Franziska Schnur



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info






Kobold (drake)


Polyamorous lesbian

Significant Other

Aileen, Francis


Sponsored fitness vlogger, farm worker


the most fun and flirty lizard on this side of town! franziska is one of the most well-known fitness influencers in what may be the entire haven plane. just about every action she takes a day is part of a routine somehow, be it her meal or the way she sits at her desk to edit videos. franziska is the absolute definition of rise and grind — she does nothing but be productive all day! is that a sustainable way to live? probably not! do her calves and arms look good as hell? absolutely!

other than her overwhelming online presence, franziska is also a thorough community girl. originally a girl from the countryside, franziska is plenty used to getting her hands dirty. as it turns out, ad revenue and occasional donations don’t get you all that much money after all, and she’s adopted somewhat of a side gig. when not hitting the gym, her yoga mat, the park for a jog… you know the drill, franziska gives a hand at some of the various forestside farms. you wouldn’t think it, but this 4 foot tall little lady can carry a WHOLE lot of workload!

a dependable woman. she’s a real go-getter at her core, and can never quite sit still. franziska is an absolute blast to hang out with, being a naturally charismatic person and overall very laidback. she is the type of person to not let anything get to her, and perhaps dish out a bit of petty bitterness in return, should anybody tick her off bad enough. but even then, franziska is a kind and lively girl, who simply loves to love. beautiful girls, in particular. fran simply can’t get enough of them, and aims for a polycule big enough to take over at least half the town. give her some time… she’ll get there.