Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Soothing down the ruffles of the outfit, the potion master was quite pleased with their costume that they were able to whip up on such short notice. Invited to some sort of party, they wanted to go as one of their favorite things that wouldn’t require too much prep at all. Finishing off the outfit with a mushroom hat, potion master was smiling from ear to ear as they began to stuffle around to look into the mirror, happy to be able to be the beloved mushroom that were adored so. They were so useful and sometimes so colorful, such good fungi that never were a tiring sight.

“What are you doing, beloved?” The familiar voice asked, turning to see the traveler covering their mouth, trying to stifle a laugh while the potion master stared blankly at him. Not sure what was funny, they did feel slightly offended as they felt the darling was laughing at him.

“The party is today, and soon, are you not going to dress up?” Getting a confused look, it was a common sight expression wise as the strangest lines were said between the pair of them.

“You don’t need to dress up, you know.”

“Well I wanted to, I’m a mushroom.” Earning another one of those confused looks, followed by the traveler raising a to rub his forehead, he wasn't about to argue and ruin the good time that was being had.

“I can see that, you look lovely. Let’s start heading out so we’re not late. That would be a shame.” Holding out a hand, the potion master took it and started following the traveler who was just trying to understand his partner the best he could. They were having fun, that’s what the party was all about. But it still left him debating the why of a mushroom of all things, at least it was a amusin outfit that would bring some laughs around? He thought anyway, still trying to keep the laughter to himself as he led the way to the party.