Geography & Locations

Geography & Locations

The lands of Nova Cael are colourful and greatly vary - from cold deserts, to aeons old evergreen forests, to long lines of golden beaches, to endless misty valleys.

The East

The East is covered in treacherous mountains through which deep valleys run, rivers slowly scarring the land further with each year. Shrub-like forests creep in the flatlands, mist covers the ground, the fog almost suffocating with moisture. At the end of the land, long and gorgeous beaches with pale, fine sand can be found, the horizon lost between the sea and the sky …

Notable Locations Include:

Unspeakable Woods

Homeland of the Scattergods

‘Welcome, intruder. What do you seek in those misty woods? Has the song of the crows brought you in or was it the laughter of the foxes? Do you seek for what has been long forgotten, long lost? Weary steps, young one. Many bones are resting in those woods and you don't want to upset the old souls.’

The Unspeakable Woods are a long stretch of trees with white bark and red leaves, with plenty of shrubs and open spaces in-between. The Unspeakable Woods were the home and grave to a tragic soulspeaker of recent times whose soul is said to still roam the woods.

Widow's Valley

River of Tears

‘Sit by me, wanderer. You might've heard the tales of how a young woman lost her husband in the still waters of the river. Shocking, isn't it? Nobody knows what dragged him down to the depths. Nothing is in the river except salmon and catfish. Unless.. no, I'm being silly. Go dip your legs in the river - I heard it's freezing as ice and runs straight from Firebird mountain!’

Widow’s Valley is found between two behemoth mountains, between which a raging river flows. Rumours have it that this exact valley is the home to the samodivi.

Shreya's Gardens

Goddess' Haven

‘Have you heard the tale, wanderer? Of when the goddess Shreya was born from the agreement of Bevan and Tangrum. There's not much else about it, is there? Some said that she was a falling star when she was created, that this is where she landed. And who would think otherwise with all those wondrous flowers and blue skies?’

Shreya’s Gardens are rumoured to be part of a hidden valley where all sorts of long forgotten and rare flowers bloom. It is said that only those who have pure hearts are allowed into the gardens.

Beach of Lost Souls

The Portal to the Sky

‘It's weird, isn't it, traveller? How the sky kisses the sea. How calm the waves look, how serene grass is as it waves in the gentle breeze. Locals like to believe that this is where the creation of our world started. It's just an urban legend, you shouldn't trust a single word you're being told here. But it's still nice to imagine - freedom is the only thing they have left. With that in mind, go run and play with the waves while youth still holds the chains of mortality away from you!’

The Beach of Lost Souls is a thin strip of sand that spans for miles, barely keeping away the ocean from flooding the nearby meadows that thrive from the sea water. Pale, almost white sand is constantly in a dance with the waves, forever shifting.

The West

The West is a barren land, with winds that hit you across the chest like a tsunami and air that tastes as bitter as sea salt. It is an unwelcoming land, with sharp cliffs that drop straight into the ocean - nothing good lives here. The people are cold and sucked from joy, the children are bitter and the elderly are hopeless. No happiness can be found in the cold waters.

Notable Locations Include:

Blackstar Beach

Grave of the Sirens

‘Welcome. Does the scent of rotting flesh bother you, dear wanderer? If so, then move away. The fishers that live nearby don't smell much better either. Many have lost their lives in the deceiving calm waters of the sea and many will continue to do so. I suggest you move away from the water, friend. The current is stronger than it appears.’

Blackstar Beach is a long stretch of land on the northernmost shore of The West - there, black sand kisses the ocean day and night. Old fisher’s tales say that here, the sirens came to die when Cadmus brought drought to the world.

Demiurge Cliffs

God's Trap

‘Traveller, I bet you're wondering - how come there's a God trap in such a nihilistic land? Many have been tricked by dark souls to the edge of those cliffs, many have been mesmerised by the waves below. The very same ones who hide sharp and jagged rocks and dangerous currents. I hope you won't follow their fate. Beware of the edge - there's times where there's no way up.’

Demiurge Cliffs are the edge of the land that drops down to the raging sea below - nothing much grows on the cliffs, so there is no shelter and the edges are usually slippery from all the rain …

Calypso's Island

Prison to the Daughter of the Sky

‘Welcome, adventurer. What brings you to the gentle embrace of the sea, to the soft touch of the sand? Have you come to seek for the daughter of the demiurge? Don't say his name here, brave one. She isn't too keen of that myth.’

The closest island to Innaccesus (Bridges’ Homeisland). Said to be inhabited by a single demigod who is bound to never leave the small tropical paradise.

Neverending Praires

Land of the Windspeakers

‘Look at the sky, breathe in the fresh air. You can't hear the thundering sea from here, don't worry. Feel free to walk around, look for a place to rest and spend the night. Make yourself feel welcome in the desert of The West.’

Prairies that span for miles on top of the plateau - nothing much grows here. Weak olive trees and oaks, flimsy grass barely growing on the rocky land.

The Middle

The Middle is a land of sacred evergreen forests that span for miles and miles, hiding the horizon. Slow rivers flow from the top of the mountains, quietly making their way through the forests & secluded meadows. Somewhere in the dry plains, a unique biome can be found - golden dunes peak against the cold winds from the mountains …

Notable Locations Include:

The Cursed Forest

Motherland of the terrifying creatures of The Middle

'Hello there, traveller. Have you heard the trees whisper your name yet? Have you seen the eyes of the beasts who've sold their soul to the devil, heard the wails of brokenhearted men? I hope you're brave enough to make it through.. if not, we'll meet on the other side.’

A dark pine forest where the light of the sun barely makes it through the thick canopy. The ground is cold, uninviting - teeth chatter from the low temperatures. Fallen needles stab the locals’ feet and the ivy trips visitors, seemingly on purpose …

Bear's Paw Lake

A Heaven in Hell

‘Welcome, wanderer. Take a deep breath and relax - they can't get you here. No one can. These holy grounds have been the birthing place of one of our gods and the blessed energy will protect the ground you step on for centuries to come. Just don't look too deep into the waters - there's some things that need to stay unseen by mortal eyes.’

A small lake in the middle of the forest in the shape of a bear paw. Even though there’s no river flowing into it, the water is clear and colourful pebbles can be seen at the bottom of the lake.

Chara Desert

Homeland of the Bilel family

‘Welcome, wanderer! Rest your weary paws into the sand, let the sun warm your tired back. Nothing can hurt you here, we promise. Maybe stay around and listen to the hawks' screeches and to the rustling of the sand. In the meanwhile, maybe come and visit the Bilels. They don't get many visitors nowadays.’

An one of a kind desert found in the outskirts of the mountains. Centuries ago, it used to be a lake - small fish & ammonite fossils can be found if one digs deep enough.

Emberbird Mountain

Home of the Sun Ruler

‘Wait, traveller! Don't go too far up, you know the fate of osobnyak. Even if the slopes weren't so steep and the snow wasn't so slippery, the emberbird still watches over the mountain. And she doesn't like anyone going near her lair.’

A steep and uninviting mountain, covered in sharp edges and slippery snow. Few attempt to climb it, for even if it is a challenge, going up is way easier than going down …

The South

The South is an arid, desert land that does its best to appear unwelcoming to passerby. Few things can grow, let alone thrive here - tall cacti and palm trees are only found around the scarce water bodies or near the quiet beaches that kiss the ocean.

Notable Locations Include:

Helix Desert

Home of thieves and Grave of Cadmus Cinnabar

‘Welcome, traveller. We didn't expect you to get this far. How does the burning sun feel on your back, the scorching sand clinging to your paws? I told you to turn back. Welcome to the burial ground of the one and only demiurge of Nova Cael. It is said that when he gets tired of us, he'll rise from the depths to lay down on this sandy bed and will create an earthquake so big that Nova Cael will be broken and engulfed by the sea. It's only a myth, so don't worry! .. for now.’

A huge desert that takes up most of the southern parts of the continent. Few things manage to survive here, let alone thrive…

Dragon's Beach

Where Fire met Ice for the first time

‘Welcome, traveller. I see you've ignored my warning and went through the desert. I'm glad that you've made it and that you're now here, however. Not many make it this far - they don't get to bask in the cooler sun and take in the sight of the azure waves. Enjoy it while it lasts, brave one.’

A wide and long beach of fiery orange sand that is in a constant battle with the blue ocean waves. The breeze here is warm, gentle - the seagulls ever so often giving out their cries.

God's Oasis

Merchant's Meet

‘Easy there, wanderer! Keep your eyes wide open and your valuables close to yourself. You never know who's interested in you more than they are in the precious water of the oasis. But fear not - the only thing around you is tons and tons of sand! They probably won't get too far if they decide to steal.’

An oasis in the middle of the desert, a paradise for all who live here. Palm trees provide shade to tired bones, coconuts provide bitter, yet highly-valued juice. And the water never runs out …

Traveller's Caves

Home of the Sun Ruler

‘Keep your head low, traveller! But not too low, in case you're not fond of drowning. Keep swimming forward, around the spikes that are waiting to tear your belly under the water. Deeper down you'll find treasures and riches you haven't dreamed of in your bravest fantasies. But for now, keep swimming!’

Dangerous caves that can be found under the cliffs that barely rise above the ocean. Filled with bioluminescent rocks & seaweed, they are a sight to behold for anyone who can survive the strong current.

The North

The North is an icy desert, a wasteland with nothing going for it - only fools come here, chasing myths and old legends.

Notable Locations Include:

Brooding Mists

Entrance to The North

‘You've come so far, traveller. What do you seek in those frozen lands? What makes your heart ache for what's beyond the mist? Follow my advice and turn back. No one has returned from the land of the unknown. At least not in one piece.’

A flat iceland, forever covered in mist. No one knows what lies beyond. The ice is cold beyond the limits of bearable, the air freezes any brave passerbys’ lungs.