Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 22
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Nightmare beach || Chapter 21

It was a few days since the Digidestined had split into groups, all making their ways towards their first respective missions. As of now, Axel’s group...Him, Allison, Lily, and Logan, all made their ways down a rocky path, getting closer to their destination.

“Axel...Are we almost there? My feet hurt like crazy...” Lily grumbled, Axel looking down at a paper map. “Yeah, don’t worry Lily...We’ll rest once we get there.” Axel responds.

“So, Axel...It must be weird being back in the Digital World...Right?” ToyAgumon asks.

“Yeah, a bit...It might be weird to admit, but...I kind’ve missed this place.” Axel smiles, looking around the place. “I gotta say, though...It was kind’ve weird showing up here, on a Maildramon that’s somehow able to teleport between both of our worlds...Hey, how’d you guys even find a Digimon like that anyways?”

“Oh, well-“

“Logan created him!” Veemon suddenly blurts out, interrupting Lily.

“Wait...Seriously?!” Axel’s eyes widen, stepping towards Logan with an excited smile. “Logan, that’s amazing! How did you do that?!” He excitedly asks.

“Wha...Um, I...” Logan blushed a bit in embarrassment, smiling awkwardly. “You know, just...Did a bit of connecting...Using those teleportation cubes, computer, wires...It’s, a bit difficult to explain...” Logan says.

“Whoa...That’s amazing!” Axel says. “Guess those cubes really did come in handy...You gotta show me how you did that sometime!”

“Logan really is amazing, isn’t he?” Veemon says, smiling.

“Uh yeah, I guess so...” Logan says, smiling awkwardly. Suddenly then, his tag and crest start to glow a bit. “Whoa...Logan, look.” Lopmon points to the tag and crest. “Wha...” Logan looks down at the glow in a panic, suddenly tucking it back under his shirt. “D-don’t look at it!” Logan says, everyone looking confused.

“Guys, we’re almost there...Look!” Lily points to the distance, everyone seeing a huge beach area in front of them, alongside a huge water park, with multiple buildings...And the whole area was surrounded by some rocky mountain terrain.

“Whoa, it’s way more then a beach...” Allison says.

“It’s also a water park...Awesome!” Tsukaimon says. “And, it’s, um...”

“It’s the Aquor city. Welcome.” A soft voice suddenly speaks to them, everyone looking around, as a smaller Digimon suddenly pops out from behind the rocks.


“Whoa...” The Digimon’s eyes widen, looking at the group. “You’re humans...I hope all of you aren’t...Demondestined?” She asks.

“Nope...We’re the Digidestined! And we’re here to help everyone!” ToyAgumon says.

“Oh, thank goodness...” The Digimon sighs.

“Uh, who are you?” Lily asks. 

“Jellymon. I’m the guide in this city.” Jellymon pauses, looking out at the city. “Well, I used to be the guide...Before all these evil Digimon showed up...”

“The Nightmare Digimon? Yeah, that’s why we came here...” Axel says. “Where are they? Is there any way we can help defeat them?”

“...Follow me.” Jellymon says, motioning for everyone to follow, as they walk through the city. The city was eerily silent and empty, everyone looking around in confusion.

“This city used to be so lively before they showed up...”Jellymon says. “But now it’s like a ghost town...” Everyone kept walking, until they reached the end of the beach, pausing to stare out at the water. “Uh...” Lily looks around. “What exactly are we supposed to be looking a-“


‘Piranimon: Ultimate level, Virus. Aquatic Digimon with a ferocious personality and incredibly strong jaws, that travel in large schools. Main attacks include: Cruel Invitation, Calamity Vice.’

Then, a big Piranimon suddenly jumps out of the water, snapping its fangs as it dives back under.

“Jesus! That Piranimon almost bit my head off!” Axel says, everyone backing away from the beach a bit, as more Piranimon jump in and out of the waters.

“Yeah...Those Nightmare Piranimon aren’t exactly the nicest.” Jellymon says. “Scared off all the residents of the city...Everyone but me.”

“Er, but these are water Digimon...” Lopmon says. “How exactly are we gonna fight them?”

“Oh, you won’t be the ones fighting them, but...” Jellymon says. “You will be helping.” Everyone exchanges confused glances...


‘Submarimon: Armor level, Vaccine. Aquatic Digimon with some pretty powerful fighting techniques and agility. Main attacks include: Oxygen Torpedo, Submarine Attack, Aqua Vulcan.’

“Hiya!” As a Submarimon pops out of the water, surprising everyone, alongside another Submarimon. “Digidestined, meet the Submarimon.” Jellymon says. “These two will help you with your underwater mission...Where you can ride inside of them, and control them.”

“Yeah! Look!” One Submarimon says, as both the top of their heads pop open, revealing a small seat in each, each also with their own control systems.

“Whoa...It’s like our own submarines we can control...” Tsukaimon says, in awe. “Awesome! Allison, let’s get in one of them!”

“Yeah, it is...” Allison looks at the Submarimon, also in awe...But her face quickly turns serious. “But um, we gotta be careful...” She says.

“There’s only two Submarimon, so one other person has to get inside the other...” Jellymon says. “You’ll all control the Submarimon and defeat all the Piranimon...Then, the Submarimon will lead you both down to the underwater cave...For one last fight.”

“And...What about the rest of us?” Logan asks.

“I’ve got a special job for the others.” Jellymon responds. “Now, who wants to get inside the second Submarimon?” Logan, Lily, and Axel are all silent, exchanging glances.

“Logan come on, we should do it!” Veemon says.

“What?! N-no, I’m not getting in the water!” Logan quickly protests.

“Why not?” Lily asks, gulping nervously as she looks over the water. “Cause I sure don’t want to...”

“Guys, don’t argue about it! I’ll do it...” Axel says. “But first...” Axel puts down his bag, pulling out his computer, as he hands it to Logan. “Here, Logan, you watch this while I’m gone.” He says. “Don’t want it to get wet or anything.”

“Whoa...You sure you want me to watch it?” Logan says, surprised.

“Sure do. You’re pretty smart, so I know I can trust you to use it properly.” Axel smiles, as he hops into one Submarimon, Allison hopping into another, as Tsukaimon and ToyAgumon sit on their partner’s laps. “The controls are pretty easy to use...” Jellymon says, as the Submarimon’s close their heads, quickly diving underwater. “Good luck! And the rest of you...Follow me.” Jellymon leads Logan and Lily farther away.

“WHOOAAA...” Axel struggled to control the Submarimon, who did spins in the water like crazy. Meanwhile, Allison was working her controls pretty smoothly, swimming around gracefully. “Axel, I’m...Getting dizzy!” ToyAgumon says.

“Axel, quit messing around!” A radio buzzes next to Axel, hearing Allison’s voice on it. “To your left! Look out!” Axel looks over, to see a Piranimon charging at them. “AAAHHH!! NO!!” Axel screams in terror. “Axel, look!” ToyAgumon points to three buttons, with different attacks on them. He presses one...

“OXYGEN TORPEDO!!” As Submarimon fires at the Piranimon, knocking him back...

“SUBMARINE ATTACK!!” As Allison’s Submarimon charges at the Piranimon, right through him...Poofing him to dust, Axel sighing with relief.

“Axel, just relax...We’ve got this!” Allison says, as she starts charging towards the school of Piranimon. “Yeah, she’s right...” Axel takes a deep breath, looking down at the controls. “Just gotta...WHOA!!” He charges forward wildly, his Submarimon swimming around in crazy figure patterns. All the Piranimon notice him, as they start chasing Axel’s Submarimon around, in a crazy chase. “WAAAUUUGHHH!! HELP ME!!” Axel screeches, charging around like a madman, as Allison silently watched this chaotic feat. “Geez...What the heck is he doing?” Tsukaimon grumbled.

“Actually, this might be a good thing...” Allison says. “Those Piranimon are so busy chasing him, they won’t even notice if we sneak up and attack!”

“Ooh, you’re right!” Tsukaimon smirks, pressing multiple attack buttons at once...

“OXYGEN TORPEDO!! SUBMARINE ATTACK!!” As Allison’s Submarimon takes our one of the Piranimon, the others not even noticing. “This is perfect!” Allison smirks, swimming a bit closer to another Piranimon. “...Let’s do this.”


Jellymon lead Lily and Logan through what looked like a big, metal factory of some sort, leading them down a flight of stairs, only getting lower and deeper underground.

“Jellymon, where are we going?” Lopmon asks.

“Down to the basement.” Jellymon responds. “There’s a valve at the way bottom that needs to be closed, or else it could flood this whole place.”

“Wait, that’s it? That’s all we gotta do?” Logan asks, Jellymon nodding.

“Um, no offense Jellymon, but...” Lily says. “If that’s all we have to do, then...Why’d you tell us to come with you?”

WHAM!! Suddenly then, out of nowhere, two Raremon slam down onto the ground right in front of everyone, scaring them pretty badly. 

“Let’s just say...Those Piranimon aren’t the only Nightmare Digimon around.” Jellymon says.

“Jeez, those two came outta nowhere!” Logan says, wide eyed. “Hey, don’t worry about it, Logan! We’ve dealt with much worse!” Veemon says confidently. “Come on Lopmon, let’s do this!”


“LOPMON DIGIVOLVE TO...TURUIEMON!!” Veedramon immediately wastes no time charging at one of the Raremon, slamming him roughly to the ground. “CUTTING SHOOT!!” “GAUNTLET CLAW!!” Turuiemon and Veedramon both then attack him, immediately poofing the Raremon to dust.

“BREATH OF DECAY!!” The other Raremon then takes this moment to attack Turuiemon, the acid slime burning her as she hisses in pain. “GET AWAY FROM HER!! V-NOVA BLAST!!” Veedramon blasts Raremon powerfully, knocking him back, as Turuiemon stands up, preparing a powerful attack...

“ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” Which immediately poofs the Raremon to dust. “You alright, Turuiemon?” Veedramon asks, as he reverts back to Veemon. “Sure am...Gonna take more then a few acid burns to take me out.” Turuiemon smirks, also reverting. “It’s weird, though...” Jellymon says, looking around. “I thought there was more down here, but...Oh well. Let’s hurry up in case we run into any more.” Everyone continues down the stairs, until they reach the bottom. Jellymon opens the door...


...Where they find another room, which was pretty dark and damp, also looking like it was close to being flooded. Everyone looked around, as Jellymon walked towards the pool of water, looking down into it. “Just as I thought...The rooms starting to flood.” Jellymon says. “Good thing I was able to get down here in time.”

“Jellymon, what’s going on down here? Whys this place about to flood?” Lily asks.

“When the Nightmare Digimon invaded this place, one of them must’ve gone down here and tampered with the valve the keeps the water from flooding this place.” Jellymon responds. “I tried coming down here earlier before to fix it myself, but...The Raremon were too much for me...”

“Hmm..Wait a second...” Logan sits down on the ground, pulling out Axel’s computer. He boots it up, starting up a program that shows various maps...Pulling out one of the building they were in. “Whoa...” Logan stared at the detailed map in awe. Meanwhile, Jellymon stretches her legs, preparing to jump into the water. “Alright, everyone...” Jellymon says. “I’m going in. Just-“

“Jellymon, wait!” Logan puts a hand out, cutting her off. “The map...There’s two different turns down there, and one of them could get you trapped...When you go down there, go to the right turn...That’s the only safe pathway to the valve.” Logan states, Jellymon looking a bit surprised, but nodding. “Alright...Thanks for the warning, Logan.” Jellymon says, as she dives into the water, out of sight. “Logan...How did you know that?” Lily asks, kneeling down next to him, also looking at the map as she squinted her eyes at it in confusion...The map only looking like a jumbled mess in her eyes. “Whoa, where’d Axel find this map...?” Lily asks. “Yeesh, Logan, you’re way smarter then me for actually being able to understand all that.”

“Really? I-I don’t know...” Logan looks away, looking a little embarrassed. “Logan come on, don’t sell yourself short! You’re like...The smartest guy in our group...” Lily compliments Logan, who blushes a bit in embarrassment. “Er, I guess so...” Logan says, smiling...Then, his tag and crest starts glowing a bit again. “Yay! It’s glowing again!” Veemon smiles, happily jumping up and down.

“What?! Oh no, not again...Stop it!” Logan grumbles in worry, clutching his tag and crest in his hands tightly, to hide the glow, everyone looking at him, confused.

“Logan...Are you alright? Why do you keep freaking out everytime your crest glows?” Lily asks, Logan silent for a moment, sighing. “Ugh, I don’t know, I just...” Logan sighs. “After what happened with Allison, all this tag and crest stuff, and the ultimate level Digivolutions...Have kinda started freaking me out. What if I screw up too, and Veemon ends up getting corrupted, just like Tsukaimon did?” Logan whimpers, worriedly looking down at the ground.

“Logan, hey, I don’t think you should be worrying about that...” Lily says. “That’s usually not something that ever happens, and besides...I haven’t seen you screw up at all, so...I don’t see any reason why a corruption would happen to you and Veemon.” Logan looks back up at Lily, his expression lifting up a bit.

“Yeah, she’s right! Logan, if your crest is glowing, that’s supposed to be a good thing...” Veemon says. “So if the crest keeps glowing, I think you should just let it happen!” Veemon gives an encouraging smile to Logan, who couldn’t help but smile back. “Thanks, you two...I really appreciate it.” Logan says. Suddenly then, Jellymon splashes out of the water, walking back onto land. “Alright, everyone...The valves closed now.” Jellymon says, nodding. “Yay! We did it!” Veemon cheers.

“Wait, is that it then?” Lopmon asks. “Hmm, guess this task was easier then I thought...”

RRRrrrrrumble... Suddenly then, a faint rumbling was heard from far away, sounding like it came from the top of the building. “Ah geez, what the heck was that?!” Logan says.

“Oh no...Trouble. It must be the other Raremon we missed.” Jellymon says, everyone quickly making their way towards the door. “Everyone, let’s hurry!”


“SUBMARINE ATTACK!!” “OXYGEN TORPEDO!!” Allison and Axel’s Submarimons did one last combination attack...Poofing the last Piranimon. “WOOO!! WE DID IT!!” Allison cheers, whilst Axel sighs with relief. “Man...That was terrifying! Thank god that’s over...” Axel sighs.

“Um...What do we do now?” ToyAgumon asks. Then, the Submarimon start swimming on their own, heading downwards. “Just one last task for you all to do!” One Submarimon says. The two keep swimming...Until they eventually find an underwater cave, diving upwards into a pocket area of the cave everyone could breathe in. The Submarimon then popped open their heads, Axel and Allison walking out of them, looking around the cave. “Is there someone down here we gotta fight? Where are they?!” Tsukaimon asks.

“Oh, you’ll see real soon...” One Submarimon says. “Good luck!” Then, the two Submarimon suddenly swim away. “Wait! You’re seriously just gonna leave us here?!” Axel shouts, but gets com ignored by them.

“Yeesh, how rude!” Tsukaimon scoffs. Everyone cautiously through the cave a bit, looking around. “Um...I don’t see anyone...” ToyAgumon says. Everyone keeps looking around...Until they look up on the ceiling...


‘Scorpiomon: Ultimate level, Data. A crustacean Digimon formed when a computer virus infected ancient data from a laboratory, Scorpiomon fights greatly with the many blades on its body. Main attacks include: Stinger Surprise, Tail Blade.’

...To see a Scorpiomon resting on the ceiling, which slams to the ground powerfully, right in front of everyone. “Guys...Scorpiomons an ultimate level!” ToyAgumon says.

“Yes, nows my time!” Tsukaimon smirks. “Allison, let me Digivolve to NeoDevimon!”

“What?! But NeoDevimons too big to fit in here!” Allison says. “And besides...”

“But maybe we could like...Find a way to lead Scorpiomon out of here?” Tsukaimon says. “Then I could Digivolve to NeoDevimon!”

“NO!!” Allison suddenly snaps loudly. “Tsukaimon, I don’t want you Digivolving to NeoDevimon...EVER AGAIN!!”

“STINGER SURPRISE!!” Scorpiomon suddenly then attacks everyone, who all quickly leap out of the way just in time. “Well, somebody’s gotta Digivolve!” Axel says, looking down at ToyAgumon. “ToyAgumon, you think you can Digivolve right now?”

“I can try! Hmm...” ToyAgumon tries focusing for a moment...Until his body, and Axel’s Digivice start to glow...




“Whoa...” Axel looked in awe at his partner’s new and unfamiliar form. “Omekamon? I had no idea you had a champion form...Awesome!”

“Haha, yeah...Let’s do this! OMEKA KICK!!” Omekamon delivers a swift kick to Scorpiomon, doing a bit of damage...But not enough. “Hah, well...You’ve only seen the beginning of my power! PAINT ROCKET!!” Omekamon attacks with all his power...But still barely does much damage. “TAIL BLADE!! Scorpiomon whacks Omekamon powerfully, sending him flying and crashing into the wall. 

“Allison, come on!” Tsukaimon says. “I have to help Omekamon!”

“Fine, but...You’re only Digivolving to Devidramon, alright?” Allison says, Tsukaimon pouting and sighing. “Ugh...Fine.”


“CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon slashes at Scorpiomon. “RED EYE!!” And tries to paralyze Scorpiomon as well...But it only works for a second. “STINGER SURPRISE!!” Scorpiomon attacks, hurting the two pretty badly. “Oh no...Omekamon! Are you alright?” Axel asks, running up to his partner. “Axel...It’s useless...” Omekamon grumbles. “We can’t win unless...Somebody Digivolves to ultimate!” The two look over at Devidramon, who was struggling with Scorpiomon. “Omekamon, try to focus your power...I know you can Digivolve back to ExTyrannomon!” Axel encourages Omekamon, who takes a deep breath, standing straight up. “Ok...I got this...” Omekamon keeps focusing...And focusing...And a bright glow starts forming again...




“Yes...You’re back!!” Axel smiled widely, as ExTyrannomon charged at Scorpiomon, who had Devidramon pinned down...

“BLACK MATTER!!” As ExTyrannomon releases a black orb from his chest, powerfully hitting Scorpiomon and knocking him off of Devidramon. “Urgh...STINGER SURPRISE!!” Scorpiomon attacks ExTyrannomon...

“BLACK MATTER!!” But ExTyrannomon attacks again, blocking Scorpiomon’s attack with his own. “CRIMSON CLAW!! CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon quickly then slashes at Scorpiomon multiple times, weakening him a lot, as Scorpiomon now struggles to stand up...

“Let’s finish this...” ExTyrannomon says. “PRETTY ATTACK!!” ExTyrannomon expels his body from his suit, slashing powerfully through Scorpiomon...Poofing him to dust.

“WOO!! You did it! Great job, ExTyrannomon!” Axel giggles and smiles, happily hugging ExTyrannomon, as Devidramon reverts back to Tsukaimon. “That was awesome! Wasn’t it, Allison?” Axel says.

“Uh, yeah...” Allison’s voice sounded a bit down, despite this victory. Axel frowned, walking closer to her. “Allison, you alright? We just won, cheer up!” Axel pats her on the shoulder.

“Ugh, I know, but...” Allison mumbles, sitting down on the ground, as Axel sits next to her. “I’m just thinking...If it wasn’t for me, that fight would’ve been easier...And Tsukaimon would Digivolve to the ultimate level normally...” Allison sighs, sadly looking to the ground. “Axel...Did Lily and Blaine tell you what happened with me? With my crest corruption?” She asks.

“Yeah, I definitely remember them telling us about it.” Axel responds.

“I...I screwed up. Really bad.” Allison mumbles. “NeoDevimon went mad and...Almost killed us all.” 

“Hey, it’s fine Allison...” Axel says. “We all make mistakes...God knows I’m not one to judge you, I’ve made plenty of mistakes as well...”

“I doubt you’ve done anything worse then I have...” Allison says.

“Hey, you’d be surprised...” Axel looks away, contemplating something. “Allison, did Lily and Blaine tell you anything about the Dark King?” He asks.

“Er, no...Who is that?” Allison asks.

“This guy who used rule over a part of the Digital World...” Axel responds. “He forced a bunch of innocent Digimon to work in his army, and awakened one of the Demon lords who almost destroyed the Digital World...”

“Woah...Geez, he sounds like a pretty scummy dude.” Allison says.

“...That guy was me.” Axel says, Allison’s eyes widening in surprise at him. “Whoa, seriously?! Whoa, um...” Allison stuttered nervously. “I didn’t mean...”

“No, it’s fine...I was pretty scummy.” Axel sighed, looking at the ground. “I had a lot of bad things happen to me when I was younger, and I lashed out and became the Dark King as a result...But the others, my friends...They all forgave me for what I did. And you know why they did?” Axel asks.

“No, not really...” Allison says.

“I used what I did as a lesson to better myself...” Axel says. “Which is exactly what you have to do as well...Allison, everyone makes mistakes...Which is fine, but...You have to use those mistakes of yours as a lesson...To make yourself a better person.” Allison looks up at Axel, with a sparkle of hope in her eyes.

“Whoa, I...I never thought of it that way...” Allison says. “I mean...I guess I can try harder next time...” Axel smiles at Allison, patting her on the shoulder. “Thanks Axel.”

“Yeah...” Axel and Allison both stand up, looking around. “Now, come on, let’s get outta here...And get back to the others.”


Jellymon and the others kept making their way up the stairs, finding the source of the noises. They eventually reached the roof top, opening the door...To see Lila and Rosalie there, alongside a couple more Raremon.

“Ugh, it’s the Digidestined kids again...” Rosalie scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Haven’t you all done enough screwing around with our plans?”

“I could say the same for you.” Lily says. “What are you guys even doing up here in the first place?”

“Thought we could cause a bit more destruction and knock this building down...” Gazimon says. “You know...Just like you all did with OUR castle?”

“You know, it really grinds my fucking gears knowing what you all did, you know that?!” Lila snaps. “Now that our castles gone, I have to sleep in the dirt...THE DIRT! YOU KNOW HOW MESSY THAT MAKES MY HAIR?!”

“Does it look like we care?!” Lily snaps, then turning to Rosalie. “Rosalie...Cora’s in the Digital World, and I told her what you’ve been doing here...You two are over!!” Rosalie only cocked an eyebrow at Lily, smirking as she laughed a bit. “Oh no, I’m so disappointed...” Rosalie says sarcastically. “Ha...You really think I cared about our relationship? That girls nothing more then a play thing to me...”

“Wha...What...” Lily only stuttered, completely baffled by this statement.

“You’re insane! What the heck is wrong with you?!” Logan snaps.

“Hey, enough of this talking...” BlackGatomon says, smirking. “Now it’s time to fight.”




“TRIPLEX FORCE!!” Deltamon immediately fires...

“V-NOVA BLAST!!” “GAUNTLET CLAW!!” But Veedramon and Turuiemon barely clock it with their own attacks. “I’m sick of all this...” Lila grumbles. “DELTAMON!! I WANT YOU TO DIGIVOLVE TO ULTIMATE!! NOW!!”

“You too, BlackGatomon...” Rosalie smirks, holding up her tag and crest. “I think you’re ready.” Suddenly then, Lila and Rosalie’s crests started glowing simultaneously...









Everyone gasped in pure shock, looking up at the Demondestined’s new ultimate forms.

“Heh, awesome...Now we can really cause some destruction.” Lila says, smirking.

“Ooh, amazing...I love this new form of yours.” Rosalie says.

“Wha...How is this possible?!” Logan whimpers. “Oh no...”

“Logan, don’t worry...” Lily says. “They’re not the only ones who can Digivolve to ultimate.”


“NAIL BONE!!” SkullSatamon fires a powerful beam from his staff, doing a lot of damage to Veedramon as he crashes roughly into the ground.

“DARKNESS SPEAR!!” And LadyDevimon turns her hand into a spear, charging at Antylamon... “BUNNY BLADES!!” But luckily Antylamon blocks it, the two going back and forth. 

“Veedramon, are you alright?” Logan checks up on his partner, who grumbles in pain.

“Ugh, Logan...I’m gonna have to...Digivolve too if we’re gonna win.” Veedramon says. Then, Logan’s tag and crest start glowing brightly, alongside his Digivice. Logan stares down at the glow, grabbing the tag and crest and holding it up. “Alright...” Logan takes a deep breath. “You’re right...Let’s do this.”





Everyone stared in awe at Veedramon’s new ultimate form...AeroVeedramon. AeroVeedramon was much bigger then Veedramon, now towering at over three times the size, his height far out reaching the other Digimon now. 

“Whoa...AeroVeedramon...Kick their butts!!” Logan yells.

“Of course...” AeroVeedramon says, flexing his claws and muscles. “I’ve got this. TWISTER SABER!!” An energy forms on the blades on AeroVeedramon’s arms, firing them and hurting SkullSatamon and LadyDevimon pretty badly.

“Ugh, NO!! RAREMON, GET THEM!!” Lila screams, the Raremon starting to trudge towards them. “I don’t think so...BUNNY BLADES!!” Antylamon smacks both the Raremon powerfullly, sending them flying off the sides of the roof.

“V-WING BLADE!!” A V-shaped energy forms on AeroVeedramon’s body, as he charges at the two again, SkullSatamon and LadyDevimon now struggling to stand.

“We may be a bit overpowered here, guys...” LadyDevimon huffs.

“Dammit...YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!” Lila screeches. Antylamon then steps towards the Demondestined, her body starting to glow as they back away nervously.

“...You’re done. BUNNY BOMBER!!” Antylamon’s body explodes, creating a mass of fire that AeroVeedramon and LadyDevimon manage to avoid, LadyDevimon grabbing ahold of Lila and Rosalie. However, SkullSatamon wasn’t so lucky, getting caught in the blast as he reverts back to Gazimon, collapsing into LadyDevimon’s grasp as well, the explosion dissipating as Antylamon reverts back to Lopmon. “It’s no use...Let’s get outta here.” LadyDevimon says, flapping her wings as she starts flying away.

“Dangit...” Rosalie huffs. “Next time you won’t be so lucky, Digidestined...” She says, LadyDevimon flying away, out of sight.

“Heh...AeroVeedramon, you did amazing!” Logan smiles, running up to his partner and hugging him. “Only thanks to you, Logan...” AeroVeedramon smiles. Lily then looks over the edge of the rooftop, down at the ground she could barely see. “Ugh, now we gotta walk all the way down...” She sighs.

“Actually...” AeroVeedramon quickly scoops up everyone. “There’s faster ways to go down.” AeroVeedramon then flaps his wings, flying downwards really fast, landing on the ground with a loud thump. Coincidentally, AeroVeedramon landed in front of Axel and Allison, who stared up at him in shock, wide eyed as he reverted all the way back to Demiveemon.

“Whoa...What the heck did we miss up there?” Allison asks.

“Just the Demondestined being annoying again...” Lily says, smirking. “But we took care of it.”

“Whoa, that’s amazing...Good job you guys!” Axel says. Everyone goes silent, looking at their surroundings which were now pretty calm and quiet.

“Guess we’ve completed our work for here, haven’t we?” ExTyrannomon says.

“We sure have...Good job team!” Axel says.

“So...Where to next?”