


7 years, 1 month ago


a reminder of the horrifying events of the 1950s, much like emmy. however, jonathan left the event even more of a blank slate than she is. even now, decades later, he is weak-willed, timid, and rarely emotes. though he remembers nothing of the war in the slightest, he still clings to the military helmet he wore then, wearing it for a sense of safety he otherwise does not have. he struggles - no, refuses - to remember he had a life before this undead existence, fearing what the guilt may do to his already damaged psyche. jonathan is a gentle soul, who writes poems, knits sweaters, and fantasizes about disgustingly sappy romances, that he may never actually see to fruitition. 

scaredy as he may be, he is not without ambition. he was transported to fogmere along with the other mostly intact zombies, and was offered a place to rest and recover. while his nervous disposition may not make him a good candidate for the job, he took it upon himself to do the exact opposite he may have done in his past life: heal. the hospital at fogmere is also home to a handful of covens under the grand witch Lush, who have an expertise in healing, among other things. jonathan now spends his days mending flesh and bone, and though the heavy weight of responsibility is anything but good for his health, he refuses to do anything else. though he cannot undo what his past self may have done, he can at least work hard to make the world a better place than when he entered it.