Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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The flame rose high, as the oiled pan was moved to the heat source. Spectacular in it’s own way, even if the ceiling now has dark burn marks that would need to be cleaned and possibly even repaired before the day was done. For the potion master, an issue for future them, but for the traveler his mind was running a mile a minute as he tried to think of ways to salvage this date. It has  started so well and was about to burn into flames, quite literally.

“Um, why don’t I help you. I do love spending time with you.” The traveler offered, starting to stand up as his chair was pushed back.

“No, no, it’s my turn to cook. You have a seat.” The white haired male told him, readjusting his mushroom hat as he moved the cutting board closer to the heat. The bowl of cut up vegetation was close by as his eyes stared into the dancing fire, ready to singe anything it touched.

“I insist, please.” It was too late for some of the meal though, as the mushrooms were tossed in and became black lumps in a moment. Earning a meep from the traveler as he was up and moving the pan off the heat and watching the fungi sacrifices suffer and become inedible.

Burned and once cooked, scrapped into the trash, the traveler stared at the potion master who looked so displeased with his intervention, but said nothing. They just stood there and glared at each other, daring the other to say anything about what just happened. But no, the traveler was privy to these sort of things, and just sighed in the end. Direct conflict was not his thing, no mater how much he interacted with the murder hobos.

“Why don’t you go set up the table and find some different sides.” With a quiet nod, the potion master was off, sulking at the almost disaster.