Delwyn Sommer



7 years, 3 months ago


the epitome of teens who drink coffee. delwyn has a huge ego, he has to accompany all that ambition somehow! being the great-great-great… great… grandchild of one of the city founders puts the expectations high, after all! not that the old man does anything important…

delwyn is the center of all gossip at their school, anyone with a secret worth keeping would know better than to let him get his hands on it. he’s always in the know-how, to almost scary amounts. ask him for his sources, and he’ll just wink. even so, he’s not particularly mean. though he acts and dresses far above his age (at least, that’s what he thinks he’s doing) and is an overall popular type, he’s really a nice person. just incredibly obnoxious and present. while he loves to act like the leader, he isn’t much of a villainous kid. you’d sooner catch him dead than ditch his over the top persona, though!!

as for what he wants to do with his life? with grades and talents like these, what can’t he do?! he could become a journalist, a nurse, a pharmacist… or, he could chase a childhood dream, and get into marine biology. but that would be silly, wouldn’t it?