Residents of the South


The Dragons of the South

The residents of The South are the smallest out of all the natives to Nova Cael - agile, stealthy and nimble, they were made for crossing over the highest dunes and the hottest sands. Despite their good health & genetics, individuals here have a shorter lifespan than all of their neighbours…

Some, but not all of the families of The South are bioluminescent - meaning that some parts of their body produce and emit light. This feature is most noticed in the comet or orb shaped markings on their pelts. In low or no light, those markings will glow with a white light; sometimes, they might have a purple, yellow or a reddish tint.

Most of the Southerners have shorter fur - long fur is very uncommon, if not unheard for.

All natives to The South have humorously large paws, made for weight redistribution and keeping them on top of the desert sands.


No one knows where these creatures came from - half wolves, half perirst, they themselves believe they were created by the one and only god and demiurge - Cadmus Cinnabar. Born out of his fiery breath that melted the land and created the caves they now live in, they were blessed to be his only descendants on earth.

Only one family of Ciperfrio exists in the south - carrying the surname of Pendragon. Their lineage spans back to the very first of their kind.

Ciperfrio are bioluminescent - it is believed that a particularly charming Ciperfrio ages back is what caused half of the residents of The South to carry this particular trait …

They have longer toes than normal wolves and are slightly more flexible. They're able to loosely grip rocks and other small objects but cannot properly hold them. Their claws are relatively short and dull, nowhere near as threatening as Begaches’ for example.

They have sleek, short fur but high body temperature. They might struggle in hotter environments, so caves are a safe haven from the scorching sun of The South. Due to their primary habitat being underground, they have poor eyesight in the day and outside world. They've developed a higher awareness of air and ground vibrations which is extremely helpful when moving around.

In very rare cases, Ciperfrio can grow horns - much alike to deer horns, they're formed by cancerous cells but aren't dangerous to the individual. They cannot shed them and during the span of a lifetime, they can only grow up to 15 centimetres maximum. The horns are straight in shape and can eventually grow up to three points.

Females are usually larger than males and it’s very rare for a male to be larger than 50 cm.

Notable Families


A family of ciperfrio that resides in the southern edges of The South, most notably - Traveller's Caves. Known for their standoffish, suspicious behaviour and unique looks. They hail Cadmus Cinnabar and have an obsession with awakening their ruler.


A long-forgotten family of wanderers, thieves & merchants. They're known for their skittish personalities and brightly coloured fur, coloured in all the pastel colours of the rainbow. They stick together as one large group or part into smaller, nomadic groups.

They're known to hail Janusii and his ways, naming him their patron.


A small family that resides in the northern corners of The South, close to The Middle's borders.

This family is OPEN for creating characters - please DM klechkodav for design reference!