Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 23 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

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PaperTsubaki Damn, her bio is so well thought out i can hardly think of a question

If roxie's childrens gets along with their mother so well, what about the childrens with their father and the boys? Do they usually have dinner as a family? (including roxie and her boys)

Does she wants to be an idol again? reunite with her past friends and make a new group? And what does she looks in her partner (What's her type?)

I prefer if you ask questions in This folder since iam developing them more. However, you are free to ask anyone if you're uncomfortable asking the character in the previous folder

Rose Caine

Swissy I love how unique Mr. Blue's design is and how the clouds around him reflect his mood! Does his kind have any specific name or as they like... considered a human in their respective worldsetting or something? What is his relationship to Mars and Venus? Oh, and how did he and his late wife meet (and how did she die, unless that's a spoiler or something you prefer not to discuss about!)? 

The reactions of other vampires are pretty mixed! Everyone definitely sees him as a child though and most kind of look down on him but there are those too who respect him for the fact he has managed to stay alive his long despite the fact it's often super dangerous for child-looking vampires like Rose to interact with the rest of the world and humans in particular! But what all vampires have in common regarding Rose.... is pity. They pity him deeply for the unfortunate state of his existence and often at least try to be kind to him even if they felt kind of iffy about him. 

Humans think he's just some orphan child, although they usually notice fast Rose seems very mature for his age and doesn't almost ever take things for granted? Like he's nice and obedient and avoids trouble boys his age are usually constantly getting into, and it has everything to do with the fact Rose knows how fleeting his time with each family is. He wants to make good memories and not get into fights and he is so happy and grateful whenever someone unconditionally accepts him as a part of their family. 

Sometimes other villagers or the families have found out! In some cases they have accepted Rose / pretended like they don't know he's a vampire or even defended him, but in most cases he's either been chased away or abandoned somewhere or someone has tried to straight up murder him. 

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Raffaello Bellini fuelli

I see that Duna loves cooking: how is her cooking like? Is it just a hobby to her or does she aspires to be a professional? What are her favourite recipes to cook? What do Duna's relatives think about her cooking? owo

Also, is there a reason why she has never learned academically? How does she feels about it?

Thanks for the questions! c: I didn't think about it much yet, but I think he was still a child when he lost him? Like, 10-12 years old? Old enough to know what death is but not really old enough to have much experience with it

Their relationship was pretty good and Raffi was devastated when he lost him. I mean, Raffi had always been a gentle boy so I don't think he had any problem with his father c: His father was a bit strict but that's it, and Raffi always thought it was for his own good anyway. (also a lot of my OCs have pretty difficult relationships with their parents so I need a change...)

His mother is still alive, yup! As said before, Raffi does not have any problem with his parents, so he is still in contact with her. Moreover, she met some financial difficulties since the loss of her husband, that's why Raffi started to work in order to provide money and good to the rest of his family (:

Galatea tori34

How old was Raffaello when he lost his father?  Did he have much of a relationship with him?  Was it good or bad?  Also, is his mother still alive?  What is his relationship with her like?

I'm very interested in Galatea! I worder if she has a favourite plant or  flower among all the flora, or what is her relationship with the  star-children like, does she act protective of them? Why does she  dislikes mortals? Is it because they destroy their environment?

Hmm, I've never actually given it thought as to what her favourite might be.  I can't think of a specific example, but I imagine she favours those plants that manage to grow in really poor conditions.  

Her relationships with her siblings are mixed.  She tends to keep to herself most of the time, except when she's required at meetings.  I can imagine she gets along better with the older children, but tends to avoid most of the younger children because of their immaturity.  She probably just wishes she could be left alone haha.

I've not explored her hatred of mortals fully yet, but I can imagine that is one of the reasons!

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Thanatos lophiusdragon

1. his name is mori which is spanish.  morire is italian for to die. what does he think of this? which version does he like more?

2. is he embarrassed by how he died? u said it was dumb.

3. where does he reside? the land of the living, the land of the dead, somewhere in between, or somewhere else?

4. what does he think of the number 4? u said his name was japanese, and in japan 4 is unlucky bc one of the words for it is shi which means death (so 4 is usually called yon). same for 7 which is shichi (commonly called nana instead)

5(related to 1 & 4). does he know any japanese or spanish?

6. ok nows a good time to write ur story about how he died

7 (related to 3). what does he think of the world he resides in? does he want to move to a different plane of life/death?

1. In what way is he a god of death? Is he responsible for peoples' deaths? Does he guard over some sort of afterlife realm?

he is a god of the concept of death

he does not escort the souls of the living to the afterlife and he does not care for deciding when it is time

he resides in a frozen wasteland in the underworld

2. Is he himself able to die, or is he immortal?

he is undead and basically immortal

3. Is there anyone he's close to? He seems like a very solitary and antisocial dragon. Is there anyone at all who he likes, or talks to?


4. What sorts of powers does he have?

sleep magic, ice magic, death magic, ability to create things out of nothing, ability to warp reality

Crowley RadiantRaindragon

I got a few questions - I hope they're at least somewhat interesting, I really like Thanatos.

1. In what way is he a god of death? Is he responsible for peoples' deaths? Does he guard over some sort of afterlife realm?

2. Is he himself able to die, or is he immortal?

3. Is there anyone he's close to? He seems like a very solitary and antisocial dragon. Is there anyone at all who he likes, or talks to?

4. What sorts of powers does he have?

This is gonna be long, so spoiler tag below...

1)  Does Crowley prefer his dragon or human form?  Is the shapeshifting a common thing in his setting, or is it specific to his species/something he learned at magic school?

He prefers his dragon form mostly, because it's a lot easier to win fights when he has claws and teeth... But recently he's started using his human form more so that he can have fun doing more 'human' activities like hanging out in bars/clubs, stealing cars, etc... Shapeshifting is normal for his species, but not all crowdragons are capable of it. They need to learn how, and for a few individuals, their inner magic power just isn't strong enough for it (as is the case with his brother Lucifer). His school was home to a wide variety of dragons and other creatures, some of which could shapeshift and some couldn't.

2) Is he the only one who can pass through his portals or can he bring other people/things through?

Other people can use his portals after he's opened one, but they automatically close after he himself goes through, so the other person has to either jump in very quickly or go through before him. Basically, anything that fits through the portal can get through. XD

3) Like....DO his parents hate him?  Has he seen/spoken to them at all since running away?  I mean assuming a dragon 6 is the equivalent of a human 6 it seems like they would just try to teach him not to do that anymore,,, but also he's a drama queen so I could see him taking their worried disappointment as PURE HATRED regardless but how do THEY feel

The last part is accurate. XD He was convinced that they disliked him even before he tried to kill Lucifer, so when he tried to do it and failed, he just decided that there was no going back from there. His running away was also partly a rebellion thing; he wanted to make his family upset and he kinda hoped they'd be worried enough to come looking for him (problem was, nobody knew where he'd gone). He hasn't seen any of them since. His parents don't truly hate him, but they don't know what to think of him. They know that he has violent tendencies and gets unreasonably jealous. I can't say they'd welcome him back with open arms if he showed himself, but they'd be willing to look past what happened and accept him again.

4) Does he regret cutting his family & Arc out of his life?  If not regret does he miss them?  It seems like he craves attention from others, but does he prefer the attention of certain people over others or does he not care that the people in his life are not necessarily permanent fixtures?

A tiny, tiny part of him regrets deserting his parents and Arc. He sometimes thinks back on the good times he had with them and wishes things could have gone differently. But he still believes that he did the right thing in cutting them out of his life, because he never likes to believe that he's wrong about anything. Though he enjoys company, he's generally pretty shallow and doesn't feel the need to be VERY close to anyone - as long as he has people to pay attention to him, that's all he thinks matters. Deep down, though, he does value certain people as real friends, but he himself might not always realise that. He's kind of unaware about his own feelings/emotions/desires beside the very shallow ones. It might not even occur to him that he ACTUALLY cares about some people.

5) What's his personal hygiene like?  Does he bathe a lot or does he prefer to be covered in grime & viscera & smell like old blood all the time.  What scent of soap/other hygiene products  does he prefer?

He's actually quite finicky about his personal hygiene and wants to look good. Usually, after a fight or kill, he'll stop to groom his feathers (think the way birds do) or if things are really bad, he'll go wash in a lake or something. This only happens when he's finished a hunt, though. In the thick of a fight or when he's busy killing someone, he couldn't care less about cleanliness and will happily walk around covered in fresh blood and gore until he's finished and can stop to clean himself. As a point of interest, he NEVER washes in his human form. He waits until he shapeshifts back before he does anything. Most assume that because he's naturally a dragon, he never really learned to look after himself in this alternative form, or else it just doesn't occur to him to do so.

Kenny Dohmalore

Fuck i want to protect Cherry so many.  get out of there you absolute fool.  OKAY A FEW QUESTIONS:

1)  Does Crowley prefer his dragon or human form?  Is the shapeshifting a common thing in his setting, or is it specific to his species/something he learned at magic school?

2) Is he the only one who can pass through his portals or can he bring other people/things through?

3) Like....DO his parents hate him?  Has he seen/spoken to them at all since running away?  I mean assuming a dragon 6 is the equivalent of a human 6 it seems like they would just try to teach him not to do that anymore,,, but also he's a drama queen so I could see him taking their worried disappointment as PURE HATRED regardless but how do THEY feel

4) Does he regret cutting his family & Arc out of his life?  If not regret does he miss them?  It seems like he craves attention from others, but does he prefer the attention of certain people over others or does he not care that the people in his life are not necessarily permanent fixtures?

5) What's his personal hygiene like?  Does he bathe a lot or does he prefer to be covered in grime & viscera & smell like old blood all the time.  What scent of soap/other hygiene products  does he prefer?


Was there some sort of...cataclysm that triggered her ghost issue? Or did it just start happening out of the blue? Was she born soulless or did something happen that caused her to become so? 

She wasn't born soulless, it just sort of...happened.  Nobody's sure why, they're tryin to figure it out.  The best answer they have is just 'idk weird shit happens in Belvite'  (aka i haven't figured it out yet & need to cuz it's a big plot point)

Theoretically she should not be able to live or be functionally the same person with a completely detached soul?  She has the metaphysical presence of a corpse, according to people with that type of extrasensory, not even a single thread still tethered to her 'anchor', aside from when a ghost latches on.

Has the fact she doesnt have a soul have anything to do with her short temper? 

Her soullessness does not affect her personality!

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Amy -jacket

(the post below me was a double post, sorry!)

I'm a little curious about Aillil!

1) Is there any particular reason for his mistrust of humans? Was there an incident that led to it or is it just natural fear?

2) What's the origin of his name? Does it have any significance in the story?

(only rule for Amy is just don't directly ask "what happened to her?" as that takes the fun out of solving the mystery. :) )

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