Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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The stone table like area laid well lit by the nearby floating candles and candlesticks, dim until you neared closer. Clothed in only her robe as the dark colored female moved closer, this had to be Senka’s least favorite room in the house. No matter how many spiders lurked in the corner of the rooms, it always felt so hollow and empty to her.

Her mother has told her to go collect the blood pot from the altar room, a very clean and almost ‘holy’ seeming area (or as holy as the circles of hell could be). Senka knew quite differently though, they were just blessed with hard workers who would clean up any mess left behind by any of her mother’s ‘activities’. Be that a lewd or murderous activity, was anyone’s guess when the household was so big you wouldn’t hear the screams of any sort from far enough away.

Grabbing a vase-like structure from the ground, Senka stared into the black liquid that moved as the vase was shifted. Slightly shiny and rather odorless from the distance it was, Senka was always a curious one in most situations. Today though, she wasn’t curious enough to give the sacrificial pot a sniff to see if she could deduce what sort of creature narrowly escaped or perished this week.

“Darling Sun Baby!” Her mother called, earning a huff but her lingering time was more than enough. Senka wrinkled her nose as she picked up the pot and dusted the altar off of anything that stuck to the bottom of the vessel. She had spent enough time in this room and needed no more skin crawling sensations if it could be helped.

“I’m coming, mother.” She called back, looking back as the lights faded off the farther she went from them, and closing the door she hoped she wouldn’t have to visit any time soon.