Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 12
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Child of Sloth: Alec and Phascomon || Chapter 11

The group had all fallen asleep inside the Locomon train, now finally able to rest safely, as the train sped down the tracks, now hours away from Sewer City.

Yawwnnn...” Gummymon stretches and yawns, standing up, only to realize that he had somehow Digivolved back to Terriermon in his sleep.

‘Woah...I’m back to normal! Guess all I needed was a good rest...’ Terriermon thought to himself. He stood up, looking around at the seats, where everyone was asleep...Except for Jake, who was nowhere to be found.

‘Jake is awake...But where’d he go?’ Terriermon thought. Terriermon then hopped off the seat, walking into another train car...And then another, finally spotting Jake, who was looking around for something.

“Jake! What are you doing out here?” Terriermon asks. Jake turns to Terriermon, motioning for him to be silent.

“I heard something. I...Think there might be someone else on this train.” Jake says. Terriermon gasps quietly, as the two go silent, Tiptoeing into another train car to look around. The two keep walking into multiple train cars but still see nothing, their nerves starting to settle a bit.

“Hey, Terriermon. I gotta say, it’s pretty impressive seeing all your knowledge on the Digital World...” Jake says, smiling. “So, what’s the Digital World normally like, you know...When there isn’t all this chaos going down?”

“Oh! That’s easy, well...” Terriermon paused, thinking. “Well, first off, the sky usually doesn’t look this scary...” The two pause, looking at the dark red sky out the window, racing past fields with various Digimon fighting each other, in a chaotic scene.

“...It’s usually not this chaotic, either...” Terriermon sighs. “But uh, before all this happened, the Digital World was very peaceful and civilized! Theres tons of villages and cities all over the world, thats made for a variety of Digimon! The rulers of the Digital World...Examon, Cherubimon, Anubismon, Owryumon, Pharohmon, and ExMagnamon...They all protect different parts of the Digital World, to protect the peace, and from anything getting too...Out of hand. They also built a lot of the cities and towns, that weren’t here before they started ruling over.” Terriermon explains, Jake nodding as he carefully listened.

“Alright, that makes sense...” Jake says. “So, do you know who rules over this land?” He asks.

“Uh, I don’t think so...I usually live in the Northern Continent, with Anubismon and Cherubimon ruling over there...” Terriermon says. “I’ve never been to this land before, so I don’t know who rules over here! Or the directions around here!”

“Aw, ok...” Jake sighs. “I wish we...”

Creeeaaakkk.... Suddenly then, the two are cut off by the sound of something creaking, in another room. The two exchange glances, before quickly running into the next train car...To see a trapdoor on the roof, that was opened, with a pair of legs crawling out onto the roof.

“Hey! Those were human legs!” Terriermon shouts, pointing.

“I know...Let’s hurry and follow them!” Jake says, the two also crawling up the trapdoor, and onto the roof of the train.

“Whoa...” The two struggled to stand atop the speeding train, doing their best to keep their balance.

“Hey! Over there!” Terriermon points close by, to a boy with his back turned to them, with a Digimon on his shoulder. The two promptly turn around, showing their faces.



“Ugh, they’ve caught us...” The boy grumbles. “Don’t you know not to sneak around in places that don’t belong to you?”

“...Huh? I thought this Locomon train was like, a free public service...” Jake says, with clear confusion on his face. “Wait a minute...Are you part of the Demondestined?” He asks.

“Heh, sure am.” The boy gives a snarky smirk. “You must be a part of that inferior group then...The Digidestined?” He asks.

“Uh, yeah...Wait a minute, what do you mean by inferior?” Jake asks.

“Pfft. I’ve been hiding in this train the whole time. I saw Rosalie and BlackGatomon beat the life out of one of your friends. I think it’s obvious here who’s the stronger group.” The boy smirks, giving a condescending chuckle as his eyes scan up and down at Jake. “And where’d you buy those clothes? They look hideous.” The boy says, Jake sadly looking down at his outfit.

“Uh, my mom bought these for me...Wait a minute, what’s wrong with my clothes?” Jake whimpers.

“JAKE! LOOK OUT!!” Terriermon yells and points behind them, to a traffic sign, that Jake quickly ducks under, barely missing him.

“Uh, could we have this conversation inside instead? Where we won’t have a chance of getting our heads torn off?” Jake whimpers fearfully, the boy only laughing at him.

“What, so you can go ask for friends for help? I’m not stupid, dude. I know you’re just afraid to stay out here and fight me.”

“Heh...” The boy’s Digimon partner chuckles softly. “I bet they’re just scared to...Fight me.”

“Pfft! Yeah, right! You’re the one who should be afraid of me!” Terriermon threatens.

“Uhh...Who exactly are you two anyways?” Jake asks.

“Me? I’m only the great Alec Palmer of course! And this is Phascomon...” Alec brags. “You know, the little brother of the even greater Elijah Palmer?”

“Elijah? I swear, I’ve heard that name before...” Jake questions, thinking. “I don’t know who he is, though...”

“What, you seriously don’t know him?!” Alec says, looking pretty annoyed. “He’s only the leader of the Demondestined! He’s super powerful, only the strongest of the group...If he was here right now, he’d already have your head on a platter...” Alec boasts. “And as long as he’s the leader, I get the special treatment in the group, and don’t have to do anything or help out anyone!”

“What?” Jake glares at Alec, starting to look annoyed. “Aren’t the Demondestined your friends? Shouldn’t you wanna be able to help them out?” Jake asks.

“Pfft, no! Why should I do anything when others can do it for me?” Alec says.

“Heh...That’s so true...” Phascomon agrees.

“Hey! Why don’t you shut your mouth before I shut it for you?!” Terriermon threatens. Everyone glares at one another, Terriermon turning to Jake with a determined look.

“Jake, I think it’s time to knock these two off the train!” Terriermon says, Jake nodding. “But uh, I’m still a bit sore and tired, so I have to Digivolve to Gargomon instead of Rapidmon, is that ok?”

“Yeah, cool with me...” Jake responds.

“What?! Are you able to Digivolve to...The ultimate level?” Alec asks.

“Uh, yeah...” Jake responds. Alec looked legitimately surprised by this, but quickly shook his head, quickly changed back to a calm expression.

“Heh, well that’s nothing. So can I...” Alec smirks, reaching under his hoodie as he pulls something out from around his neck.


“Wha...Is that a tag?!” Jake stares at it, wide eyed. “It’s just like mine...Where’d you get that from?!”

“That’s not important...” Alec smirks, tucking it back under his hoodie. “I think it’s time for us to fight now.” The two Digimon step forward, fiercely glaring at one another.

“Alright then...” Jake says. “Let’s do this.”





Porcupamon wasn’t much taller than Gargomon, but had an uncomfortable air to him, moving very slowly and eerily, spooking Gargomon a bit.

“It’s alright Gargomon, you got this!” Jake cheers, Gargomon regaining his confidence.

“Yeah, you’re right! I do! DUMDUM UPPER-OW!!” Gargomon tries to strike, but Porcupamon blocks him with the spikes on his arms, piercing Gargomon’s hand guns. 

“Urgh, is that all you got?! GATLING ARM!!” Gargomon fires, but once again Porcupamon blocks with the spikes, the blasts bouncing off, nearly hitting Gargomon.


“Gargomon, stop and calm down!” Jake yells, but Gargomon ignores him, as he fires rapidly. But Porcupamon still blocks, one of the blasts hitting Gargomon in the eye. “OW!!”

“MADNESS BROACH!!” Porcupamon stabs Gargomon in the neck roughly, as he falls to the ground, whimpering in pain. Porcupamon steps closer to Gargomon, raising an arm...

“Say your goodbyes, Gargomon.” Porcupamon threatens. He then jumps into the air... “MADNESS-“

WHAP!! But suddenly then, in midair, Porcupamon gets whacked by another traffic sign, getting knocked and flying off the speeding train. Everyone reacts in frozen shock, Alec looking back.

“What...? Urgh, this isn’t over!” Alec grumbled. “You won’t be so lucky next time.” Then, Alec jumps off the side of the train, the train speeding away as the two are quickly outta their view.

“...What the heck just...Happened?” Jake asks, purely baffled.

“I don’t know...Guess we just got lucky there!” Gargomon says, weakly standing up. The two stand in silence for a moment, not sure what to say.

“Uh...” Jake stutters. “...We need to tell the others about this.”

Sometime later...

Alec walked down the train tracks with a grumpy look, holding the weakened Phascomon.

“Urgh...Stupid...” Alec grumbled to himself. “Now I have to walk...All the way back...”

“Hey, it’s ok. Look...There’s a train stop over there!” Phascomon points a close distance away, to the entrance of a tunnel, that shows a train station in front of it. Alec quickly runs up to it, pressing a button.

“Now we can just wait here for another Locomon to arrive!” Phascomon says. Alec only huffs in annoyance, as he sits down on a nearby bench.

“Ugh, but what am I supposed to do while we wait for it to arrive? I don’t have all day!” Alec whines, Phascomon thinking.

“We could just, you know...Talk? Like...Remember the day we met?” Phascomon asks. Alec’s face softens up a bit, as he starts to reminisce.

“Yeah...I do. The was the same day Elijah met his partner too...”


In the warm state of Florida, Alec’s family’s mansion sat in front of a beach. Alec laid lazily inside the mansion, spread out on a living room couch, as he tosses a crushed, empty  can of soda on the floor.

“Maid, come here and pick up my trash, please!” Alec calls, as a maid runs into the room, picking up the can, alongside a few other pieces of trash strewn on the floor. 

“Heh...” Then, Alec’s brother Elijah walks into the room, counting a huge stack of money in his hands.

“Whoa...Where’d you get that sweet stash from?” Alec asks, sitting up as he stares at the money.

“Conned it outta some suckers who bought stock for the company. That deal worked out a lot better then I thought.” Elijah says, smirking.

“Nice...What a bunch of idiots.” Alec says. “You’re totally gonna make an amazing owner of the company one day...” Alec stretches, releaxing back into the couch. “Then I’ll never have to work a day the rest of my life.”

“Pfft, you’re so lazy, little bro.” Elijah scoffs. “You ever gonna work for the company too, one day?”

“Heck nah, why would I do that when you, mom, and dad are around?” Alec says.

“Pfft, whatever then.” Elijah rolls his eyes as he walks upstairs, leaving the room. The maid also rolls her eyes at them, leaving the room as well.

“Ahhhh, this is the life...” Alec cozily leans into the couch pillows.

...Meanwhile, Alec was facing the other way and couldn’t see it, but Phascomon had climbed to the top of the couch, and was curiously staring at Alec...

“It sure is, isn’t it?” Phascomon says.

“Yeah...Wait, what the?!” Alec finally notices Phascomon, bolting and sitting up in shock. “What the heck are you?! Maid, get rid of this vermin right away!”

“Hey hey, calm down! It’s ok...” Phascomon reassures. “I’m a Digimon, and I’m here because I want you to join...The Demondestined!”

“The...Demondestined? What kind of weird group is that supposed to be?” Alec scoffs.

“Only the best kind of group that rules over the Digital World! And we want you and your brother to join, and lead the Demondestined! I even have a friend that’s also talking to your brother right now...” Phascomon states, Alec looking at him curiously.

“Heh, really? Well, me and him are pretty great...Especially my brother!” Alec boasts. “You should see how much money he’s conned outta people...”

“Of course...” Phascomon nods, handing Alec a Digivice and tag and crest. “Well, what do you say, then? Wanna become my partner and help rule over part of the Digital World?” Alec picks up both items, looking at them curiously.

“Pfft, is this just some weird little video game or something. Alright, fine. I’ll be your partner, or whatever.” Alec agrees, as a portal to the Digital World immediately opens up. Alec stands up, looking through it curiously, as Phascomon suddenly pushes him into the portal, as it quickly disappears.

“Hey, what was that for?! You could’ve ruptured my spine!” Alec grumbles, but his fave quickly falls to amazement, as he stares up at the castle in awe.

“Woah...This is amazing!” Alec says. “Did you guys make this yourself?”

“No, actually...This was made by some of the Digital World rulers, ExMagnamon and Pharohmon...” Phascomon states. “The Digital World’s been put in a state of chaos recently though, so you don’t have to worry about those two anymore...Now, this castle belongs to us! The Demondestined!”

“Wow...This is awesome...” Alec hears Elijah’s voice and presence behind him. “Coke on, let’s check this place out!” Elijah runs into the castle, alongside another small Digimon that ran too fast for Alec to get a glimpse at.

“Let’s go in too!” Alec says, Phascomon hopping on his shoulder as he runs inside. The castle had beautiful, intricately carved walls, with a dark grey color. There were hallways that stretched into different directions, alongside plants and velvet couches lined along the walls.

“So...Are there other Demondestined here too?” Alec asks.

“Not yet...We’re actually the first Demondestined to arrive here...But there will be others soon.” Phascomon states.

“Sweet...Then I get the nicest bedroom!” Alec sees a sign, pointing down a hallway that reads: ‘Bedrooms’. Alec runs down the hallway, opening one of the many doors, to reveal a huge, fancy bedroom. Alec ran to the bed, jumping onto it, as he stretched out on the plush, silky sheets.

“Ahh, now this is really the life...” Alec yawns, plopping his Digivice onto the bed as well. Phascomon curiously looks between the Digivice and Alec, as the two sit in silence for a long moment.

“Uh...Shouldnt we go outside and like...Do something? Like, explore the land or something?” Phascomon asks.

“Nah. Elijahs got all this stuff taken care of...” Alec says. “He’ll make for a good Demondestined leader, which means I won’t need to do much of anything as long as he’s in charge!” Then, Alec’s Digivice starts to glow, Phascomon curiously looking at it.

“HEY!!” Suddenly then, a Wendigomon pops into the room, slamming open the door as he surprises the two. “You’re one of the new Demondestined, aren’t you?! We got some work for you to do!”

“What? Pfft, what are you, my mom or something?” Alec rolls his eyes, laying back down on the bed.

“What?! But you’re a Demondestined! You’re supposed to!” Wendigomon growls, stepping towards the two, but Alec still doesn’t budge.

“Don’t care! Phascomon...Get rid of this guy for me!” Alec says. Then, Phascomon fells a power welling up in him, as the Digivice glows brightly.

“...Of course.”


“Whoa...” Alec finally sits up, admiring Porcupamon, as he steps towards Wendigomon, who looks uncomfortable from his appearance.

“I...I’m not afraid of you! KOKO CRUSH-OW!!” Wendigomon tries to attack, but is blocked by Porcupamon’s spikes, instead whimpering with a stabbing pain.

“MADNESS BROACH!!” Porcupamon stabs Wendigomon powerfully, as he tackles him to the ground, pinning him down as he raises his arms.

“...MADNESS BROACH!!” Porcupamon stabs through Wendigomon with both arms, immediately poofing him to dust. Alec didn’t know what to say, only staring at Porcupamon with wide eyed shock.

“...So...” Porcupamon turns back to Alec. “Wanna go outside, and...Do some more...Fighting?” Alec pondered the question, before a devious smirk formed on his face.

“Yeah...Let’s do it.”

End of flashback...

After the two finished reminiscing, Alec felt a lot better, especially now that he’d seen a Locomon driving into view. He smiled, looking down at his tag and crest.

“Alright, I guess that was a fun day...” Alec says. “And once I get you to the next level...We can really have some fun fights.”