Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Holding a lantern up to illuminate the dark night, a puff of smoke was inhaled from the blunt that was held between his teeth as the rather tall but not tallest warpa male looked around the trees. All he could see around him were the even taller trees, still well covered in leaves even as winter was upon them. Clearly, he was currently in a forest of evergreens of some sort. He wasn’t well versed in the names of plant life though, so who knew what other hell variations there were that were unaffected by weather changes.

Taking the blunt from his mouth this time as he exhaled, Weedfly did feel bad but he needed to be alone. Vio had begged to go on a camping trip while the weather was nice, and after many times Weedfly had bent and gave in. The well behaved male would usually accept no as an answer, but not this time. It was pleasant, but as his high began to wear off he found himself more irritated as normal and just took a light source and wandered off to calm back down.

Surrounded by the darkness only kept at bay by his lantern, it was... relaxing in it's own way.

He never knew the loneliness he kept away from every corner of his heart could be so comforting even if also frightening. Though used to the darkness that came with solitude, the change of pace that had made him rarely alone had him appreciate the moments of quietness he was now enjoying in small amounts. By no means, would he ever go back to that life full of distaste for himself, but he enjoyed the noise his own mind made now. Despite being alone, it didn’t have that void of noise hum, but something more he couldn’t place.

Shrugging it off, and done with his blunt, he made sure the cherry was extinguished before tucking the roach away to be tossed in a more appropriate place. For now, he could hear the calls of a worried Vio and a set of twins who looked for him, and he wasn’t one to keep them waiting. A smile came to his face as that feeling of being alone washed away, but he was fine with this. His fill had in that small moment, and no longer did he crave his alone time he rarely had to himself.