Residents of the East


The Poets of the East

The residents of The East are known for their easily adaptable nature, craftiness and sharp brains. They possess golden tongues and silver hearts - most poets and mythweavers come from The East!

Individuals native to The East are larger than their Middle counterparts, yet not as massive as the wolves of The West - Easterners are more elegant, sleek. Their skulls are slightly more narrow and slanted.

Easterners have sharper, pointier teeth made for shearing flesh. Their upper canines are slightly thinner and longer than the normal wolf tooth. In rare cases, second bottom canines might appear. They have the most normal carnivore diet out of all the natives to Nova Cael.

Begach Wolves

Begach wolves are a breed that originate from The East, eons back into the past - they were the first “prototype” of wolves the gods created when forming life on Nova Cael. Deemed faulty for their myriad of health issues, the gods created another type of wolf - the one that currently inhabits the rest of Nova Cael. More capable, more adaptable & healthier, the new blood quickly overtook the lands of Nova Cael and the Begach wolf was forced into the misty mountains of The East, where its bloodline slowly began to dwindle …

Other than their much higher stature than their Eastern counterparts, they are often recognized for their extremely pointy and inward curved ears, long and feather-like tails and extreme tuck-ups. Begaches often have a slightly bumpy muzzle/nose.

Despite their sheer size, Begaches have very high stamina and are able to run for long periods of time. While they're not the fastest canines out there, their long legs and in many cases invulnerability to exhaustion makes travelling long distances way easier. It is to be expected, as the name of the breed means “runner” - they can run up to 42 km/h.

Begaches may purr when they're relaxed or content. It is not quite like a cat's purr, but deeper and rumbling - believed to come from the chest and not the throat. It is not to be confused with growling, which has fast paced vibrations and is higher pitched.

Not much is known about them in general - Begach blood is only found in the families of Karacher and Karadaya, so studying them is close to impossible. Sometimes, when the gods get bored, new Begaches are made, but that breaks their own existing laws they’ve written for themselves, so it’s an extremely rare occasion that a new soul pops into existence…

Another notable trait is their rougher, somewhat water-proof fur - shorter and slicker all over their body, save for their necks, which usually have a “mane”-like style.

Although rare, some of the smaller residents of The West have webbed feet, especially those who come from families of the coast.

Notable Families


The oldest family of The East, originally a bloodline of Begach wolves - however, with time, the bloodline has watered down as they began to mingle with the other residents. Now, few of the Karacher descendants have Begach blood or traits left in them.

They originate from the rocky mountains and valleys that adorn region - most of the family members still possess the trademark grey colour that they grew into for better camoflauge in their home. They're known for their easily adaptable nature, craftiness and sharp brains. They're not a very tightly knit family and even siblings sometimes don't know each others' names. They hail the eastern gods - mostly Bevan.

Their current soulspeaker is Eksperala Karacher, dedicated to Bevan, although old age will soon take over the lass' life...


A family that resided in the far east, in the Unspeakable Woods. They were known for their kind nature and intense belief in the eastern gods. For some reason, the family was wiped out and they have no living family members. The last living Scattergod siblings were Tess, Adela & Amnezius Scattergod - Karacher, all which were taken by Bevan in a rather brutal manner.

They originate from the rocky mountains and valleys that adorn region - most of the family members still possess the trademark grey colour that they grew into for better camoflauge in their home. They're known for their easily adaptable nature, craftiness and sharp brains. They're not a very tightly knit family and even siblings sometimes don't know each others' names. They hail the eastern gods - mostly Bevan.


A family that resides in the valleys of the east. They're known for their soldierly attitude, creativity and talents. They're a tightly knit family and mostly live together. They hail Tangra and disregard the other gods.

This family is OPEN for creating characters - please DM klechkodav for design reference!


A travelling family from The East, known for being potion masters, and merchants of flourishing abilities who have a vague connection to khana. They hail shreya but respect the other gods as well.

This family is OPEN for creating characters - please DM klechkodav for design reference!


A family of fishers that resides in the beaches of The East. Known for their standoffish and lack of hospitality, this bloodline is rumoured to be cursed as one of its members tricked a certain sea witch...

This family is OPEN for creating characters - please DM klechkodav for design reference!