Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 months, 22 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads

Gauge reinapepiada

What is Etien's income and current lifestyle? How frequently does he get days off, and what does he do on those days? How much does he rely on his luxuries?


I put in their quick character sheet that their greatest fear is being alive and it was kind of a joke but also not entirely; they're absolutely terrified all the time, but it's one feat I actually consider admirable- the fact that they don't let that fear consume themself. They're even afraid of the pain that will entail dying but they prefer that, you know?

But on a specific scale, I would say that they're living and they've become something they're really afraid of; being forced to keep going because they will lose control of their body otherwise and they will suffer the consequences anyway. That's bad stuff.


Is there anything in particular that Gauge really fears?

I've been curious about Frederick- What is the inspiration for his appearance? i've never seen another OC or character even remotely similar to him. Was there anything that inspired you or was it just sort of random? Just tell me everything jhdghgj

Designing Fredrick was a lot of fun. I already had a bit of an idea of the sort of aesthetic I wanted, having established that with Amos's design (a sort of strange creature meets businessman look) So I wanted to have some human elements but apart from that I just kinda messed around with different ideas and colours!

Mercury spacecadet

I've been curious about Frederick-

What is the inspiration for his appearance? i've never seen another OC or character even remotely similar to him. Was there anything that inspired you or was it just sort of random? Just tell me everything jhdghgj

Nothing at all :) I made them back in 2013 and just chose random colours I thought looked good aha


What was the major influence for your character's color scheme?

1. He was not able to because they moved away without a trace; no new address or phone number for Dave to contact them with.

2. He loves it and hates it at the same time.  He loves it because of the reactions people have when he playfully scares them away.  He hates it because some people have the audacity to shoot him and some people are legit scared of him.  It's hard to get what you need from other people when most of them are that way.


I'm kinda curious about Dave and I've got two questions about him: Has he ever made any attempts to get in touch with his family after they moved away? And how does he feel about being turned into an urban legend? 

Basically what happened was that he just wanted to do something a little cool and different so that he could get out of his hometown for a bit. He ended up joining the circus because he thought it seemed like it would be fun and excited. Plus he kind loves being the center of attention, so it was a good fit for him. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, but he ended up really liking it so he stayed.


How did Solque come to be a performer? Was he inspired or was he drawn in for some other reason? 

Any of my characters are good for questions!

That's a tricky question, since I usually don't document that sort of thing or really make many notes when creating characters? I just sort of have an idea running in my head and start creating a profile. Honestly it all mostly started with the design itself! When I saw her, I knew I could have very easily made her very similar to Kimiko or made her an overly sweet but kind character.

But for some reason I just thought it'd be so much more interesting to have her be this smug and arrogant princess type of character. I've always enjoyed characters who are incredibly smug and know how to use their appearance to get what they want, so I just sort of ran with that idea, while incorporating some canine elements in there too, like her affectionate nature.

I didn't want to make her too nasty though, just kind of demanding and somewhat of a troublemaker. The sort of person you could very easily call your friend, even if they end up getting into lots of mischief. 

Plus she gave me another excuse to incorporate a lot of Japanese Pop Culture stuff into a character, so there's that too!

Thanks for the interesting question!

Cyrus Bell Caine

@yuna_animatus What kind of creation progress did you have with Hikari? I find her really well-developed and an interesting character so hearing about how you came up with her and what kind of things you might have considered or left out would be really cool!

Any of mine are fine as long as they're not from the unfinished folder!

Would Cyrus take an interest in playing an instrument if he didn't injure his leg? If there was something he could do differently in the past (except preventing his leg injury), what would he do? And lastly, has he ever considered using crutches?

He used to play once in a while, but I don't think he would have picked it up if it hadn't been for his leg: he chose piano as a desperation upon realizing there weren't many other non-physical talents he had (which is kind of funny because he has always been REALLY good at first aid and does end up becoming a village doctor as an adult, lol). I don't think Cyrus would change things, he is kind of a "no regrets" type of guy and only really regrets being involved in the accident that destroyed his knee. 

Cyrus has been recommended to use crutches from the start but he tossed them away as fast as he just physically could. He finds them stigmatizing and since he is still in denial with his disability he considers using crutches or any other aid as "giving up". Which really isn't true and as an adult he ends up walking with a cane, but he is a teenage boy with very little emotional intelligence and is very concerned with appearances so he is still tad too stubborn and proud to do what is literally the best for him :/ 

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Duck knows she’s a robot, right? Does she ever wish she was human?? In what ways is she different from a human besides having above average strength?

— Anyone in primary main is fine~

Mauna (Haziel) reinapepiada

About Junko- If she was ever lost without her pack, how well would she fend for herself? She can be lost in the wilderness or in a big city if that changes things. Would she immediately want to go back to them?


Just as a quick clarification, Haziel is the one who has to forcibly open his mouth to speak, Mauna doesn't need to do that as he has a mouth.

Normally when a ghost is recently spawned, they go under a quick course where they will be informed who and what they are, because they're often disoriented by virtue of not having any memories at all. Except that Haziel has all of his memories! So he was exceptionally distressed when he realized he was dead. This was more of a shock than the lack of his mouth, because the memories of dying were so fresh.

But naturally by trying to speak up for help he realized it wasn't easy to speak at all. He didn't panic when he saw his mouthless face, probably because ironically it wasn't the worst thing to happen to him at the time.

The more he tried, the wider he opened his jaws, eventually broke part of his skin and he realized that's how it works, and his voice could be heard if he did that.

It wasn't normal for him, it's not normal for him even now, and he doesn't know what kind of ghost he is but he can tell why he's bound with this situation. He can remember how it felt to cry out for help while his lungs filled with smoke until he couldn't cry anymore. It's a bitter memory and too ironic for his taste, but he's chill with it now. In a way, being forced to live with something that reminds him of a traumatic experience makes it less terrible.

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Why is Gísli so afraid of getting hurt? Has he been significantly hurt before by getting close to someone? You also mention that he is a children's psychologist out of guilt-- what kind of guilt?

Anyone from Catband is fine. 

Ohh, this is a good one. Asking me about my characters' names (nicknames, legal names, what they prefer to be called, why their TH name isn't what they prefer to be called...) is always a great question, because every one of them has a story or several. I really like hiding little bits of meaning wherever I can, and most of my characters are very old, so there's a lot of history there.

Alright, so Luke, Ira and Theo: that's a two-part question. I already wrote something about why I picked their graffiti names on Curiouscat, so I'll copy that here:

I only gave Ira, Luke, and Theo their graffiti names fairly recently: SAINT, ESCAPE and CHIEF. It was hard to get the latter two right, but Ira was always, always going to be SAINT. It just felt right. SAINT is for his saints' icons style of art; ESCAPE is because Theo is into painting on subway exits and that kind of thing, and I wanted something to fit his restless, reckless desires to climb things and get out. And CHIEF serves a dual purpose for his fire helmet and because he's kind of a leader, but I couldn't imagine him letting people call him any more formal title than the casual "chief." I trawled through graffiti name websites making sure those weren't notably in use and suited that kind of name, something easy to spray, something that stands out, something that's not quite a regular nickname. And SAINT/ESCAPE had to sound and look good together, so they could be said like one word or stylized as ST./ESC for them to spray.

I'm less decided on their in-story reasons for now, but I definitely know that Luke got sardonically called "chief" by either by the other graffiti artists or the other squatters (in the sense that he told them to do something and they said sure, chief), it became a thing, and eventually he embraced it, using it as his tag (he used a different alias when he was younger) and using the fire helmet. Honestly, it was probably Theo. It's definitely also Theo's fault Ira is SAINT, and I think Ira picked ESCAPE; both of those back in high school.

Now, nicknames that aren't based on characters' real names: I've been called out, lmao. There is definitely a reason, but I can't go into it here, so the gist is that for many characters, their nicknames came first, and their legal names after. Besides the other reason, I also just really like nicknames? I'm the kind of friend who nicknames everyone, so some of my characters are like that too. There's a lot more meaning and life in a nickname you earned than something your parents gave you before they even knew you-- and that goes for characters too. Who cares that Bane's given name is Devlin when Bane is the name he earned? Both mean he's a screwup (Devlin means "unlucky"), but the latter is the one he was given as a teenager, based on his in-story behavior and not just me farting around with a list of baby names. And he lets people call him that because he feels that's what he's become: a disaster to everyone around him. It's irrelevant that Roadie's real name is Dmitri when everyone in his life sees him as "the roadie"-- that's the identity he's accumulated, and he's accepted or embraced it; he'd rather be seen as a transient than an individual. A cog, not a star. No strings attached.

Starting to realize names might be a bit of a theme for my comic, haha. They're so powerful: how you want to present yourself to the world, how you feel about the people in your life, how you can (re)claim an identity...

Pixie reinapepiada

What's the background of Luke, Theo and Ira's grafitti names? Why did they choose those for them, if they did at all? And why did you assign those to them, as an author?

Derailing a bit from topic but I see that a good portion of your characters have nicknames that don't resemble their actual names but are based on other things. Is there anything in particular that makes you decide that, or is it just natural for you?


For below: please don't ask details or lore about Pixie's species as it's not really of my invention (it's of Neopets (tm)


I made Pixie out of an idea when I remembered that there was a '8-bit' color for Neopets, while we were looking for characters to make in a neopets rp (soon). In the setting we agreed, we stated that depending on their colors, the characters were going to have special abilities! So Pixie's ability came straight to me after I saw their color! Since I've been doing a lot of pixel art work lately, it seemed like a fine opportunity!

I love special abilities and superpowers and I love to make them out of anything, really! I realized soon after making Pixie and ironing out their ability that they're basically Pixel Ant Man. but it's ok, since Ruki are based off of ants, it even makes sense.

I do plan on exploring his ability and his personality and his character as a whole! I grew fond of him super quickly honestly, and I'm just waiting for the rp to start haha


What gave you the idea of giving Pixie the ability he has? I never seen a ability quite like his before. That and it's interesting to see how you incorporate it with the art style (well maybe not art style but you get the point). Do you have plans to exploring more of his ability or just focus on other aspects of him.

Ask anyone here except those in NPC folder, Jasper, Ryujin and Bounded Pairs/Pets folder. ^^

Well in terms of Lucius species/partially his design, I didn’t create it. That was all Game Freak ^^ However, choosing to give him the chain, sphere on his chest and golden eyes was meant to make him stick out from those of his kind but not offer a change so dramatic like the others

I can still explain the inspiration behind creating him. My inspiration in created him was a old concept of a Silvally I had. The Silvally was a non binary one with some connection with Lunala. You might see some old connection to that here in this old pic. I don’t know what his old name was but I do know he had a few Memories with him and was certainly colder there. When I found his old concept when I was creating the main cast, I decided to revamp him to focus on a story of gods’ and mortals’ relationship  as Lucius is a legendary Pokémon (well it took a bit for Game Freak to confirm that >.>) and his partner is a mortal. What made me chose to go with a amnesiac path because I always found the amenesiac god troupe to be fascinating. I wanted to play with that while relying on Memories as a means to ‘fix’ it.


What was your inspiration behind making Lucian. Was there anything in particular that inspired his chimeric design?

Tell me more about Joran!? ?! In what kind of time period does he live, are you planning to use him in a story/or webcomic? What's his main goal   !? Tell me allll

Joran is from a story! It doesn't have a title yet but it's basically about a street gang in a fantasy world going through an industrial revolution. Joran is still a major work in progress but I can tell you about some of the ideas that I'm throwing around at the moment. 

He's a performer and runs a penny play theatre, a cheap form of entertainment popular in the poor parts of the cities. They are known for their costumes consisting of a cloak and a mask and are commonly comedies or dramas. He had a rough life growing up and his father ended up in dealings with the Grimes gang as he became addicted to a type of drug uncommon in the cities. After his father died Joran became indebted to the gang and spent some time working with them but was able to work his way out of it, though he does still get involved with them occasionally. 

His main goal is to make money and as he still lives in the slums he sees ambition past much more than surviving a bit pointless. Because of this, he made an agreement with Kei to let her younger gang members have free reign and pickpocketing audience members at his shows as long as he gets a share of the goods. 
