Arthfael Bailey



7 years, 2 months ago


an ex-cop turned private detective. arthfael is a dedicated man, both to his job, and to his family. his little zumi is everything to him, and dotes over her even now that she’s well and fully an adult. though he embarrasses her all the time, they have a pretty good relationship!
behind this stonefaced, intimidating old detective is a dedicated and kind family man. a very responsible, yet annoyingly stubborn person. he always has to know better than everybody, else he gets peeved. he can be harsh when he feels like he needs to be, but mostly, is just a grumpy old bear. his husband would definitely argue otherwise, though!

currently, arthfael is on two cases. primarily, he’s on giuliano’s tail — his partner, natsuo, has been hot on this scumbag’s track for years now, and the police force won’t do anything about him. on the side, arthfael’s got a case on a strange being from an ancient past, who’s taken the persona of a young woman and has started on some violent gang activity. little does he know, the rascal’s dating his own daughter.