobog - god of healing and health


  • Unknown


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You'd think that the god of health himself would be someone patient enough to watch how the wounds of the sick heal, but the little rascal is anything but patient and slow. He can be constantly seen running around in the meadows and valleys, trying to collect herbs and roots, always with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Look at the tall grass - you might see the two round ears poking out for a moment before disappearing again.

  • Yutrobog is a benevolent god who tries to heed to all the requests of his followers.
  • His preferred form is that of a wild hare.
  • His sacred plant is the dandelion.
  • His sacred item is the Wovendale - more on that can be found in Artefacts.