Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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The leaves softly crunched under the claws of the dark colored warpa, only his two sets of eyes currently open as he traveled in his nightmare form. Loki loved exploring the quiet and calm areas that served as burial sites for the dead, ‘graveyard’ he believed were the term used more commonly.

Sticking his head down to ground level, he opened his mouth to crunch some leaves and the taste made him spit them back out. They were nowhere as nice tasting as the ones by Zen’s house. Alas, home seemed to have even the best tasting leaves too.

Given the chance to wander off as Zen was more than happy to babysit their small bean, it gave him some much needed alone time to just explore. His previous ‘free time’ was taken by working to support his family now. Extra money went to food and gifts with none of it really going to himself, but Zen was happy and their baby was growing nicely. Soon he’d go get his own nightmare, but Zayne seemed to be more than happy to roll around and get all that attention from his fathers. Loki, in fairness, couldn’t blame his small for this.

Flopping down to the ground, Loki rolled in the scattered leaves, the crunch at least a pleasing noise as the warm colored and brown leaves stuck to his black coat. The rough texture did scratch off some of his markings, but that could always be touched up by his loving partner when he got home and was more than likely forced to a shower. Cleanliness was a must, even if sometimes he just wanted to sleep with the dirt still on him.

Stretching his legs out to the sky, he watched as a few birds flew by. Letting out a yawn, he rolled back to his belly and made a bed of leaves to nap in. It wouldn’t be a long nap, but it was peaceful among the eternally sleeping others. He too desired a short rest.