Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Sharpening her blade, the metallic sound of the sand like paper she used to hone the edge was pleasing music to her ears. A long blade, used for cutting the wheat in her small field of food, and much to everyone's disappointment wasn’t for battles at all. It had deteriorated with age though, the once perfect blade was starting to wear and rust. Cleaned off and kept well of course, but age was a cruel mistress to everything as the days dragged on.

Jiahua was no stranger to this, not on the older side but had met and seen many that were knocking on death’s doorstep age wise. Warpas were gifted with immortality, to an extent, but not all creatures were. Isolated from a lot of mankind, including her own species of warpas, she was used to the mortal beings that came to her little slice of heaven for their final days. Sad in a way, but she never dwelled on it.

Continuing to sharpen the blade, the edge soon shined brightly for her. Her own green colored eyes staring back at her as she moved the blade to look behind her out of habit. Nothing was there aside from some swaying plant life, but she didn’t like dropping her guard at all. Force of habit really, once she wished she didn’t have but had saved her skin many times for the more rowdy creatures that passed by.

Sighing to herself, Jianhua supposed she had enough of a break, getting to her feet and brushing the shavings off of her robe before examining her work once more. She had some crops to be cut down, and not a lot of time to do so. It was better to use the gardening scythe while it was sharp and at it’s best.