


3 years, 5 months ago


Species: Literal elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris plus elephant)

Age: 23

Gender: transfemme

Pronouns: they / them & she / her

Physical Description 

  • Soft chunky seal
  • has tusks and floppy ears... just a little quirk of theirs
  • Wears a lot of oversized pastel hoodies
  • Their skin's leathery to the touch - they use a lot of moisturizer but it does literally nothing 


  • Shy, socially anxious, slow to warm up to new people
    • they're also anxious in general so uh great
  • Very talkative if you mention any of their interests, but still tires quickly when talking to people
    • Needs some time to recharge by themselves
  • Would like to have lots of friends, but they're put off by the unpredictability inherent to other people
    • They have a hard time reading social cues and guessing others' moods/wants/etc., so they tend stick to people they know really well (and fictional people whose thoughts they can literally read/write)


  • Virtual pet sites/games/etc.
    • Everything from tamagotchis to Neopets to Nintendogs to Flight Rising... they've poured hundreds of hours into each
  • Hanging out with their close friends for a chill evening in 
    • They like to hold bad movie nights and laugh at shitty horror movies/get way too invested in old DCOMs
    • Party games like Jackbox are also favorites of theirs... they like low-stakes, barely competitive silly games in general
  • Winter clothes
    • Even in the dead of winter they don't get cold easily, but they'll still absolutely wear knitted hats, sweaters, and scarves year-round


  • A lot of popular cartoon series... they really like watching cartoons, but more recent ones have real and heavy stories with actual stakes, and the characters and the art are great and all but man Hazel really isn't up for feeling real anxiety over an animated story
    • They like to consume media to settle down and forget their worries and woes, not to get reminded of them
  • Public speaking, being expected to talk to people they don't know in general
    • Phone calls suuuuuuuck but at least they can't look Hazel in the eye

Personal Info 

  • Best pals with Frankie
    • Honestly most of their other friends have been made through Frankie too
    • Frankie's low-key their friend vetting process... if Frankie doesn't get along with someone, Hazel's pretty sure they won't get along with them either
  • Makes this really loud guttural noise when they laugh too hard or get too angry... they hate it
    • "it sounds like demons farting"
  • A strong swimmer, but hates how they look in bathing suits
    • If it's just Frankie around it's fine but if it's public then yep that's a no-go mission aborted

Date of Creation / Adoption: November 20, 2020