Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 17 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

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 Colin Caine

@Strawberry-Otter Since Mani represents intellect and logic and there is another character mentioned by the name of Passion, is she a part of some ongoing story/storyline you have going on? What is it like? Also, since she's representing the kind of logical and intellectual side, how does she deal with her own emotions? Is she in touch with them or are they more like a bother to her she might not really know how to deal with?  

He was under her dictatorship for roughly 40 years if not a bit longer! And it's a really long time for a human because we aren't made to be immortal or super long living, and he literally spent longer with her than he ever spent with his family. When he finally killed her there were people who asked about her and what happened to her, but Colin either said she passed away or left the place and left Colin behind to do as he pleased - he didn't really want to start getting into details, because killing her was a really big blow on his psyche even though he always wanted her dead. That being said, there were people who visited the hut and were really upset to realize Katherine was there no more because they were dependent on their medicine and services. Colin picked those up because he didn't know what else to do and he's a good boy deep down and doesn't like seeing people suffering. 

It entirely depends on how he would become a human! Like if there is some sort of catch to it that is disadvantageous to him he probably wouldn't, but he does still wish to become a human! He has accepted the fact he most likely won't though and so isn't like actively looking for a solution anymore and just.. rolling with the punches. He has learned to be glad about things like being able to do soul related magic easier thanks to the state of his body and how his curse binds his soul already so he won't accidentally remove his own soul in the process. 

He's aware he can be unsettling to some and come off as eerie & he knows he's a bit of a hermit and doesn't always know how to deal with others. He tries to be mindful of others and does put conscious effort into it but isn't always that good at it & with his body he tries to cover himself but especially at his hut he just doesn't bother doing that anymore 

 Salem ophanimkei

Also, how long was Colin a slave to the witch? When he killed her, did anyone react badly or did no one mind? And, if Colin could become human again, would he choose to do so or remain in his doll body? Also, is Colin aware of how he comes off to others, and if so, does he care? 

What exactly was it that made Salem and his brother's relationship slowly fall apart in the first place? 

Lennan and Salem's relationship became very shaky while they were teenagers. A traumatic event took place which caused Lennan to fall into bad habits, and he never confided in Salem. Salem was hurt by this of course as they had supported each other with everything before this.

When Lennan ran away, Salem was enveloped in fear. He was always wondering about his brother's safety. The thing is Lennan was fine, and Lennan just so happened to turn up out of no where when Salem was an adult. Salem has some resentment regarding this though he doesn't really talk about it. It definitely causes bad vibes though... Neither of them have a addressed the issue as well, so it's definitely just growing...

Salem also tried his best to help Lennan at one point, but sadly, Lennan took advantage of this. He had no intention of hurting Salem, but it kind of just happened...

are they still as close as they were before now that lennan has returned and moved next door to him or is it still the same?

It's kind of the same. They're forced to interact as they both have the same group of friends, and they are in close proximity.. But it's obvious to others around them that there is a bit of friction.


what exactly was it that made salem and his brother's relationship slowly fall apart in the first place? are they still as close as they were before now that lennan has returned and moved next door to him or is it still the same?

How do Rahart and Kelion feel about each other, do they ever try to communicate with each other on a level more than "well here's what I did today"?  Where are they currently living, still in that cave?

rahart honestly prefers to deny kelion's existence as much as he can because knowing that he's not a 'real person' really grates on him and makes him severely depressed and unpredictable w/ his actions as he can become very self-destructive
kelion knows about rahart and only sees him as an inconvenience due to him regularly coming to 'front' while rahart's been out doing things and then not knowing where he is as a result - but he does't mind him in the slightest but just gets concerned about what things he gets up to 

the two can't communicate at all outside of the journal as they experience severe memory loss and dissociation whenever they're not the one fronting so there's no way for them to ever see what the other gets up to nor talk to them - there is occasionally an instance of an occasional thought process that doesn't belong to the fronter, but it's usually brief and gone as soon as it comes which is probably the extent of their experiences w/ one another

as for where they're living: they live in a small, broken, overgrown greenhouse just out the back of where daovia lives. daovia offered kelion a room in her large house but he instead decided on the greenhouse due to his interest w/ plant life and thought it would be a good way to get close to plants and study them
rahart doesn't mind it, but does prefer staying elsewhere and will often bunk out at daovia's or alscia's, or wander around during the sleeping hours around other towns and cities with no real goals or housing in mind

Also this is a more meta question, but what exactly is his setting? I know he's a troll, but I get the sense his setting doesn't conform to hardline HS canon, so like, what's going on there? Are trolls in your universe still spacefaring conquerers? Are Rahart and Kelion destined to get conscripted into galactic war for the Empire? Is he set before or after the Summoner's Rebellion, or is everything more fast and loose?

i believe that trolls that go out to conquer other planets still exist, but none of mine know much about that nor care for it - i guess most of my trolls would be considered 'NPCs' in the sense that none are of any great importance until later in their lives
and it's interesting, i'd say that they're all set long long after the summoner as the planet they live on is relatively peaceful. while violence still is a regular thing, meaningless murder is heavily looked down on and is considered an offence but is punishable by death - i suppose like a peaceful yet still dystopian society that is still heavily human-like (because i know nothing about canon HS despite having read it, it's far too confusing for me to understand)

kelion and rahart's future/destiny is probably worse than getting conscripted
nemura - one of the trolls that helped save his life - kidnaps kelion as well as daovia (for her strong mental powers) and zahhri (for his werewolf abilities) as his slaves as he begins his plan to overthrow the empress and take over the empire
unfortunately, kelion isn't exactly the one he wants and he's not as easily manipulated and uses his spellpower and mental strength to force rahart forward and lock kelion away in a sense, so that he can control rahart and make him do his bidding
basically nemura forces rahart to do all his dirty work and as a result, rahart is the one that is being hunted rather than nemura who uses rahart as a stepping stone to power
one day, after much bloodshed, nemura's hold on rahart temporarily weakens and kelion is able to front, and he commits suicide to stop the hurt after daovia and zahhri's eventual deaths - so that's the end for him, unfortunately
carking it at the ripe old age of like... 21-23 (human years) or something (or at least in comic canon he dies around that age - i age my characters around their birthday every year so atm him being 19 and still perfectly fine is inaccurate i suppose but yeah - in story canon he goes at that age anyway)

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 Hel celestiials

(Sorry this took some time to write out I’m eating dinner rn)

I’m really interested in  Miquir! What inspired you to make him incapable of feeling negative emotions, and where did you get the concept of a being that kind of breaks the universe in a way? Not sure if this is related but was Arsene originally planned to be Miquir or did that come about later? (Not sure how to phrase the second question sorry! Also sorry if these are disappointing ;; )

If you don't wanna ask about Hel then feel free to ask about anybody here!

(Putting this under a spoiler tag once I get on my laptop oof) Done

Funny thing about her: I think I first had an idea about her in like March-May 2018, but I never got around to creating her around that time because I think I was concerned with character count + the idea back then was more like the Hel in SMITE so past me wasn’t sure how to write a character with multiple personalities, since for some reason her idea of Hel had that; also my idea of her design at the time was “half-living half-dead” and I have no idea how to draw stuff like that rip.

But anyways the idea that actually lead to to create her was pretty recent; if I recall correctly I got the idea a few days ago, can’t remember the exact date lmao. Strangely enough I kind of get the idea while I was watching Thor with my younger brother; I mean as much as I like superheroes as the next guy, the inaccuracies kind of got me slightly ticking. Not like fuming just more like slight annoyance lmao. My initial idea was this seemingly cold woman who was actually quite mischievious haha, but when I startes to actually look into Hel (the mythological figure) more I started ti change her personality into more of a “cold at first, sweet later on” for some reason?

As for me specifically using Norse mythology, I remember when I used to kind of like it but it wasn’t a main priority or anything; I guess you can say I used Hel as a tool to look into it more haha! But I’m kind of curious about how the characters in Norse mythology were like, since characterization tends to kind of be all over the place and some characters don’t really have much of an obvious personality whoops.

I’m planning on trying to use much of the mythology as possible; i.e. I’m trying to be accurate to it while also trying to keep my existing universe mostly the same lmao. I’m planning on working on some other deities + Ragnarök if I can manage it :’)

(It’s ok, I love answering questions like this, thank you!)


celestiials So I'm a bit curious of what made you decide to create Hel as a character or why you specifically decided to rely on Norse mythology in the creation of her? Was it just something that just happened? Was there something about Norse mythology you were curious to explore? Not only that but how much of Norse mythology are you using (or planning to use) for her story? Are there things you're planning on working on or putting your own spin on? Sorry about all the questions. I'm just a bit of a nerd in terms of mythology XD

Anyone here is fine~

(Typing this again since Toyhouse decided to be mean XD) I'm glad you love him! Haha! Pulao favorite food is Karaage~ It's basically bite-sized pieces of chicken, fish, octopus, or other meat, floured and deep fried. His favorite is one that involves chicken~ He does have a hoard. It's a very small one though because his 'parents' aren't quite a fan of having him hoard so many things espesically when they often have guests over. It's simply a bit rude!

A fun thing about Pulao is that fact that he can't actually grow up. This is due to the fact that Personas aren't able to grow up due to what they are and the fact he is based off Pu Lao (a dragon known for its small size but that booming voice). However, if he could grow up, I imagine he will look something like this!


(Don't mind how ugly it looks. I did this like in 10-20 minutes and man it's hard XD) I would imagine that he wouldn't really gain new parts but parts of his body would become longer and in the case of his horns start to change. Of course, I do imagine his face shape would change to be a bit more snake-like.



I love Pulao and would love to know even more about him! What's his favorite food if he likes it so much? Despite being an eastern dragon, does he have a hoard due to his love of shiny things?  Is he going to have lots more whiskers, bigger horns, or any other changes as he gets older? How big will he get?


Almondlover (Sorry I didn't see your reply!)

So, originally, Yenunu's sister, Fikiki was the main character of the story she's in, but I was having trouble getting the story started, so I started RPing with one of my best friends to get the story started, and instead, Yenunu evolved to be one of the main characters in that story. Because she was going to be a background character originally, she was just kind of shared some design elements with her sister, IE, big hat ears, pastel skin tone, a tail which slopes downward, etc.

Her species however is from an obscure anime called Sgt Frog (Keroro Gunsou in japanese) which was super happy about its fans making their own characters for the universe and even made their own magazine to show off fanart. Some of the fan characters were even made canon and put into the anime.

So in this anime, it's also chemestry for a team to have stuff like a fighter, a tactician, an engineer, a weapons specialist, etc. Yenunu fell into the 'fighter' category, and I made her backstory and tropes as such, with her mother being her mentor and inspiration, and making her father proud being the goal. (He was proud of her anyway though, he really was)



Okay, so I chose to ask about Yenunu! (As a side note i love her btw) 

What inspired her design? What about her backstory? Is she based off of any particular trope?

(Im on mobile so feel free to ask about anyone excluding unsorted characters and retired characters)


I have to ask about Wormy! I love her design; what inspired you to make her? What does she like to do? Did you just recently make her, or did you design her at an earlier time?

ooo! Wormy is actually my newest character, I made her at Camp two days ago. I was inspired by this little inchworm that had made its way up onto the picnic table, and I started to draw it, originally as a joke, with "anime hair". After a while I started to get attached, and I even made her an anthro form! It took a few attempts, but her current design won out in the end. After drawing her a lot, I connected with her even more than my (at the time) main sona, Ribs! So I made her my main, and did the referance yesterday as soon as I'd gotten back!

Sinces she's based off of me, she has a lot of my favorite passtimes, like drawing, camping, playing Pokemon. She also likes working out, which is something I'm trying to get into. 

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Xanthi Dohmalore


2: Does he leave inky prints when he walks/touches anything?  Is all of his furniture covered in plastic sheeting? (Where does he live)

3: Was he ever alive?  Does he remember his life?


There is already some interaction between Areoreos and other countries, but it's mostly economical!!  In the past the leadership has mainly kept to themselves/been more concerned with intranational projects/concerns rather than worldly affairs, but Xanthi wants to change that, so she's been mainly trying to court the leadership of potential friendly nations(just, having them over, showing them around, doing businessy discussion, etc), along with inviting more tourism(trying to get more Surface-To-Areoreos transportation, advertising various attractions, trying to appeal to more than just the magic/scholarly nerds that flock to the island for the college).

I don't think they have actual committed allies, they historically have kept pretty neutral, and Xanthi is kinda hesitant to actually change that, she'd just like to have a better reputation so they're not so easy to target with fearmongering & zealotry & whatever the fuck else Angstrom was doing when they decided to pick a fight.

Xanthi & Melahn have a relationship built on obligation, mostly.  They were arranged to be married long before they actually met, they had children because they needed heirs, etc.  That said they actually love each other a lot, they spend time together even outside of work requirements(probably more with each other than with any of their kids, honestly).  Melahn is REAL GAY tho, so this love is platonic af.  She wishes he had less of a selfish streak, but at the same time she enjoys not having to check in with him when making decisions while he's off working on his legally-dubious personal projects.  He comes in handy when she is entertaining diplomats tho, as hellishly charming as he can be(she's a good & nice lady but also way on the introverted/reserved end of the spectrum).

Back to the kids, OF COURSE SHE GETS A SAY...She loves her kids but I don't think she really regrets not getting to spend more time with them?  Though for context, Areoreos is a very 'it takes a village to raise a child' kind of place so it's very much the norm for kids to be passed off to whoever has the time/desire to watch them at any given time.  Or just be allowed to roam the streets, any random adult will chastise them for getting into trouble/help them if they get lost or need something to eat or whatever.

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How does she use the future's technology? And how does she like to spend her free time? Is college hard for her?

Anyone in Here is fine! 

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