


7 years, 3 months ago


inside the mysterious cityside tower resides one witch who strangely none in fogmere are familiar with, Saiph. the records show no substantial information on her, beyond her supposed Pakistani descent. no age, no family... nothing. how one woman can be so elusive, not even beings with direct access to her soul can find out what she’s about, is unknown. 

the explanation for this lies within the very top floor of her tower. a telescope protrudes from the tower when the skies are clear, where the woman will keep a careful watch over the stars, and everything inbetween. some might argue this is for scientific, or even hobbyist purposes, but there may be a little more to it than that. saiph has the power to transcend this universe, taking her directly to the embodiment of existence themself- univursus, where they keep in close contact. this transition can only happen a few times a year, when the right astral bodies align. 

saiph and her tower have been around for as long as the city can remember, but beyond the occasional grocery store trip and reluctant coven meeting attendances, she remains ever anonymous. perhaps as intended. a true human cryptid.