Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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The organ music rang out through the church steeples, currently empty this late at night aside from the brown haired male who sat in one of the benches that lined the aisles for the busier times during the daylight hours. The player of the organ, a very much older gentleman, still hadn’t noticed his listener and Jack assumed that was probably for the best.

Jack was curious, as always, and stumbled across this sanctuary while exploring the surface land of humans. Avoiding the inevitable times of return, he could at least get his mileage out of a broken peak before he returned to hell once more. The currently dark windows were filled with stained glass images of a woman and child (apparently by the name of Mary and baby Jesus) and crosses for the more plain windows. Colorful, but oh so strange for the warpa who wondered the why as he wasn’t to privy to the religious side of life.

Aside from the glass imagery, there were many wooden and golden crosses scattered all across the building. Including a huge one with a person dangling from it, part of him wondering who it was but he wasn’t about to ask the person playing the music and ending his fun.

Swishing his tail, he folded his legs nicely, enjoying this peaceful moment as he could since as soon as this person got close to stopping he should probably scurry off into the night before the hunt for his head started. A shame really, as humans were always so curious to him, but to be expected as they reacted badly to the strange things that came from hell. For now though, he had some amount of peace, staring around at all the holy symbols. He could see why people took solace in this building, though not for any religious reasons.