Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 months, 14 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads


FellowPigeon, Tell me more about Joran!? ?! In what kind of time period does he live, are you planning to use him in a story/or webcomic? What's his main goal   !? Tell me allll

Any of my kids are fine btw!

OH dude, Let me tell you about Leika alright   
Leika is born and raised as a farmers youngest daughter, who ends up with pirates gg wp daughter. She quits however after her first heist, well.. She's kinda forced to quit, you see, they wanted to plundered an to big of an target, an Banniric town on the coast, her crew and her kind of planed on "we rush for the church, take everything valuable and we run for our hides!" things ,turned out to be more complicated then that. Leika has to choice, or killing someone, or getting her ass dragged to jail. She chose  didn't kill the dude gets betrayed by her squad ,gets her ass dragged to jail and nobody really came to bust her out :^(.
She quit that life for good, and now aims to be the.. biggest criminal in the capital of Banner, (the dude that's in control of like the fightingpits pp fight in and such, an importanto dude)
Leika learned! She's a quick learner and well.. uses Salvador 'future insight' powers to.. cheat. But she's really really good with numbers and can calculate stuff really quick. (So she can count cards know changes etc)
Shit yes Leika got some enemies! The Current Ratking (the dude that controls the fightingpits, which i mentioned earlier) really doesn't like her and Diederick isn't a fan of her as well. She and Xanderius pretend that they can't get along but secretly think high of each other tho



I'd like to ask about Leika! For starters - How come she decided to stop her pirate ways? And if she had a chance - would she consider returning? On top of this, was she naturally a good gambler, or did she learn overtime? Does she by chance have any enemies, or people which she really dislikes?

Anyone is fine!

Short answer: "Please can you guys not try to kill each other for one sec-"

Long answer:
Difficult, but I'd probably describe them as each having a unique purpose, but often the same goal. Whilst some people have more of a purpose than others and everyone works in their own way, with different people. As such, it frequently leads to disagreements, chaos and death, but it's just what you gotta do sometimes. How far would you go just to fulfill your purpose?

However, I feel that they could potentially work in an independent story. In fact, I'm trying to figure out one, although there's mainly two parts and whilst the first is mainly based on the game, the second part seems to really differentiate from that (so far anyway)

I feel that one of the main reasons is just simply me trying to come up for logical reasons for game mechanics, and if it doesn't come up in the story, then it's just not simply a thing. For instance, every second night in Town of Salem is a full moon. Logically, this doesn't make sense, since you'd usually have a full moon at least once a month. But since my werewolf isn't really significant, and the "psychic" just tends to buy his information and try to throw everyone off guard rather then actually have psychic visions (it's... complicated...) the full moons tend to just happen as they normally do, and not every second night.

As for an example of a game mechanic I've tried to adapt - night time immunity. Certain roles can't be killed at night, and this is generally for different reasons for my characters. For instance, my serial killer (Shannon - who've I've yet to upload) is rather quick and has pretty good reaction times. As such, her general plan if someone attacks her is to get out of the way and kill them first! Of course, the "kill them first" aspect doesn't really work out too well, and it usually just forces her attacker to retreat. On the other hand, my Godfather (Gordon) is usually well prepared for potential attacks, and when his attacker tries to attack him, they generally end up fleeing. But wouldn't they see their attacker? Well, I imagine that they don't really pay too much attention to their attacker, and focus more on survival.

And I will admit, the game's community isn't 100% the best, but it's free to play, so it's worth checking out at least! Although I haven't played it in a while, so things could've easily changed.

Imelda Barthklog reinapepiada

I'm curious as to how you would explain your Town of Salem characters to someone who doesn't know a thing about the game? Are they strictly dependant on the mechanics of the game, or can they work in an independent story? There's nothing wrong with the former, just in case, I'm just curious because it's an interesting game to base ocs off of, personally I feel that one doesn't really get to give their character a background when playing. I don't know much about the game in any case, I've seen a couple of LPs a while ago, and I know it looks fun :P


General warning that Imelda's backstory is Sad


It's not an exclusive thing and I don't mind disclosing it; in fact, I plan on adding that to her story at some point, since the backstory she has written was just translated from the beginning of the RP. Ah, translating... Sometimes I feel I should be commissioned to translate my own ocs' backstories.

But well, let's see

She took her own life.

She felt guilty of participating in something she felt pressured to (even though she wasn't exactly pressed, she just thought she had to). It was a decision between her and other 5 coworkers (two security guards, the technician, the medic, and a counselor) to bring a new era to the prison because they had the opportunity to do so. They created a machine that would serve as the new warden, each of them giving this machine one of their traits. 

They had their reasons to do this which sound a little flat in summary but still: they wanted to have control over the prison but not so much that they wouldn't be able to do whatever they wanted to do! They had other stuff on backstage, very secret and very dangerous, and not even Imelda fully grasped how important that was. Well, she has only hung up about the former, anyway.

She didn't want to treat the inmates this way, she didn't like how they manipulated everything, and she was too closed off to speak up. She was all smiles, and she was good at convincing everyone she was okay.

It was a delusional pit of depression originating from her own problems. The guilt, the sadness, and how she was just tired of everything, how she wanted to give up this pain for once and for all- so she took the opportunity when the staff organized a search for an ancient key, to remove her disguise earrings and just wait until she suffocated.

She was found hours later in the kitchen's pantry.

 Mal Oakford BlankStorefront

Hm! not sure if this is like, just kind of a bunch of rp stuff not wanting to disclose in non-rp, but how has Imelda died? It looks to be implied she was murdered, but how and when?


Interference isn't super well known and it's pretty rare, but not unique to this group of characters.
I'll admit, I'm still working out the details myself! So things are very subject to revision. I'm not sure yet what the treatment consists of, but it definitely involves intravenous shots. Mal is stable, but he will relapse at random times, and each time runs risk of spreading the virus. I think, every few years he has to go back for some IVs, and the virus may progress and fully resurface if he doesn't. It's very periodic, but ongoing. So long as he does that, he'll be fine, at least until there's hopefully a cure.



How is interference treated? Is it a well known virus in his world, or is it unique to this group of characters? Is Mal's condition stable now, or will it progress?

Anyone from Catband is fine.

Haha it's fine, I love answering questions about any of them! A little surprised no one's asked the obvious name question yet, though... : p

My username is named after the band. My username is actually HedgemazeExpo on a lot of websites, whenever Hedgemaze is taken. I've been using it for a very long time, though, and the name even predates Catband, in the sense that it was always the name for Jill and Amber's band, but I hadn't yet written the story about how they got there.

Santiago is talented in the vein of any singer-songwriter in his genre: nothing groundbreaking, but pleasant enough. That said, it's a reality show. Fans are voting on who they want to go through, and, well, musical talent definitely isn't every voter's #1 priority.

Leria is a runaway who got away from a bad situation at home. She doesn't hate her whole family, but she does have good reason to hate who she does. That said, she isn't an angel. (Sorry I can't get more specific here)


Hope you weren't expecting questions on only one character/band. Did your username come from Hedgemaze Expo, or was the band named after it? Does Santiago have any actual musical talent, or is his attractiveness the only reason he's even being given a chance? And lastly, I'm curious about Leria's (former???) home life. Is she just some emo teenager who hates her family for no reason, or was she legitimately treated poorly?

Any of my characters are fine.

Seems like such a simple question, but so hard to answer. 

Story/ramble time: My sense of humor obviously involves lots of puns, but it's also largely based on just saying and doing random shit. A bit childish, perhaps, but hey, it's good enough to entertain people. One day in the 8th grade (when that was even more true), I was in class, and I literally just came up with the phrase "Oh, Sir Hottie McHottie! Please marry me!" out of thin air. For some reason, I liked the phrase so much that I decided to make an entire video based around it.

Back then, I was attempting to make different bad MS Paint series in hopes that one could stick. My first and only one prior to Sir Hottie McHottie (that I remember, anyway) was already dying, and it embarrasses me so much I won't talk about it here. The point is that I wanted to make another video that people could enjoy, and that was a large part of the inspiration for the character, as he was created specifically for the video.

As for the character himself, imagine just randomly hearing the name "Sir Hottie McHottie" on the street. Could you really think of anything besides an ultra-muscular man, a pinnacle of male attractiveness? That's the logic I went with, at least.

Fun fact: The drawing in his gallery was the first drawing I ever made of him, and I've reused it so much that I guess it's just iconic now.



Okie, so with Sir Hotttie McHottie, what inspired you to make him??

Ooooh, this'll be interesting :')

  I'll put the Amberlends part under spoiler, in case anyone wants to read the bios and I'll flat out answer the Winter part because their story is never to be rewritten, and as far as I'm concerned completed..



All the OC's in mains have been in a rp. Therefore in an RP universe.. I'll further explain in the actual answers :')

For a short answer with TSTRTI is :

 No they aren't in the same timeline, nor time at all

 Winter is so close to me because it took so long to write her backstory and my personality and happy at the surface but actually dark ideas really seep through her.

 TSTRTI took place when humans had no technology and cities where nonexistent, so the Indian times, even if they WHERE in the same timeline, the Snow Pelts and the other colonies would be non-existant since Elenor completely destroys the Snow Pelts, sends them to war, and well, destroys them before the English came. But if they were at the same time, they'd probably be the stray cats on Jaspers porch since he loves cats and fed one.. 

 The reason Winter is so dear in my heart is because I remembered her going through old school work and remembered the forum name I rped her on.. And I still had her on my FH account, it was really hard to read the FH bio and the forum name, but I made little edits, like instead of Winter being a "godly hero that's summoned by the gods(Frost, Leaf, Briar, and Rose)" I decided to have her be, yes, Frosts daughter, but she isn't exactly like her. in fact shes Frost without her powers and just has her justice-and-calm persona and mindset, Frost can't tell her what to do, all Winter knows is what her mom told her, she had a dream about Frost with Frost TELLING Shimmer about how she was going to be her daughter, and that if it comes down to a war, if Winter isn't dead, she can save them all. She didn't even want Shimmer to tell Winter because Frost loved Winter like her own and wanted her to have a good life. Until Winter had Goose's kits, Swan and Holly(Named after Holly) , Bullet died as Winter was nursing, and Winter was pretty weak after the kits, and even though Bullet said he wanted WINTER to lead, Elenor had already done the damage the others (Water Pelts, Leaf Backs, and Sun Backs) hated her, assumed that she was the leader, and caused a war that ended the colonies.

   For the Amberlends, 

The Amberlends are purely plot, and that plot is scattered across the bios, but the questions that will never be answered is : 

A) Why Charlotte and Jasper hate their dad

B) Why Jasper has yellow eyes (Though, I think he has really bad eyesight and his contacts tint them yellow when in fact his real eye color is brown)

C) Is Celest dead

Hope that this answers the questions~

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 Colin Caine

@saitamu Since Uma is considered a villain in her bio, who is she actually up against? Does she consider herself a villain? Also, on more random note, what kind of clothes does she like the most? Like does she have a certain style she could name or does she just kinda pick whatever based on how comfy they are or how pretty they look? 

Why is the reason Colin helps people with medical stuff an all that? Is it for free? If it is, does he do it because what happened to him when their mother couldn't pay the witch any longer?

Colin got really used to the routine of making medicine and doing business with it as he spent roughly 40 years with Katherine doing this sort of thing. It gave him a sense of routine, and after Katherine was gone Colin found himself simply continuing already established traditions. He usually does business with it so he can purchase materials and books from elsewhere, but as he doesn't need things to keep him alive (like food and drink) he has enough wiggle room to also help people for free if he feels so inclined. He doesn't do that often (after all, he rarely meets people who aren't customers in the first place) but sometimes lost and hurt people find their way to his cottage or he runs into someone during his rare travels. 

There is some truth to the claim though that he still remembers the situation with his mother! Colin is very reasonable with his prices; lenient in practice and willing to even end up losing money if push really comes to shove. He isn't unsympathetic of people who can no longer pay but are dependent on the medicine, and he tries his best to come up with alternative payment methods, like information exchange, help at his cottage or things like that! The fact he isn't a human anymore actually makes it much easier for him to practice this sort of thing and he is almost grateful of it. 

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What does Jayden want most of all and what is his biggest fear?

Kaleb tori34

What kind of day to day activities does Ves partake in? (either for work or just hobbies)

> Was there a cause to Kaleb's darker side? Since he seemed like the perfect child, what happened to cause this? Was it because of his uncle allowing him to shoot or?

To sum it up in one word: drugs.  Kaleb began taking them at parties he attended with his friends, who were also something of a bad influence, giving him stupid ideas and encouraging his bad behaviour.  If anything, his uncle allowing him to shoot was a good thing, because it gave him a controlled outlet for his recklessness.

Haruka spacecadet

Was there a cause to Kaleb's darker side? Since he seemed like the perfect child, what happened to cause this? Was it because of his uncle allowing him to shoot or?


Luna is a powerful princess of the tiger demon clan (tiger demons are considered some of the most powerful and fearsome in Haruka's world) who's parents were targeting Haruka's kingdom. As both Luna and Haruka were in the human world at the time, Luna's parents told her to investigate to get valuable intel on Haruka's kingdom. Luna snuck into one of Haruka's photoshoots and Haruka was immediately drawn to her (Luna has a sort of attracting.. power of sorts) and agreed to met up at Luna's place. Haruka was starting to get suspicious because Luna knew -a lot- about her and seemed to know that she was the princess of the shiba inu kingdom and it was then that Luna revealed that she was actually a tiger demon. Haruka got pretty freaked out but Luna found it cute and basically they smashed and Luna was like 'nope I'm keeping her" the rest is history :') THIS RP HAPPENED A WHILE AGO SO IM JUST BASICALLY RECAPPING THE RP HAHA

Juno TiredSpider

How did Haruka and her girlfriend meet? They look really cute together aaa!

Toggle Spoiler because this was super long oml;; Sorry for such a long explanation! I'm really into research and I may have gone a lil overboard.

Juno first learned of her leukemia at age 6, due to her constant bleeding and bruising. Her mother at first dismissed this symptom, seeing as Juno was known for roughhousing with bigger kids and she assumed Juno was lying or covering up a fight she had in school. But when Juno began to lose her appetite, her parents grew concerned. She began to start slurring her words and seemed clumsier. Her aunt immediately took her to a doctor, even while her parents didn't believe it to be anything serious, just Juno acting up. Juno was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), and was considered a very high-risk patient. She immediately started on chemotherapy, but standard chemo wasn’t strong enough. She had such a low RBC that she needed blood transfusions, which required even more chemo. Little did Juno know, the main donor of blood was her beloved aunt, so technically, while her aunt is dead, Juno still has a part of her in her veins. Soon enough, it became clear she needed stronger chemo or alternative methods. She soon became too sick to come home. She got bone marrow transplants from a donor (guess who) who had the right marrow and blood type for the transplants to work. The transplants were meant to help keep her steady and get her ready for a stronger amount of chemo and other medicines, but after the transplants, Juno started making a quick recovery, and to everyone’s shock and disbelief, This was considered a miracle, and she owed part of her remission (or all of it) to her aunt who was always paying the expenses and donated blood (and marrow, who knows) to save her niece. Her parents were overwhelmed and unable to really handle Juno, and weren’t emotionally as stable or attached to pick her up from treatments and doctor visits.

Fluor reinapepiada

When did she know, or find out that she had leukemia? What was the process, if she went under any at all? Did she really recover miraculously or was there some force behind that helped her?


Please don't ask about the general gist of her species as it's made by Starbound tm and not of my invention


It's an Avian curse- their god is named Kluex and there are temples for them all around the galaxy. Followers are always hostile, so Fluor raided one of their temples as usual, killed all of the hostile followers and kept her treasure. This is really not so rare or illegal at all, Fluor was super used to it, but one of the followers claimed that she was cursed for attacking this holy place, and well, she didn't think much of it, but basically the curse manifests as a revenge because of that follower's last words.

It goes a lot like, 'if you mess with us, in our temples, because we're worshipping our god so we will be able to fly again then sure! do you want it all? do you want wings too, while you're at it? have it all!"

The wings keep growing on her back and taking her energy- this is why she feels hungrier, her body is generating more mass and taking part of hers to do so.

The face thing is more of a side effect of the punishment and that she was nasty. It disfigurates and makes the face decay, like a diseased person. I'm assuming it would affect each race differently, and avians would probably lose plumage? But Fluor is immune to this.

Her hunger is mainly literal, she's also saved from the most extreme parts of this because 1. she knows how to farm and can provide food for herself most of the time, and 2. she doesn't have teeth or a maw in the traditional sense, so biting things is not her first thought. If she had, she would probably be brought to madness out of the thought of eating others- her own crew, even! But she doesn't get to that point, usually.