Vurna Jesberger



7 years, 3 months ago


a bit of an oddball, but that’s to be expected. vurna is a bestial vampire, which is a polite way to call a descendant from bestiality between a vampire and an animal. they’re relatively rare, and with good reason. already a little loopy at birth, he became far too much for his parents to handle when he hit his head mid-flight, resulting in permanent brain damage. it made him people-shy, erratic, and often incomprehensible. he was lucky, then, when his distant cousin-in-law, elvira, took him in.

really, vurna is a sweetheart through and through. his lineage made him a bit simple-minded and easy to please, quickly satisfied with just a meal or a warm spot for a nap. but even despite all his quirks, he has his talents, as well. vurna has an incredible capability of focusing when in the right mindset, and his lack of need for mortal necessities makes him an absolute king of overtime. as much as it worries elvira, and as often as she sends him home, she can’t help but admit the old dope is scarily efficient at his job. when not holed up at his office, he simply crawls along the walls of his room, in the guise of a giant bat.

a true jack of all trades. despite his ability to focus, when it comes to his free time, he is quick to grow very, deathly bored. his room is filled with all sorts of hobby paraphernalia, from long-dried boxes of clay, to beads, to random instruments. it’s a bit of a waste of money, but he can’t really help it, his noggin’ is just a bit out of wack!