Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Stuck in her tracks, the dark skinned female stood there for a moment, shocked as the blood dripped gently to the ground and soaked the edges of her kimono. She had been killing her own meat since she could recall, but the red colored blood that leaked from the livestock always took her off guard. Maybe it was the color, so bright for a moment as it slowly faded into a crusty brown color that looked similar to rust on metal. Or maybe it was just the sudden lifeless eyes, once so full of energy, that faded to just black orbs that stared back at her.

It took Jiahua a moment to get her bearings, as normal, before she set the blade down and made sure the ropes were tied tightly to the animal that needed to be left to drain before she went to the next step.

The blood itself has its own uses, but was often returned to the earth or made into a jelly-like ‘pudding’ that went well with meals when prepped right. If she had the time and energy, not needing to eat was more of a frivolous desire to sit with her ‘company’ and have meals. Sometimes the company was wild, sometimes tamed, it all depended on the day and who may stumble by. Oftentimes it was just the koi fish and her, sitting quietly and having silent conversations that chased away the ringing noises that filled her head in the silent moments.

Today was one of those lazy days for her, tired and ready to turn in but she wanted fresh meat for a later meal. The creature lived a good and fulfilling life, so becoming food was just a way to future it’s life energy into other things. At least, that’s how she liked to imagine it. The only other way to see it was cruel and short, and she didn’t like to think about how short life was for most things alive.