


7 years, 3 months ago


reigning titleholder of the twunk of the year award. opalite was sent to earth for one single purpose: tempt humans to steal. as a habilito demon, his job is to travel through the lands, and wait until people betray his vulnerability. habilito demons became an all-time high commodity down in hell, as greed became a larger human trend. for a while, he took this job seriously. he would sit at street corners, shining opals embedded in his skin, and wait for someone to try and pluck one off of him. if they did, they would soon feel the price of their greed; opalite would instantly grapple them with supernatural strength, and rip their soul from their bodies.

this strategy, however, depressed opalite immensely. a beautiful creature such as he, gorgeous gems adorning his physique, sitting wrapped up pitifully in alleyways? not to mention, most of the time those that stole from him were beggars, people with already so little to give. opalite wanted to aim big.

and what a big target he had shot! he soon made it into show business, performing live in front of crowds with spotlights shining on his glittering skin. he loved it deeply, but sadly, not enough not to sabotage it. when his producer one day snuck into his hotel room, and plucked a gem off of his back, he made sure to leave not much of a trace other than the man’s empty clothes.

problem was, he needed a place to go now. it was in the 1940s that he found his way into the haven plane, and parked himself a nice spot in fogmere. he couldn’t return to a life of reckless killing anymore, though, so he had to land himself a comfortable, yet glamorous spot. find it he did — though he didn’t expect it to be in the red light district. damien, one of the city founders, took him under his wing, smelling the potential of such a beautiful creature in his ranks. he’s been working at his nightclub ever since, and today enjoys the spot of the top performer. he’s as happy as he’ll ever be, at the center of the room like a living disco ball. 

he’s become quite the close friend of miss wakana yasui lately, and the two live in the same luxury apartment complex. he can mostly be found hanging in his boyfriend, hommes’, appartment. after all, such a large suite gets awfully lonely when you live on your own, whereas a small shoddy appartment with hot men is right about where he fits in.