Southern Culture


The folks of The South are a colourful bunch of thieves, raiders and more - most of them cannot agree on one thing, let alone long enough for a culture to form. However, there are small tidbits that people tend to follow - even the thieves with the blackest of hearts and bloodiest hands.

Naming Traditions

Everyone in The South has a heart name and a whisper name.
Heart names are given by one's parents, they're exchanged between siblings and mates.

Whisper names are decided by one's self and are given to acquaintances, group leaders, friends and so on. It is done so they can protect their true identity in a world built on blackmail and lies. Whisper names are usually built entirely on words. Whisper names can come before or after heart names as there is no set order. Both names, heart and whisper, are never given out together - they can be learned eventually, one after the other, but to give both out is seen as foolish, as you never know who to trust in the desert lands. Surnames barely mean anything to the South, and they might often forget that they even have one.
Example: Klanesii Deathcaller (Heart + Whisper), Raider Hanse (Whisper + Heart)


The creatures of The South are only superstitious when they remember to be and rarely care for silly things like these.


The South loves its songs - they are a way to pass information, inform others of raid plans, tell stories & legends. They are a way to bond between groups & near oases - no true Southerner can refuse a good song, even with a stranger.

A good example of a song from The South can be found below:

"on a land of whispering hills
the blue waves are merely an illusion
your compass will forever spin south
and your only friend will be doubt

late is the only time in the land of forever
in the land of no man's hopes
the sun will be your only guide, the doubt your judge
we will be the only friend you won't survive without

listen to our songs, listen to the hills
over the bones, under the eyes of the dead
near to the fire that burns within
near a family through thick and thin

now is your only time in the arms of life
tomorrow is the time of the lands of unknown
rest your head, ease your heart
follow the compass and take our hand

follow our songs, follow our trails
follow a fiery leader's tales"