The Residents of the West



The creatures of The West don’t believe in gods. Some believe that the universe itself is its own god - it is a breathing, thinking being that forms the fate of us all. It’s a seldom shared belief as most of the western creatures are atheists. If they choose to believe and hail to anything, it’s often their own ancestors.

The Beasts of the West

The residents of The West are the largest to be found on the continent. They are intelligent, regal creatures - hardy in terms of size and mentality, yet most of the wolves here have hidden diseases that are slowly killing them from the inside.

Some of the families of The West suffer from gigantism - namely Bridges & any of their descendants and relatives. Many families would try to avoid contact with this family in fear that their own would become tainted and sick, as great size comes with great illnesses - yet, the Bridges bloodline has spread far and wide, so a certain litter here and there might have a sudden case of gigantism …

The Westerns' teeth are slightly duller, yet wider and more robust. Made for crushing hard fruits and bones. These wolves are able to break apart crab shells and mussels - they make up for a good portion of their diet, along with other seafood.

Another notable trait is their rougher, somewhat water-proof fur - shorter and slicker all over their body, save for their necks, which usually have a “mane”-like style.

Although rare, some of the smaller residents of The West have webbed feet, especially those who come from families of the coast.

Notable Families


The old kings & queens of the region, Bridges' birthplace is the island of Innaccesus. After their fall from grace with the scandalous abdication of Iudex Carnifex, they reside in The West's mainland. Most lead a nomadic lifestyle and are known for their rather .. destructive tendencies.

Bridges notably suffer from gigantism - a trait passed down each generation.


A family that resides in the far west. Known for their "fisherman"-esque lifestyle, love for the sea and rather unusual ability to last a long time underwater. They hail no one and respect only the sea.

This family is OPEN for creating characters - please DM klechkodav for design reference!


A small family that lives in the praires - known for their fascination with nature and their calm and happy-go-lucky nature. They hail "Mother Nature" and have a natural knack for reading omens.

This family is OPEN for creating characters - please DM klechkodav for design reference!