Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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3 years later || Prologue

  The Dark Area...There, thousands of feet below the Digital World, exists a dark dimension. A cold, dark space. Where the evilest, baddest, cruelest, and most heartless Digimon stay trapped to pay for their sins and crimes they committed in the Digital World. 

One group of Digimon, in particular...Their data, their forms stayed in the forms of shapeless clouds, a shell of their former selves...They had all just been sentenced to the Dark Area, paying for the horrific crime of nearly bringing down the downfall of the Digital World.

“How...How did we lose?” One of the clouds of data spoke. 

“We had...All of the power!” Another voice speaks. “And it was all taken away from us...So soon...” 

“Those Digimon...Are clearly stronger then they look.” A third voice speaks.

“Seriously, what do those Digimon have that we don’t?!” A fourth voice angrily growls.

“Take a guess, you idiots...” Another voice speaks sarcastically.

“Er, I don’t know...A heart? A soul?”

“You idiots! How dense can you be?!”

“Uh...Can you just tell us, then? Cause I don’t-“


“Those little brats...If it wasn’t for them and their stupid Digivices, we could’ve taken destroyed the Digital World with no trouble...”

“We obviously need to come back! Revive ourselves and squash those little bugs we call Digidestined!”

“And...How do you supposed we do that?”

“...I know how you can do that.” A loud voice suddenly booms through the atmosphere, the pure volume of it surrounding everyone.

“Hey, would you mind?! We’re busy having an argument here!” One voice hisses.

“Ah, apologies, I just overheard your conversation, and thought you all needed some help.” The loud voice says calmly.

“Uh...How exactly would you be able to help us?” One voice asks.

“...I can find each one of human partners. My body has the ability to communicate between each worlds. I can find human partners anywhere around the world.” The big voice explains. “The meanest, baddest...Evilest of children. To finally counter those...Digidestined.”

“Uhh...How exactly are you able to do that?” One voice asks.

“Does it really matter?” The loud voice responds. “All I know is, you need my help, and I could use yours as well...The real question is...Will you except my help, or not?” The smaller voices all whisper to each other for a long moment....Before finally thinking of an answer.

“Yes...We’ll accept your help.”

“Ah...Excellent. We will make the perfect plan to get outta here together, but...We’re gonna need some time.” The big voice says.

“Exactly...How much time?”

“...You’ll see. Just be patient...” The voice cackles softly...As it slowly fades away.

...3 years later...


A young, small rabbit Digimon, known as Terriermon, stood next to a small tide pool, next to some trees, looking down into the water, eyeing a cluster of various colored rocks. He fixates his vision on one rock in particular...

“...HIYAH!!” As he thrusts one ear into the water, grabbing the rock with it and yanking it out. He holds the rock up, which was pink and shaped like a star.

“...Ooh, pretty! Cherubimon would love this one!” Terriermon speaks to himself. Smiling widely, he clutches the rock to his chest, turning and running down a stone path. His little feet run fast towards a large castle, built with beautiful pastel colored pink stone, and pastel blue accents. He runs inside the wide open door, immediately reaching a small room with multiple hallways branching out of it. He sees a smaller Digimon, running up to them.

“Hey! You know where Cherubimon is?!” Terriermon hurriedly asks. The Digimon points down one hallway, towards a room with a slightly open door.

“Ah, the research room...!” Terriermon dashes off towards the room. His tiny form takes a moment, as he squeezes through the crack in the door...


...And immediately spots Cherubimon, who was standing in front of a desk, with various items strewn all over it.

“Heyy, Cherubimon! I found another rock for you!” Terriermon smiles widely, holding it up to her. 

“Wow Terriermon, it’s beautiful...” Cherubimon smiles warmly, grabbing the rock from him. “Thank you. I’ll place it with the others.” Cherubimon floats towards a shelf, with other rocks with various shapes and colors, place the pink one among them. 

“Hey, what are you doing in here?” Terriermon asks. “Ooh, are the new Digidestined eggs finally ready?!” Cherubimon nods.

“Come here, and take a look.” Cherubimon scoops up Terriermon, lifting him to the top of the high desk, gently placing him.


Immediately, Terriermon sees 4 eggs, with various colored patterns, attached to Digivices via wires. Terriermon’s eyes sparkle excitedly, carefully standing next to the eggs.

“Woah...Amazing!! Are the eggs gonna hatch soon?! What kind of Digimon are gonna come out of them?!” Terriermon rapidly asks.

“I don’t know yet, but they’re definitely gonna hatch pretty soon...” Cherubimon smiles, but her expression quickly falls. “But, I am a bit nervous. One of those eggs...Anubismon senses a dark power coming from one of them. And I don’t know which one it’s supposed to be...”

Terriermon takes a step back from the eggs, eyes squinting at each one. He looks around the table, and suddenly notices a fifth Digivice on its own, not attached to an egg. Terriermon picks up the Digivice, staring at its blank screen.

“Hey, why’s this Digivice on its own?” Terriermon asks.

“Oh, that. I accidentally crafted five Digivices, since I thought we were receiving more eggs...” Cherubimon responds. “Now I have no idea what to do with that one...”

“Ooh, maybe I could have it?” Terriermon asks, hugging the device. “Then I can finally become a Digidestined...And have my own partner!”

“Haha, maybe. I know you’ve always wanted to be one...” Cherubimon giggles, smiling at Terriermon’s enthusiasm.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Then, out of nowhere, a loud siren starts buzzing rapidly, as the lights in the castle go out in a blink of an eye. Both their faces fall at the sudden change of atmosphere. The two also hear what sounded like crashing and yelling outside.

“Huh? What the heck is happening?” Terriermon mutters. Cherubimon carefully stares at the door...


As Anubismon suddenly flies into the room, panting heavily as he slams the doors shut.

“Anubismon, what is going on?!” Cherubimon asks, with clear concern. “Are you hurt?” He breathes heavily, struggling to speak.

“I...I couldn’t stop it.” Anubismon pants. “Somehow they...They broke the gate to the Dark Area. Every Digimon that was trapped there...They’re all free.” Cherubimon and Terriermon’s eyes widen in horror.

“What?! How is that even possible?!” Cherubimon stutters in shock. “Are the others ok?!”

“I don’t know, I...I tried contacting Examon, but they wouldn’t respond. I barely even made it back, it’s like...It’s like hell out there.”

BANG! BANG! A loud banging is heard on the other side of the door, as the three cautiously back away...The door then suddenly explodes...


As a huge Digimon, bigger then both Anubismon and Cherubimon combined, walked into the room. The Digimon suddenly charges forward towards Anubismon, but he dodges it, as the Digimon tackles Cherubimon instead.

“Cherubimon! I’m so sorry...!” Anubismon whimpers.

“Are you ok?!” Terriermon asks. She doesn’t respond, as the Digimon pins her down.

“DEAD SCREAM!!” The Digimon let’s out a horrifically high pitched scream. Anubismon and Terriermon cover their ears, but Cherubimon can’t, as her body starts shaking violently, her skin losing color as it slowly turns gray.

“Anubis...mon...” Cherubimon weakly stutters. “Send Terriermon...And the eggs...To the human...World...”

“What?! Right now?” Anubismon asks, wide eyed.

“Send them...Now...Save them and get outta here...They’re our only...Hope...” Cherubimon coughs, her voice now getting raspy. Anubismon looks back at the eggs, a concerned look.

“Are you sure? But that one egg...” Anubismon stares at the egg with a dark purple color. “I still don’t know if we can...Control the evil powers inside of it...”

“It’s...Fine...Just...Do it...” Cherubimon chokes, Anubismon knowing he was running out of time, as he quickly scooped up Terriermon and the eggs.

“GOLDEN RAY!!” Anubismon fires a beam through the ceiling, making a hole he quickly flies out of. He flies high into the sky, as Terriermon looks down...At the ground, which was erupted into chaos, with multiple Digimon fighting eachother in an apocalyptic scenario. Anubismon focuses his power as he forms a pink bubble around Terriermon and the eggs...

“Anubismon, don’t do this! I don’t want you and Cherubimon to die!!” Terriermon cries out, pounding on the bubble.

“I’m sorry, Terriermon...But this is all up to you now.” Anubismon says quietly. “You have to find yourself, and these eggs partners...Saving the Digital World is up to you now.”

“ANUBISMON, NOO!!” Anubismon ignores Terriermon’s cries, as he looks up into the sky...He sees what looks like a portal...To the human world. He reels back one arm...

WHAP!! As he smacks the bubble with all his power, sending it flying like a meteor towards the portal.

“Terriermon, the Digital World is counting on you!!” Anubismon yells to Terriermon, as he flies farther and farther away from him...

“NO, ANUBISMON!!” Terriermon screams, the bubble fading through the portal...

...And disappearing.