Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 22 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads

Jung spacecadet

Ahh I'd like to know- is Amy a character you RP as firstly? How do you RP her character since she is essentially... well, really, missing. Is she alive in your mind? Dead? Will she ever be found, and if yes, is that connected to some kinda story?


Jung was made with my bestie because we wanted to design girl gang OCs. Originally she wasn't supposed to be that horrible, but we just talked and talked and kept headcanoning together and she just turned out that way I guess xwx

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Adrian Kuzuryu HowlingCat

I am interested in your process of creating this character. What first inspired you to create Kanji? Did you do a bit of research into the species to get some ideas? Was it just a spur of a moment kind of thing? Did you decide his species for any specific reason. I really just want to know so much about him :D

That is the plan! In fact, the story itself it to take the previous cast and place them in a setting where they themselves are adults and have to balance adult life with being the Phantom Thieves. However, Adrian will not be meeting a good chunk of the previous Confidants as they will be replaced with new ones that should hopefully retained the appeal of the previous ones. Ah yes. The levels are interesting as I have planned to try to avoid any similar to the games. It’s a bit tricky to explain but for them main boss, I tried to make the locations based on something we tend to value and how they connect to the jobs of the individuals. For example, ‘Charity’ Level is a shopping mall due to their connection to the black market. The color pallet follows the sin that is the opposite of Charity as a way to hint at the underlying theme of these characters being not what they seem.

Lan Turner PicklePantry

Did you ever plan for Adrian and your characters to be able to meet any of the characters from Persona 5? Or do they never meet? And what were some levels you had imagined for this group? You know, like how there was the museum and the bank in the game?

The seven emotions are the seven sins, he just saw them as necessary emotions and people interpreted them over the years as bad. He's the man all my Sin characters were approached by before becoming who they are!
No, he's not based off of any figure. I just wondered what it would be like if the whole darn element made a solid, breathing form of itself, and if that same person could be more of a helpful guide than a typical villain, kekekekek.
And Lan doesn't really care about whether his name is said correctly or wrong. He usually finds it interesting how far it can be misinterpreted, and sometimes he'll adopt the name as a nickname. As long as it helps people remember him he doesn't mind!

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Ruffles reinapepiada

Is there a reason why he has heterochromia as his alter ego, as well as a different hairstyle? I understand if it's for aesthetic purposes or to tell them apart, but is there a canonical reason why this happens? If there's a meta reason (like if it's a reference to something else) you can talk about that too! Also, is he somebody's employee, or does he solve crimes and hunt monsters all on his own? If he's somebody's employee, how did they notice his ability?


She was made that way! She's a manmade, basically artifically engineered to be what she is. She's aware, all of she junk food people who are sold in bags (or tubes or w/e container) are aware. The way their immortality works is that everytime they come to life, their 'heart' is connected to one of the bags (a la Davy Jones) at random and they don't know which one it is but they know that this is a thing that happens.

Her recklessness is definitely tied to her immortality, since at one point she was sick of having to be a 'thing' and sought some outlet, and she liked it especially because she stopped hurting heself and started hurting others, which was better in her book. She's not a fan fo being sober ever since.


How did Ruffles come to be (essentially) immortal, or was she born that way? Is she aware of being virtually immortal, and does it contribute to her drug addiction?

She is! I had a good chunk of information on her but accidentally deleted it while putting in some nice HTML smh
They do know each other and there's a story in the works there. Danielle is one of the kids in Bellwood, and, as a result, a friend of Rollerskates. (A particularly good one, at that.)

Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

Is Danielle part of a story? I see she's in the same folder/town as Rollerskates; do they know each other/is there a story there?

Anyone from Catband is fine.

Thank you!! I actually did answer a question about the inspiration for his helmet already in the OP of this thread, but I can talk about other aspects of his design!

So his gear was originally goofier looking (the helmet was a child's toy one and the antlers were felt reindeer antlers), and so was the gear of his friends, but I was trying to make Luke, Ira and Theo in WWE 2K17 for a friend's wrestling OC AU, and the way that they would have to translate to the game looked more serious and really legit. I really loved the way Luke looked especially, and it helped me feel out a more realistic and modern version of the three characters that fits better with my original intention for them. I wanted Luke to look simultaneously kind of silly but at the same time intimidating or scary and iconic; someone you can't tell what his deal is but whom you wouldn't want to meet in a dark subway tunnel or prowling a construction site. I also made the helmet more practical for his use (since it's a real fireman's helmet it would protect him when they're exploring and he has a light on it; I've never mentioned this anywhere, but he can also unscrew the antlers if he needs to). 718 is just Brooklyn and Queens's zip code; that's his little joke. 

From an IC point of view, the fire chief helmet is his trademark. It ties in with his graffiti name, the silhouette shows up in his photography when they're down subway tunnels, and because he intends himself to be (and is) a character, a sort of infamous public figure, it's simple and recognizable. It's Robin Hood's hat, it's an urban samurai helm, it's CHIEF.

As for the rest of his design, his clothing is practical and supposed to be sort of garish and mismatched: it would be wrong to say he doesn't care what people think of him, but he's not interested in being fashionable and he's certainly looking for people to underestimate him, to think he's just a kook, to think he's nobody. I can't remember when I decided to give him the Mork and Mindy vest, but it's the same idea with the colors and not caring if people think he looks ridiculous. Robin Williams (and that show) was also dangerous in the same way as Luke, I guess: funny, seemingly harmless, easy to view on a surface level, but truly intelligent, biting, and with his own agendas.

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In the Quick Facts section of her bio, it is said Roxie was once arrested on suspicion for arson. Is there a particular reason she set fire to a field? Did the arrest impact her in any way?

If he doesn't like war then why is he a general, or involved in battles at all? Is there any major reason that he's forced to do this? 

Daiess would quit being a general if he could, but since there aren't any replacements lined up and leaving his men without leadership would doom them, he feels a duty to stay. 

What's his role in the story, overall?

He has a pretty small role actually ;; He used to be one of the protagonists but was replaced by Circinius. Now he's just a side character aha.

Quincy Beaumier reinapepiada

Daiess has very little info on him! His icon caught my attention (the colors are really pretty!). If he doesn't like war then why is he a general, or involved in battles at all? Is there any major reason that he's forced to do this? What's his role in the story, overall?


He's definitely not okay with memory wiping in any way, even though he's seen what people are willing to do for information, so someone unprotected going about their life with such important information could be at life risk. In that case, he guesses it's not evil or anything, but he's still not okay with it. But honestly, he's never seen anything similar to memory wiping in the organization. It probably exists but he's still several tiers below any important agent that would know this kind of information. It's maybe because people on his tier hadn't seen or know vital information, or maybe because the agent he met first was nice and influential enough to take a stand and prevent Quincy from being mind wiped!

He's a bit out of touch with him since a couple years ago, not out of anything bad it's just that both of them have been busy. He was more in touch with him when he entered the special course with his job offer. They respect each other very much, and I'm sure Quincy had kind of an idea of having a mentor because it all started because of him but he really found more people in the course and then at his job that were more receptive, and a big factor was that he ended up in a different tier so he didn't even see this man at all in his daily job. Everytime they talked they just caught up with their lives and nothing much more. Agents have to travel all around the world and the higher your tier, the busier you are. Even today they don't talk much and since they've been working at the same organization it's a lot of 'yeah you know how it is' and not a lot of exciting talk but they don't mind, it's still nice to catch up.

People get the impression that he has a very flawless lifestyle, so some people might be envious of him, or at least think he's a health nut. In this future Earth it's much easier to be healthy, there's just more things at hand for a better lifestyle! Being Healthy Is In, so everyone wants and can be it. In this sense, Quincy is not weird or anything, in a way he's just following what he's been told that it's good for him. He just has a head start because the organization has like the Latest on healthy habits haha.

If you meant like, his lifestyle as in his job honestly he hardly has relationships outside his job but he doesn't dislike it, since he's found very nice people in it, and there's always new ones too. His family think he's a very well paid security guard and they're proud of him! A little sad that he works so many hours but he's still a nice boy :^)

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I’d like to ask some questions about  Gianna! I’m curious about the circumstances which caused her to discover the drink she made which caused her to become immortal! Was she purposely trying to find a way to become immortal, or was it just by accident? Are there any other side effects to the potion - aside from the hair colour change, and how does she feel about them? Would she ever want to recreate the potion?

Anyone is fine! Though I’d probably answer best for the “Town of Saltem” folder

What was Hans' life like before he became a part of the mafia?

I'm honestly not sure. Don't really think of these things whoops.

I'd imagine that his parents were really strict when he was younger and it felt that they were always keeping an eye on him, which kinda annoyed him. As such, any chance he had to do something they wouldn't really approve of, he'd probably do. Within reason obviously. If he had the chance to get away from his parents, he definitely would, and had probably purposely wandered off a couple of times.
Not sure if you'd count before being part of the mafia as a child, but I can adjust my answer is you want me to. Or at least ltry...

Did you have any inspiration in mind while designing/writing him aside from the ToS game?

Well, originally, Hans was going to hypnotize over radio rather than television. This was as when the coven expansion for the game was announced, I had been thinking of a character who hypnotized people through radio, which I may or may not have thought of whilst listening this song. So, I figured that it would be a good fit for him! Plus I kinda wanted to stay away from him being a generic hypnotist, so it helped make him a bit unique in that sense. I wanted to try and make him look as broadcaster-y as possible, and what I ended up with was pretty cool, imo.

However, when I designed him though, he originally had sunglasses, not hypno-glasses! The  glasses changed due to me playing wayyy too much Toontown Rewritten. Since one of the gags you used was hypno-goggles (which basically lures the cogs, causing them not to attack for a couple of turns if it works and gives extra damage to the next attack, providing it's not sound... Tbh it sounds better in context.) I thought “Okay, but what if I gave him hypno-glasses instead?” and so I drew him with then and I went “Oh god that’s perfect!!!", which caused him to have a sudden change in glasses.

Also, given he is somewhat musical, do you have any headcanon voice for Hans or some sort of theme song?

Afraid I don't really. I'm honestly not good at doing headcanon voices/theme songs for characters, so I generally tend to avoid that stuff. Alongside the first song was his original influence, but that's practically been adjusted since.

 Etien #1228 Caine

KittyKnight What was Hans' life like before he became a part of the mafia? Did you have any inspiration in mind while designing/writing him aside from the ToS game (I know nothing about it though so feel free to enlighten me in the answer!)? Also, given he is somewhat musical, do you have any headcanon voice for Hans or some sort of theme song?

What is Etien's income and current lifestyle? How frequently does he get days off, and what does he do on those days? How much does he rely on his luxuries?

He has little to no free time because he literally avoids having any more than is necessary for his health and psyche lmao. I admit I literally don't have a good enough concept of money to just pull an average income out of nowhere but I definitely think he is Very well paid especially because, again, he overworks himself a lot and tends to agree to almost anything unless his manager/host stops him from making dumb decisions. 

During those days he does have off he usually stays at his place and just lies down and watches trashy tv shows or something, or alternatively he meets up with Kipinä somewhere! The two are really good friends and tend to spend a lot free time together. Very often they go shopping or Kipinä shows him something cool like her motorbike lmao. Etien does have other friends here and there too but he sucks at keeping contact :^I 

Etien relies a lot on his luxuries because he lives with the treat yoself attitude and thinks he has had enough bad time dealing with dysphoria and the negative social consequence of coming out during his younger years, so yeah he totally goes all out with that stuff. 

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