Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Struggling against the ropes that bound his body, Val whined softly as he opened his eyes. His head hurt, throbbing even, but he expected nothing less after voicing his want to be away from here. All he wanted was to be free, away from this hell he was born to, out in the world and away even if he had to be on his own.

Even though he could open his eyes, all that was around him was darkness. Every part of him panicked, this never ending nightmare that was his life as a slave under more powerful demons his family dared not to escape from. He couldn’t hear anyone else, so that was a start in the right direction of being able to untrap himself and try to escape again.

Wiggling more, he could feel the cloth on his face being used to blind him, to try and keep him docile and under their control. After all, how could he misbehave if he couldn’t even see what was there? After seeing what became of his brother, he knew plenty of ways even if he wasn’t around during the brunt of the damage.

He did start to calm, to give up, wondering if it was even worth his nice treatment taken away if all he had to do was bear the occasional bad times... he had to do things he didn’t want, but they fed him and brushed him so nicely when he did...

Resting his head on the cold ground, maybe he would be alright if he just... stayed. It was life, he could come to accept it... Or that’s what he told himself as he just wanted to be out of these restraints.

What his masters wanted did become a truth, tossing Val into the room, blinded in more than one way to the situation he in that moment was telling himself it was okay to accept in favor of a calm life.