[ MODERN + ]


Assortment | characters that reside in nondescript or barely-built worlds that are aimed toward modern (or nearing sci-fi) levels of civilization.

Goëtia | a mortal realm that is unaware of the overlying battle between heaven and hell, and the few mortal beings that help keep it all under wraps the best they can.
          this world fluctuates between the older eras of existence through the modern eras.

x NMD want art cs nfit NCI w EO kemonomimi human venos bookling LBD old fogey harem anthro elf elxin demon rdsn dragonoid loog harem satyr fairy orc gatherlin harpy insectoid centaur deity sphinx tiefling alien dainty angel android galatome mer efuru sergal goblin chimera drow plasmid halfling cyborg naga driad novakling czylph vulcan spinxyn living jar nightfolk slams the button labeled SON over and over taur changeling OS mothrai marighoul vetehi gnoll drageel fyelt novatt sphaerra venociraptor aasimar wishwing BOOBA