Basic Information


NOVA CAEL is a lonely continent separated into five regions - the West, the East, the South, the Middle and the North. Vast, dangerous oceans called Therium Urduses surround the continent, littered with tiny islands here and there - most of the notable ones being Grapiur, Handalas and Urdu’slan. There are no other continents known to the residents of Nova Cael and they live most of their lives confined to the mainland.

The West is full of damp evergreen forests, dangerous caves and rocky beaches. From the highest cliffs of the coast you might see plenty of desolate islands in the distance. Don't look too carefully and watch your step - under the mesmerising waves are hidden sharp-edged rocks and spikes. Fellows here are crafty, kin to snakes - they will do anything to get their means. The West of Nova Cael is most notably home of the bloodline of Bridges - old kings of the region, one who ruled with an iron fist, now gone under the sweet veil of oblivion. Few remember the glorious days of the West, but those who remember feel enticed by its rich history and forgotten promises of treasure and riches …

The East is made of peaceful woods and never-ending valleys. Beaches of golden sand grace the edges of the land like lace, stretching miles and miles into the horizon. Don't go too far from the woods though - rumours say that the poppies aren't the only red thing spilt on the valleys. Despite their polite manners and honey speech, they are bred for war and chaos, made to be the hunter of hunters. A wolf cannot ignore its nature for long - even if it wants to be a sheep, hunger calls …

The South is a long stretch of coastal semi-arid deserts and easily breakable cliffs. A place of treasures, oases and scorching sun, not much can be found wandering in those lands to those unaware of the South’s ancient history. Few dare to call The South their home - merchants, thieves and nomads. They are hardy creatures, able to survive in the harshest of conditions. They may be rough on the outside, but residents of the South have hearts as pure as the gold they enjoy stealing. Most are hearty fellows who have learned that in hardships, people must come together and not drift away from each other.

The Middle is a land of tall mountains and unique deserts, evergreen forests and fast-flowing rivers. It is the equivalent of heaven on earth, if it wasn't for the wicked creatures that laid still in the dense forests. The Middle is home to ancient magic, or as the locals like to call it - khana. Strange creatures walk these parts, unusual even by the standards of Nova Cael. Unlike their unusual neighbors, the locals of The Middle are sweet beings, humbled down by the hardships of life. They call themselves by many names, but they are all the same - children of the cold deserts.

The North is made of inhabitable frozen land. Nobody knows what exists behind the everlasting storm that hides everything in that region.