Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 months, 10 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

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What's one of the hardest parts about writing for Azreal (besides having to remember pints about his backstory)? What originally got him so into crime stories? Was his inclination towards pleasures like food always there or did it develop because of experiences (like developing the idea that eating makes you feel better when you're sad or going through a rough time)?

Anyone is fine, but please stay out of the first folder (the UFT folder)!

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Shogun Meowdle

Since Gísli likes dogs, is there a reason that he hasn't got one before (aside from not knowing how to care for them)? Is it just out of his price range, or perhaps is he afraid that if he fills out the paperwork for adopting a dog he might get found out? Or some other reason?

Also, has he had any close encounters with nearly being found out? If so, how did he keep his secret?


aaaa thank you so much!! I'm so glad to hear you like his backstory!

For his backstory, I knew that I wanted it to contain fire, since he had fire abilities and I wanted a way to explain that. I also wanted to make sure that it was believable and, at least to some degree, relatable. Everyone gets overwhelmed at times, so I'm sure most readers would understand the stress from all of his responsibilities. Granted, most people wouldn't go as far to try to fake their own death to escape it, but, still, it's not inconceivable. As you read, instead of escaping from the fire, he ended up actually dying. I felt like having him survive his escape wouldn't cause as much of an impact. Plus, it's symbolic of the ultimate consequence for giving in to stress and letting it consume you, just as the fire 'consumed' him. Years later, he 'wakes up' from his death with a newfound appearance, showing how stress changes you to the point where you can become unrecognizable. This is the point where he realizes the errors of his ways and tries to cover them by hiding in the forest, but all this does is worsen how he feels. Eventually, he must face his problems head on and take back his responsibility.

For your second question, it really depends on who it is that is trying to talk to him. For most others, he would tolerate it. He would respond, usually hoping to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He wouldn't just rudely ignore them, although he would probably feel a bit uncomfortable and perhaps paranoid that they would recognize him. Sometimes, he may find a few travelers that he more quickly feels comfortable with and he may even befriend them, but he wouldn't give out much personal information. He may not even tell them his real name. If it was someone he knew from before he died, though, he would probably try his best to pretend that he didn't hear them. If they didn't take the hint and leave him alone, he may even just run off. He might want to talk to them, but he would be too afraid to let them know that he is still alive, in fear of how they would react and how his family would react if word was spread to them.

Yes, I do have plans for him! I'm working on a story idea featuring him as one of the main characters. The other main character is my character Ryker, who is a prince from another kingdom, but the king is his step-father and has two biological sons, so it unlikely that Ryker will become ruler himself. The king who is Ryker's father, King Minkley, is actually one of the main antagonists of the story and is verbally abusive towards Ryker, since Minkley has a deep-rooted dislike towards though he he perceives as 'weak,' due to events in his life which led him to believe so. Some of King Minkley's backstory is actually a parallel to Shogun's backstory - he ran away from his responsibilities as next-in-line-for-the-throne (although he didn't fake his death like Shogun), but, unlike Shogun, he was caught. After that event, Minkley's parents would constantly call him 'weak' for what he did in his youth. Bitter from this torment, King Minkley now wants to prove his parents wrong, even though they have passed, and rid his kingdom of what he considers to be 'weaknesses.' In his bitter rage, he had been plotting for the last few years to attack the Kingdom of Arwyn (Shogun's home kingdom), to show his strength and also as revenge for the death of his first wife, who actually had died on the same day as Shogun. The flames from Shogun's attempt to escape had burned through the door and across the hall to her room, where she had been staying in wait for a diplomatic meeting the next day. Eventually, Shogun will learn of King Minkley's plan. Despite running away, Shogun still is ultimately loyal to his family and his kingdom, so he must find a way to stop this plan using his new powers before Minkley's plot can bring about violence and destruction. There's also more to the story, but I don't want to reveal that just yet until the whole story is outlined and wrote out in detail. These ideas are not set in stone and they are subject to change.

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Stella Snowpuff

First of all Aabel is so perfect oof

now, What was your inspiration to make such a good story for him? owo

1- The orphanage was a great institution, it was a place in good condition but with some basic items missing, such as basic sanitation.
2-It had other skeletons, the orphanage welcomed any type of child.
3-Skittles, the man who adopted her, wanted company with him because he had no children or a wife. Then he adopted Stella.
4-I'm drawing him, but he's basically a dark man with short black hair, and brown eyes. :v

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Rikk RadiantRaindragon

When I first started on his bio, he really didn't strike me as being a potential killer. What moment did he decide that murdering that first kid's parents was the best way to help him? What was going through his mind as he did it? Does he ever regret killing, does he enjoy it, or does he just not think much of it at all?

His liquid manipulation ability - what are some of the things he uses it for, other than things related to killing people?

Is his hair naturally green? (I don't know if that's a normal thing in your characters' world, I haven't checked yet. XD)

Does Rikk find it hard to keep his collections/valuables safe while he's travelling with his tribe? Has he ever had to downsize his collection out of necessity/does he ever worry he might have to get rid of some of his things because he can't feasibly transport them all anymore?

Yes, sometimes! He often has too much to take with him when they travel, but luckily, Rikk is not deeply emotionally attached to most of his treasures. Whenever the tribe leaves for a new place, he only takes with him his favourite things, leaving the rest behind. He later collects more treasures to build up his lost hoard. If he has too many valuables that he cares about and can't carry them all, he'll also make use of squirrel-like behaviour and buries it underground somewhere until he can come back for it. He's very good at remembering where he's buried everything.

Does his tribe have any strong feelings about the amount of baubles he keeps or are they well-off enough cart-wise that it isn't an issue?  (Have any of his things ever gotten smashed in the fighting? How did/would he react?)

Most of the tribe don't care much what Rikk decides to hoard (though a few find it weird that he keeps so much). A lot of the other tribesmen hoard valuables, too. As long as Rikk finds his own treasure and doesn't steal from other members of the group, it doesn't concern them.

Rikk often does lose bits of his hoard, either because they got broken or because some other drake stole them... Rikk isn't physically violent or good at fighting, so he can't do much to defend his hoard in this case, but usually all it takes is a threatening glare and an ominous prediction about their future for the thief to back off. But again, he's not so attached to his treasure that he'll really go out of his way to protect it all.



Laharr Dohmalore

Does Rikk find it hard to keep his collections/valuables safe while he's travelling with his tribe?  Has he ever had to downsize his collection out of necessity/does he ever worry he might have to get rid of some of his things because he can't feasibly transport them all anymore?  Does his tribe have any strong feelings about the amount of baubles he keeps or are they well-off enough cart-wise that it isn't an issue?  (Have any of his things ever gotten smashed in the fighting? How did/would he react?)


was laharr raised in a certain way that makes him hate the idea of disappointment so much, or was that just a matter of the success he gained as the founder of CoL? 

It's not so much disappointment he fears as it is anyone pitying or looking down their noses at him?  Laharr was p much just a street urchin growing up, just living the cliche of a pitiful existence.  And then the world of magic & academia he broke into was just, full of elitist snobs & he was constantly having to prove himself.  It takes a very stubborn person to get through all that, and once he like, actually made a name for himself, and then lost everything he worked so hard for, he decided young death was a better ending to his story than just fading into obscurity as the poster-child for fucking your shit completely up through pure hubris.

what does he do with the things he steals?

Mostly he just tosses them into a pile at the back of one of Lilypad's faerealms for a few decades before they decide to sell it at the emporium or trade it off to whatever seedy character is passing through.

did he undergo any huge changes while you were developing him as a character?

OH, for sure.  I mean design-wise...I've changed a few things but the bones are still the same.  Personality-wise he used to be much more of a lawful-good type of person than the chaotic-evil he currently is?

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Deniz Burakgazi zeotaku

Let's go with the Quincy fella.

First of all, does he like ice cream?

Does he like memes?

Has he ever been to a near death state due to his monster-half?

Has he ever used his powers on purpose? If so, when?

Why does he choose not to use his powers on purpose?

Thank you! I'll get to her eventually...

She is a mershark, but she does spend most of her time on land. She appreciates the sea, but most mersharks are seen as thugs or lowlives in the mercreature community due to their aggressive nature. She is aggressive but also really shy at the same time, and she doesn't really want to have to do with other mersharks. In my universe, mercreatures typically dress like normal people and they only dress how a traditional mermaid/merman would dress only on traditional events, festivals, and celebrations. They have special water-resistant clothes. Mostly their magic.

I made her because I wanted a quiet mershark girl. Her key details are probably her beanie, scale and eyes.

 Miles Wakefield Caine

I hope you don't mind me asking about Deniz! There isn't anything on their bio yet but I really like their design a lot and find it very intriguing! Since they seem to be a mer-creature but wear clothes, does that mean they spend more time on land? Do they wear clothes underwater also? What kind of design process did you go through with this character and what would you consider the key details to them, visually? 

It's actually right there in the bio!

"A close family friend took pity on the now fallen family and offered the children to get teaching to become servants in their own mansion. However, only Miles agreed to this arrangement and his older siblings pursued after dreams and careers their noble status had before forbade them from pursuing. "


How did Miles become a servant? im quite curious actually.

this question is so stupid sksksksksksk 

1. The most things that offend her is calling her "Kyle 2.0" she hates it because she thinks she is nothing like him. Or people just straight up call her "Kyle"

2. The gun well.. she stole it from her dad actually. She found it in a closest. She doesnt kill anyone with it she mostly threateneds people with it who insult her.