Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Humming to herself, Beyza was peeling and coring some fruit for her seasonal pie. It was the season, and after so many years of the pie becoming a yearly favorite she couldn’t just opt to not make it. All the people that would be disappointed by the lack of apple laced goodness in their life. Crispy, flakey, and melt in your mouth crust paired well with that sweet flavor that came when a few other ingredients were added. Holding the apple up to be examined before it was peeled, cored, and sliced, she scrutinized the fruit but in the end it was prepped for the dish. Only the best could go into the pie, no bruised or soft apples, lest it be bland and unpleasant.

Around her, the other workers in the kitchen were busy as always. Holidays always brought an increase in their traffic, which was nice but also oh so tiring. She had already planned to make a few extra pies just to be consumed by the workers alone, thinking they deserved some light at the end of the tunnel as they drove on to please guests that weren’t always grateful or understanding. What could be done though? That was the way of the food service jobs.

With the newer apples prepared, she turned her attention to the bubbling mixtured on the stove, a combination of apples, spices, some sugar, and a small dash of lemon juice as the apples were on the sweeter side to start with. It was ready to come off the stove and cool, with her pie crusts ready for their filling before they would be topped with a layer of puff pastry and sent on their way to the oven. An assembly line of pies were already in progress, with some cooking in the oven and a few waiting on the side to be put in, all Beyza could hope for was that they'd be enjoyed and appreciated by those who tasted them.