Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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It wasn’t often that Jack got to explore the human world, Hell was his home even if from what he recalled he started on the surface the other warpas couldn’t walk on. He still liked to visit where he spent his first few years, more so during the spooky season that happened every year around when the Hell domain was quiet with the daily walks of lives being the only interesting thing he’d come across while wandering his forest home.

Right now though, a group of small humans were chanting around a circle, lit candles were the only light source available in the disheveled room. From what his ears could hear, it was similar to the childish song the young ones would sing. On the surface though, they were considered far more demonic and a way to possibly summon a demon if everything was done right. It sounded a bit silly to him, but the humans didn’t always know everything as some thought they did.

He didn’t want to leave those young ones disappointed though, it was that time of the year where they really wanted to startle themselves and create tales that would be passed down through friends and maybe even therapists if they did a good enough job. Blowing out the candles, he supposed he could at least try to make one of those memories to last.

He could hear the excited but scared whispers of the hooded children, one of them scrambling to relight the candles so they weren’t left in complete darkness. Jack has already transformed into his nightmare form and growled, trying not to smile as he heard their screams and they cartoonishly crawl in place until their feet had traction on the ground and the gathering cleared out.

Oh, how Jack loved this spooky season the humans had, they always were such fun.