


5 years, 3 months ago


Species: Fox (demon?)

Birthday: February 15

Gender: Male

Pronouns: he/him

Physical Description 

  • Scrawny fox, often dressed in vaguely official-looking clothes
    • Poses himself as an official, like some authority figure who knows what he's doing
  • Carries around a sword with an unusual guard design
  • Has a prehensile thorny tail, which he often keeps coiled up but sometimes uses as a lash
  • Jagged brown growths sprout from his body, especially from his tail and head - they vary in size and shape, and he trims them sometimes


  • Generally shady character, tries to pry information and services out of people while giving/revealing nothing about himself in return
  • Evades questions, concerns, requests, and most things people try to direct at him in general
  • Places himself at the top of his own priority list, is unconcerned with what others want
  • Compelled to take things, even if he doesn't need (or want) them
    • The thrill of nabbing someone else's stuff is the reward in itself


  • Keeping a layer of misinformation and confusion between himself/his motives and everyone else
  • Stealing things, because he can
  • Antique weaponry and woodworking - he appreciates the aesthetic of old furniture and construction
  • Getting something for nothing


  • Being pestered, bothered, etc., by someone persistent who just won't leave him alone
  • Getting caught in a lie/during a theft/while doing something else unsavory
  • Talking to people, unless he thinks he can get something out of it

Personal Info 

  • He's often not even subtle with his cons, but he always manages to slip away before he's punished
  • Was once Bones's first mate, isn't anymore because he broke the code of honor and now that bastard sturgeon wants him dead
  • He's convinced he's not a kleptomaniac but he absolutely is
  • Chronic backstabber, will betray people the instant he thinks he can get a better deal by doing so
  • May or may not have made some kind of deal with a sinister entity that may or may not have converted him into a sinister entity himself
Brief Backstory
  • As Bones's first mate, Foxtrot was in charge of divvying up loot from robberies.  He abused the captain's trust by consistently keeping a larger share than he was supposed to have
  • Bones noticed the repeated discrepancies between the amount of loot left for crew shares and the actual amounts his crew were receiving, but he didn't accuse his first mate immediately.  He met with Foxtrot and told him he'd noticed numbers weren't adding up and had been inspecting things more carefully, then watched to see how he'd react
  • Foxtrot claimed not to know where the missing money had gone, but Bones noticed that the discrepancies stopped happening after the meeting
  • ...and then slowly returned, but with smaller amounts missing, after about two weeks
  • Bones was sick of his shit at this point and finally condemned him publicly for taking more than his share of loot.  The rest of the crew was just as displeased as the captain was.  Bones made it clear that if he'd asked about having a bigger share he would probably have gotten it, but choosing to just take it proved he couldn't be trusted. 
  • Bones decided the crew should determine what to do with him, since they were the ones he'd fucked over.  Foxtrot was put in the brig while the crew argued about his fate.
  • The discussion went on for hours, and the crew were interrupted by an attack from one of Gutt's ships before they could make a decision.  In the chaos of the battle, Foxtrot managed to pick the lock and slip away
  • The whole crew was furious when his escape was discovered, and nearly formed a pitchforks-and-torches style mob when they realized he'd taken more loot with him as a final insult.  Their decision was a lot easier now - if they ever caught that backstabbing fox, they'd stab him right back.


  • Was originally meant to be the antagonist of a video game, apparently

Date of Creation / Adoption: Adopted from Missy Tenijia Jane Sylvester on Facebook, February 15 2015

Other Notes: Was previously named Meladrone.  I never liked the name, but I'm consistently bad at naming things so I literally never changed it until 12/19/20