Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 months, 4 hours ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads

Smiley PicklePantry

His powers are a unique twist on shapeshifting. Is he from the kind of world where some people randomly get superpowers, like through maybe genetics? Or did he get it somewhere else? How did you come up with the entire concept of changing as long as he has DNA and a power supply, and especially how he can combine DNA to make a new person (I like that!)?

Ironically, when I first made Smiley I didn't want him to be a killer because I had too many OCs of those lol. He was meant to be just a mysterious but jolly guy, but when I revamped him, he was insistent on being who he is now. When he was put in Toyhouse, his style of talking and his calling card of drawing smiles out of blood came to my mind a little after playing him in the forum games. It wasn't necessarily specific characters that got him that way, but the idea of HOW he'd interact in something short like a forum game.

Perhaps, though, the most interesting thing about Smiley's change was his personality. When he was first created he was jolly, yeah, but more fatherly and a little sad? When I started RPing THIS him, he was meant to not really have a personality- he'd show up to kill, maybe make a joke, then would disappear before you could really get an idea of him. But because of the bad experiences attached to RPing with him, he was more or less cruel and aggressive instead of silly. When I made the friends I have now, they would come up with fun scenarios involving Smiley, and I adored all of them! We talked more and more about these scenarios until his personality evolved from cold to scary yet friendly. I think it was that that also helped come up with his killing methods and his calling card.

Penta reinapepiada

I know you rp with your characters a lot, so I really want to know if Smiley's mindset has evolved somehow? Like has he learned from the people he has met, changed anything about his methods of fighting, has he known something new that changed him over your interactions with other characters? 


Ectoenergy is like the pure untransformed state of ectomatter! Ectomatter could also be called the 'ghost element', it's a white material that adapts to the respective ghost using it. Ghosts may use it in different ways and it may manifest or go under transmutations depending on the ghost's abilities. It depends on the type of ghost, but 99% of the time they can't choose how to manifest their ectomatter, it just comes with their abilities. Dymka and Haziel's ectomatter transforms into mist and smoke respectively, and Leppo's ability relies 100% on his ectomatter to transform and allow him to shapeshift and impersonate people (which is why he's all white)

So she can already make things with a shape and texture because of her ability, but she doesn't need bullets to have a shape as long as they can be fired and cause damage, so that's why she uses ectoenergy instead of ectomatter! In any other case she would need her constructs to hold a shape for them to exist longer than the mere thought of existence but since she already makes her guns appear extra fast, she makes the bullets the very second she fires them. 

Ironically enough, ghost abilities don't work on other ghosts since they're meant to affect physical things. Her bullets won't affect humans since they're magic and magic won't hurt a human in the real world thanks to the ban on hurting them (but they can be hurt in the laer world, even if the attacker may get punished). So she can only use it in nonhuman creatures who are physical or at least not made of the same stuff as her :P Her bullets don't leave holes on objects, though they may break fragile things on impact like glass windows! They leave traces of ghostly activity but no evidence.

I realized I wrote a part of her abilities really poorly so I'm going to try and write it all better soon haha it's been a while since I wrote that.

A ghost police officer may have very different tasks, they often start with small responsibilities and then they can choose their path. Some can choose desk work, others can choose field work, and others may work on the real world in interdimensionally magical affairs. I focus mostly on the ghosts who are in the real world, though they're very relevant in the capital of the laer world as well and Penta travels across both dimensions very often in her hunter job. Which is to say, her hunter job is only what she calls herself and she's legally just a ghost police officer. However she's so irresponsible and reckless she always tries to get the most exciting jobs, and she has consistently been assigned jobs where she has to hunt down a specific creature. She's great at hunting them down, but not so much at retaining them. She failed once and it set off an unfortunate chain of events <:3



I'm interested in Penta's powers: could you say more about them/ectoenergy in general? Do the bullets she can generate work like normal bullets, or do they only work on other ghosts/supernatural creatures? What does being a ghost police officer or a hunter entail?

Ask me about anyone from Catband!

Thank you for liking her! :') Oh gosh, I wish I could answer this question, haha. I can't, though; it would be a big spoiler for my comic. I feel bad about that I have to just kinda go:

There is definitely a reason why she is the way that she is.

Amy -jacket

hedgemaze I really like Ryleagh! I'm kind of curious about her as a person (god help me); was there any specific event(s) that led to her being so evasive about her personal life, or is it simply just how she is?

paranormal-thingum late reply, sorry!!

Amy's case actually took inspiration from bits and pieces of real cases, and Maura Murray was one of the biggest influences because before I was writing about Amy, I was a bit of an armchair detective; Maura's case always stuck out in my mind due to how it seems on the surface like it should've been a pretty open and shut case, but as you peel back the layers you kind of get the feeling we might not be hearing the full truth or that something very strange could've happened. I also drew inspiration from the cases of Madison "Maddy" Scott, Brianna Maitland, and Joan Risch.

Amy is just one part of a much larger story. I'm always hesitant to give too much away about the details because there's a possibility I'll be sharing the full story someday, and I really love hearing people's theories; however, I will give a hint that there's a lot more to Amy's disappearance than a simple "disheveled young woman running away/living under the radar" or "young woman goes into woods to commit suicide" scenario. Her disappearance is one small strange of a very tangled web connected to several characters and little stories that connect to a bit of a 'conspiracy,' if you will. Overall, she's definitely a bit of a set-up for something bigger.

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 Rollerskates dead-oof

So, how did a guy like Inigo get involved with the organization in the first place? It says there that his ties to the organization aren't as strong as other members, but it still makes me wonder. Does he have some family or friends in it?

Caine aaa thank u, i'm glad that you like it QwQ
Rollerskates would try to scare off the enemy first, flashing lights like a strobe and making itself look bigger and more threatening. If forced to fight, though, it would probably use its basic telekenetic abilities to throw a sharp object, or break a bone or two. It also has some raw physical strength (being big and all) that it could use if all else failed.

Rollerskates' first human contact was in 1989. It had been wandering in the woods near Bellwood for about a year before a 5 year old child found it while lost in the forest. Rollerskates took said child out of the forest, and stumbled across Bellwood. Everyone else meeting Rollerskates for the first time was a mix or fear and curiosity. There had been paranormal activity and some sightings of other creatures in the past years, but none ever actually confirmed. Rollerskates does remember it, pretty clearly.

Hmm I'd been wanting to make a 90s-inspired character for a while, since a bunch of my favorite things came out of the 90s. I'd made a bunch of dog and cat characters, and ended up scrapping all of them out of disappointment lol. I was listening to some creepy story readings involving some alien sightings, so I went with that basic idea for Rollerskates. I also really like dragons and that probably influenced its design? The telekinesis and friend to children aspects of it were inspired by Eleven from Stranger Things, which I watched recently and really enjoyed. The static/broken tv themes came as kind of an afterthought, but I think they ended up being nice. Its overall alien appearance probably is helped by the fact that I had a fever while making it oops

Rose Caine

@AEROdragon I LOVE THIS CHARACTER I love how the bio is written and it actually got me really emotionally invested somehow haha

Does Rollerskates have any ways to defend itself in case someone were to attack it and there was no way to escape the situation? What was its first human contact on Earth like, and does it still remember it? I'm also super curious to know what was the inspiration behind Rollerskates and the process of creating the character! 

Turned vampires don't usually physically look any different from purebloods vampires, but they often tend to function in strange and unexpected ways! Most turned vampires can age normally if they want to, but in cases like Rose's he is simply stuck to look the same he did when initially bitten. This is actually why vampires are not allowed to bite children in particular, because there is a chance they won't grow and they might have trouble with their teeth too as a result of still being, well, children and not fully physically developed. 

But yeah it's really a game of luck and chance when you're turning a vampire, because aside from dying or falling into a coma during the turning, there can be a myriad of other things that make the turned vampire's life harder. Rose isn't a special or unique case, but rather just one of the unfortunate. 

RAW reinapepiada

I'm curious as to why the vampire that he befriended grew to an adult. I understand Rose's situation and I guess it all boils down to 'what's going on with you boyy why don't you change' and if that's a spoiler or anything it's ok if you don't wanna answer but, is it normal for turned children to grow up? Was his companion at the time an exception, or is Rose the weird case?


I try to be vague and mysterious but their God is basically just me being a terrible person with my ocs dfjdkfjdf I'm so sorry. I was a self insert in their universe until I wasn't active anymore so I erased myself from the timeline forever. I still have fun portraying myself as a terrible god, but I've done enough damage to RAW especially. I can't take it back, I like their character arc so far up to this point.

I know it's super lame but anyway if you're curious I had my hair very long at the time (like below waist length?) and that's how said 'god' looked like. RAW rarely saw them though.

Peter Jensen truelexblue

what does the god that they used to serve look like? is he based off of an already existing vision of god or is he something else entirely?

wayy back when i first made my main trio, they used to be all my little pony: friendship is magic OCs (this was when the show got really popular). i was in 4th grade, i was deep in my mlp:fim phase, and most of the OCs i made during that time are the OCs that i have now!! whenever i find mlp:fim stuff i get a ton of nostalgic vibes. anyways, since most ponies had special talents tied to their cutie marks, that was i wanted for peter's special talent! chris and peter were initially inspired by the weasley twins from harry potter, but since i was afraid of copying them, i just made one troublemaker instead of two. i decided to make peter a comedian because of his loud, fun-loving personality and his tendency to be a huge jackass lmao

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oh gosh what a cool boi *o*

what inspired you to create a character with such interesting aesthetic? and why did you add 3 eyes? (like, it's not very usual to see a character with 3 eyes, especially when they are placed like thisxd usually people add more or less than three eyes and stuff so i'm really curious why did you make him like that xD)

oh the eyes are a part of nightmare fuel, the substance Amnon is made of~! And the design wasn't made by me, but they were inspired by this girl!

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Can you tell me a bit about Daniel? How did he become a kickboxer? And also, what sort of world does he live in? He's a really cool character!

Any of my characters are good!

Amy -jacket

spiritwindz I'd love to hear a bit more about Sleipnope! What are it's favourite kind of books to read? Did anything in particular spark it's love for reading?

I don't really RP much anymore since I'm generally just very uncomfortable doing much with my characters without careful planning first, and I'm a total control freak about them so I can't imagine I'd be very fun to RP with. If I were to RP with Amy, I'd probably only do it pre-disappearance, and then switch to another character when she goes missing. 

I hesitate to say much on whether she's alive or dead due to the future plans I have with her, but I do have a fairly certain image of what happened to her in my head. While in early development though, I did a lot of debating about which ending I wanted to go with, and that was a dilemma that stuck around until very late in development. I had decided on one thing for a while, only to switch it on a whim due to sudden inspiration, but then I switched it back, and so on. It was a very back and forth cycle throughout her development, but I've finally settled on one that fits my original vision while tying into the overarching story.