Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 7
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Welcome to Texas || Chapter 6

It was nighttime, a dead silence in the air, as everyone rested in their own motel rooms. The group was in two separate rooms, with Blaine, Logan and Allison in one room, and Jake, Lily and Mrs. Evans in another. For the most part, everyone was exhausted from the mess that happened at the airport earlier, so most of the group was asleep. Lily, Jake, and Terriermon were the only ones who remained awake.

“Man, that was such a close call earlier...” Lily sighs, keeping her voice low to avoid waking her mother. 

“I know...With all that happened, I’m surprised the Police didn’t try to come after us. Or the FBI or something...” Jake responds. Jake then stands up, rummaging through his suitcase until he pulls out some swim suit trunks.

“Are you seriously going swimming right now? This late at night?” Lily asks, smirking.

“Pfft, of course. It’s the only time the pool is empty.” Jake smiles. “Come on, you should swim with me. It’ll be pretty fun with just the two of us, trust me!” Jake playfully pokes Lily’s shoulder, who couldn’t help but smile and give in.

“Aw...Alright.” Lily responds.

“Yes! Hey, Terriermon!” Jake calls for him, looking around the room, but seeing no sign of his partner. “Terriermon? Where’d he go?! Aw man...He didn’t go to the pool by himself, did he?!” Jake immediately starts to get worried.

“He probably did. You saw how excited he was when he saw the pool earlier.” Lily says smirking.

“Man...He better not be causing any trouble out there.”

Meanwhile, at the pool...

It wasn’t just Terriermon at the outdoor pool, but Veemon and Tsukaimon were also with him. At one side of the pool, Veemon was happily paddling around. On the other, Tsukaimon was diving under the water, practicing some moves of some sort. The only other people there was a couple in a hot tub nearby, loudly and passionately making out. Terriermon eyed them curiously, walking up to the couple.

“Hey! What the heck are you two doing? Trying to eat each other or something?!” Terriermon interrupts their moment, the couple pulling away from each other as they stare at him in horror.

“Babe, what the heck is that thing?!” The woman remarks. 

“I-I don’t know babe, some ugly rat or something!” The man retorts.

“Hey, don’t be rude! I just wanna play in the hot pool too!” Terriermon hops into the hot tub, sitting next to the couple and separating them. The two exchange looks, before they start screeching, running out of the pool area in a hurry.

“HELP!! THERES A WEIRD RAT THING IN THE TUB!! AHHHHH!!” The man screeches, as the couple runs past Lily and Jake, who just walked into the pool area.

“Terriermon, what the heck are you doing out here?!” Jake says. “You gotta stop freaking everyone out like this!”

“Hey, I didn’t do anything! They’re the ones who called me ugly, plus they were trying to eat each other’s faces or something!” Terriermon remarks. “And they have the nerve to call me the weird one!”

“What...?” Jake looks with genuine confusion, his face once again turning to concern when he sees Veemon and Tsukaimon also. “Wait, all of you are here? You’re all gonna attract more attention being out here!!” Jake freaks out.

“Hey, I think it’s fine. There’s nobody else out here...” Lily reassures him, patting Jake’s shoulder. “Come on, you gotta hop in the pool and chill out!” Lily jumps in, shivering a bit from the cold water. Jake smiles, immediately jumping in as well. The two giggle, playfully splashing each other, as they play around in the pool for a bit, swimming back and forth. “Man, I missed going swimming.” Lily says, a warm smile. “I used to go swimming all the time with Taeka, but I stopped after she left...There was this one game we used to love playing together.”

“Was it Marco Polo? We used to play that together a lot.” Jake says.

“No, actually...It was a game she made up herself, where she pretended to be a shark, and she would chase be around the pool.” Lily says, reminiscing with a smile.

“That definitely sounds like something she would do.” Jake says, then, with a smirk, he splashes Lily with water.

“Hey! What’re you doing?!” Lily says.

“Come on, let’s play that game!” Jake says, smiling. “I’m the shark now, so you gotta chase me!” Jake giggles, swimming away fast.

“Hey, it’s supposed to be the other way around!” Lily laughs, but she also starts swimming after him. “Get back here!”

“I wanna play too!” Veemon chimes in happily, also swimming after Jake.

“We’re gonna get you Jake!” Tsukaimon joins in. Everyone laughs happily as they all playfully chase after Jake.

“Terriermon, come in and join us!” Jake calls to his partner, who’s still in the hot tub.

“Not now, Jake! I’m too busy relaxing my digital bones in the hot tub...” Terriermon yells back.

“Aw, alright! Wait a minute, do Digimon even have bones...?” Jake suddenly stops, pondering that thought to himself...

“GOTCHA!!” As Lily, Veemon and Tsukaimon tackle Jake at the same time, tagging him as they all giggle. 

“Aw man! Time out, time out!” Jake laughs, as him and Lily hoist themselves up and outta the pool, sitting on the edge, Tsukaimon and Veemon continuing to swim still. 

“Heh, thanks Jake, for convincing me to come out here.” Lily says. 

“No problem. Anything’s worth it if it means I get to see you smile again.” Jake says, a warm smile.

“What do you mean by that?” Lily asks.

“Well, it’s just...Ever since your sister left, you’ve just been so down...And sad...” Jake says. “And I haven’t been able to spend much time with you until now...” Lily’s face falls a bit, as she looks down at the water.

“Yeah, I get what you mean...” Lily says. “It was bad enough that I had to say goodbye to Lopmon, but my sister too? Taeka was like my other best friend, so having her leave too...I just couldn’t stand it. And those nightmares I’ve been having a lot afterwards didn’t help much either...” Jake nods, comfortingly patting her shoulder.

“Lopmon...That was your partner, right? What was she like?” Jake asks. Lily smiles a bit, looking up.

“Lopmon...She was a lot quieter then the other Digimon here, but she was such a sweetheart...” Lily says. “Always there for me, no matter how whiny or annoying I could’ve gotten...” Lily’s smile once again starts to fade. “Jake, I...I really wanna go back to the Digital World, and get Lopmon and Taeka back, but...I’m scared of what’s gonna happen there. With the way Terriermon described it, it sounds like it could be even scarier then when me and my friends went...”

“Hey, don’t worry about it...” Jake comforts her. “I promise you, no matter what, I’m gonna stick by your side, and get Taeka and Lopmon back to you...Alright?” Lily looks directly at Jake, with a warm smile.

“Yeah, alright...Thanks, Jake. I really appreciate it.” Lily says.

“Always.” Jake and Lily silently smile at eachother for a moment, before Jake hops back into the pool, giggling a bit.

“Alright, let’s play that shark game again!” Jake says. “Come on, I wanna chase you around this time!” Lily smiles, also laughing a little.

“Again?” She smirks, hopping into the pool too. “Alright then...Game on!”

The next morning...

Hoshi and Kudamon sat in his bedroom, eating breakfast. They were sitting there eating in silence...

BAM! Until his sister Charlee suddenly kicks the door open...

“AHA!! I KNEW IT!!” She screams, pointing at the two, but freezes when she really looks at Kudamon.

“Charlee, would you keep your voice down?!” Hoshi says. “Aw, man...”

“Whoa...What kind’ve weird little animal is this?” Charlee asks, kneeling down to look at Kudamon.

“I’m sorry Hoshi, I wasn’t able to prepare properly to avoid being seen by your sister...” Kudamon apologizes softly.

“And it talks too?! That is awesome.” Charlee says.

“They’re not an it...” Hoshi says, patting Kudamon’s head. “Their name is Kudamon, and they’re a Digimon. Kudamon tells me that Digimon are from another world or something, called the Digital World.”

“Whoa, for real?! Man, I knew you were hiding something in here, but I didn’t think it would be something this...Awesome!” Charlee says, with a smirk.

“Yeah, just...Please don’t tell our parents, alright? Mom would flip out if she saw them here.”

“Of course dude, I ain’t no snitch.” Charlee responds.

“Good, thank you...” Hoshi looks at the two’s finished plates, as he stretches and stands up, picking up Kudamon.

“Hey, where are you two going?” Charlee asks.

“Outside. I promised Kudamon I’d take them out for a walk when we were done eating.” Hoshi responds.

“Right now? Aw man, I wanted to ask Kudamon more questions!” Charlee says.

“You can talk to them later, alright?” Hoshi says. Charlee pouts a bit, but nods.

“Aw, man...Alright.”

Meanwhile, with the others...

The group, not including Lily’s mother, walked around the city, trying to look for any signs of Digimon. They didn’t see anything though, and only grew more annoyed...And hungry, which could clearly be told my Terriermon’s ridiculously loud stomach growling.

“I’m soooooo hungry!” Terriermon whines. “Come on, I wanna eat something!”

“I hate to admit it, but we’ve been searching out here for hours, and have found nothing...” Lily grumbles. “And I’m hungry too!”

“We should find a restaurant around here to stop and take a break at.” Blaine says. Everyone pauses, simultaneously looking at a restaurant across the street, by the name of: Os’Well Family Diner. They all nod at eachother in understatement, as they make sure the Digimon’s disguises, the same ones from the Airport, are on correctly, before dashing across the street and into the diner. The inside of the diner resembled an old fashioned diner, and it was pretty busy, with most of the tables occupied. Everyone walks over to a booth, sitting down as they all look over some menus. For a few minutes, they take time to decide what they want, finally deciding, as a waitress comes over, and takes the kid’s orders.

“And what would you like, sir?” The waitress asks, pointing to Terriermon. He’s silent for a short moment before answering.

“YO, YO, YO!!” Terriermon does some random beatboxing, still keeping up his rapper persona. “Give me a cheeseburger and fries, lady!” The waitress gives a perplexed look, before jotting his order down. “Alright...And what about you?” She points to Veemon.

“...I want everything on the menu, please!” Veemon cheerfully says.

“What? Um, I don’t...” The waitress looks confused.

“Veemon, you can’t buy everything...” Logan whispers to him. “You have to choose just one thing...”

“Ohh, okay...I’ll have just the chocolate sundae, please!” Veemon says, the Waitress nodding and writing.

“Ok...And you?” She turns to Tsukaimon last.

“...The souls of your family, please!” Tsukaimon nonchalantly blurts out.

“Wh-What?! I don’t...” The waitress stares at him, shocked.

“Haha, he’s just joking around!” Allison quickly covers for him. “Just give him a plate of the spaghetti.” The waitress scribbles notes down one last time, with a bewildered look as she quickly walks away from their table, not saying anything.

“God, can’t you three ever act normally?” Blaine grumbles with an annoyed expression. Lily tries to hold it in, but she starts laughing a bit, everyone giving her a confused look.

“What’s so funny?” Logan asks.

“I’m sorry, it’s just...Kind’ve funny...” Lily starts laughing even harder. “Just look at how silly...Terriermon looks!” Everyone simultaneously looks over at Terriermon, who’s tiny head was barely peeking out from above the table, his oversized clothes making him look pretty ridiculous.

“Yo, yo, yo! What’re y’all staring at?!” Terriermon says, in his silly voice.

“Pfft...” Everyone couldn’t help it, as they all burst loudly into laughter at the same time,   laughing at how silly Terriermon was being. Everyone laughed to themselves for a few minutes, until finally calming down.

“Man...I hope the food gets here soon...I’m starving!”

Sometime later...

Everyone’s food had arrived, and they all seemed to be enjoying their meals a lot, now everyone being at least halfway done with eating. Allison and Tsukaimon were eating a lot faster then the others though, and were almost done eating.

“And...Done!” Allison takes one more bite, her plate now being completely clean.

“Aw man, you beat me!” Tsukaimon says, shortly after finishing his food as well.

“Dang, Allison! How’d you eat that so fast?!” Jake says. “And...Why?”

“Me and Tsukaimon wanna hurry and finish, so we can look for Digimon again.” Allison says, as her and Tsukaimon stand up out of the booth.

“See ya later slowpokes!” Allison quickly waves and runs out.

“Hey, wait a minute!” Logan tries to call to her, but she’s already out the door.

“She’ll be fine...” Blaine says. “We can catch up to her after we’re done too.”

Sometime later...

The rest of the group had now finished all their meals, promptly paying for the food as they head out of the diner. They walked down the streets, looking for Allison now, but see no sign of her.

“Where the heck did she go?” Logan asks.

“I don’t know, but let’s keep looking. She couldn’t have gotten that far.” Blaine says, everyone continues walking...

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!” Until they suddenly see a bunch of people screaming and running into another direction. Everyone looks concerned, running towards the direction everyone was running from, down the street, turning a corner...

...And seeing something they didn’t expect. Devidramon was fighting Reppamon, grabbing them and pinning them against a tall building aggressively. Meanwhile, Hoshi and Allison were also there, Hoshi looking clearly distressed, and Allison not really reacting to the situation much. Everyone looks in horror, before quickly running over.

“Man...” Allison mumbles quietly, hands causually in her pockets.

“What the heck is going on here?!” Jake freaks out.

“You all gotta help...” Hoshi whimpers, turning to the group. “Her partner is gonna kill mine!” Everyone looks back and forth between Hoshi and Allison, in disbelief.

“What the...Allison, why is Devidramon doing this?!” Blaine asks.

“You tell me...Me and Tsukaimon just saw this kid and his partner, then Tsukaimon just challenged them to a fight and this happened.” Allison says. “I couldn’t really stop him...”

“What?! Well, you gotta stop him, before he kills that kid’s partner!” Lily says.

“Hey, I tried talking to him, but it doesn’t work! Watch...” Allison looks up at Devidramon. “Hey, Devidramon! Would you knock it off already?” She lazily calls to Devidramon, who completely ignores her.

“Wait, that’s it?! You have no idea how to control him?!” Blaine asks angrily.

“I mean, it worked before, I don’t know!” Allison causually shrugs, everyone glaring at her.

“Can either of you two help me?! Please?!” Hoshi pleads to Terriermon and Veemon, who both look up nervously at Devidramon.

“But, I...” Veemon stutters nervously. “He’s still my friend, I don’t know if I can...Fight him...”

“Ugh, you know what?! Somebody’s gotta stop Devidramon before he kills Reppamon!” Jake says, looking down at Terriermon. “Terriermon, you ready?” Terriermon looks a bit freaked out, but quickly pulls himself together, nodding in response.


“Sorry Devidramon, but I have to do this...” Gargomon looks up at Devidramon. “GATLING ARM!!” He fires at Devidramon, making him loosen his grip on Reppamon. Reppamon then falls to the ground, reverting back to Kudamon as Hoshi quickly catches them. Devidramon then growls, turning to Gargomon. 

“Devidramon, you gotta stop this...We’re your friends!” Gargomon tries to talk Devidramon down...

“...RED EYE!!” But Devidramon attacks, Gargomon promptly dodging it.

“Man...Guess I can’t talk you down then...” Gargomon takes a deep breath. “Alright then...DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” Gargomon smacks Devidramon under the jaw, damaging him a lot.

“CRIMSON CLAW!! CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon claws wildly, Gargomon swiftly dodging each swipe. Devidramon growls loudly, then pinning Gargomon to the ground. Devidramon opens his jaw wide, about to bite into Gargomon, but he manages to move his arm forward...

“GATLING ARM!!” And fires right into Devidramon’s hands, damaging him a lot as he roars in pain. “DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” Then Gargomon attacks one more time, Devidramon collapsing to the ground, reverting back to Tsukaimon.

“Man...My head hurts...” Tsukaimon grumbles, rubbing his head as Allison picks him up. “Maybe I should apologize...” Allison says to herself. “Hey-“ She looks up, trying to spot Hoshi, but only saw him running away from the group pretty quickly. 

“Pfft wow, is he scared of me now or something?” Allison scoffs.

“Can’t say that I blame him.” Blaine crosses his arms, glaring at Allison. “Tsukaimon could’ve killed his partner!”

“And? Why should I care?” Allison scoffs again.

“Are you serious, Allison?!” Logan snaps at her. “You seriously gotta get Devidramon under control before he seriously hurts somebody!!”

“Whatever, I’ll worry about that later.” Allison rolls his eyes, casually walking away from the group. “I’m going back to the motel.” 

“Is she serious?” Blaine hisses, as he and Logan both walk after him. Lily and Jake don’t follow, only watch as they exchange worried glances.

“That’s...Really not good...” Jake says.

“Yeah...” Lily responds. “We seriously gotta talk to her.”