Warpatober 2021

Collection for warpatober 2021. Only character in written pieces will be in the cast.

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Standing in the tall field of corn, Jack's ears gave a twitch as in the distance a crow made itself known to him. Landing on a tall stalk and the noise of it breaking had him ready to run, though he wasn't sure at that moment if he'd run towards or away from the noise. It was an early morning and the sun was dying down, but still it was quite unforgiving as the seasons changed. Hearing another caw from a demonic bird who dared to taunt him, he growled lightly and ran after the bird before it flew off. It was apparently a fight day for him, but he was okay with this. Landing a few feet away, his tail twitched in annoyance before springing forward and trying to tackle the bird again, to no avail. It was as if it was taking enjoyment in teasing him among the field of corn, endless as far as his eyes could see.

Chasing about three birds through the long stalks of crop, chasing them off as they landed, he jumped as he heard a cough from nearby freezing and looking up at a towering figure before him. Straw sticking out of every limb, and it's clothes and face worn. Ah, a scarecrow, he became visibly less worried until his eyes drew to behind the scarecrow to the farmer who was standing there holding a scythe and covered in sweat.

"Oh, uh. I'm uh..." Trailing off, he knew he wasn't supposed to trespass on people's properties without permission.

"It's alright, kiddo. You're doing better than this old lug it seems." Patting the scarecrow, some bits of straw fell out, the motion making the scavenging crows scatter again and caught Jack's attention.

Well, if the farmer said it was okay... darting off, all that could be seen as he vanished was the bird flying off to escape their demise.