Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Allison meets Tsukaimon || Chapter 2

Cody, Wyoming

Cody was a small town, almost resembling an old fashion town of some sorts. The sky was bright blue, but due to the small population, barely anyone was outside, with barely any cars passing, barely any pedestrians on the sidewalk, and even the buildings, such as restaurants and shops, weren’t very busy. The town wasn’t completely abandoned, though...


...As a young girl named Allison walked down the sidewalks. Headphones on her head, hand in one pocket and the other holding a small handheld video game she was fixated on. She didn’t look very entertained though, only having an annoyed expression as she grumbled to herself.

“Man, this level is so boring, I’ve played it like a million times...!” She grumbles to herself, groaning as she shuts off the game and stuffs it in her pocket. She looks up at her surroundings, walking down the paths as she looks at each small building.

“Ugh, this town is so boring...Is there anything I can even do here?” Allison hisses to herself, continuing walking. “I really don’t wanna go home and see my mom though.” She stops, looking up to the sky. “Man, imagine if I lived in a video game universe instead of here. Every day I could be going on awesome adventures, fighting monsters and saving the world...It would be epic.” Allison smiles, thinking of different kinds of vivid adventures in her head. “Man, I just wish something interesting would happen in my life right now...” She grumbles.

Rustle! Rustle! Suddenly Allison then hears what sounded like someone digging through a trash can. She turns, looking down an alleyway to hear the sound, walking down the alley. She sees what looks like a pink blob, with half of its body shoved into the trash, digging out garbage and making a mess all around himself.

“Whoa...What the heck are you supposed to be?” Allison asks. She pokes the pink creature, as it pulls itself out of the trash...Revealing himself to be Tokomon, who looked to be aggressively eating the trash.

“Hey! What’s up? You trying to fight me or something?!” Tokomon snaps at Allison, baring a surpringly huge set of sharp teeth.

“Whoa, chill out little dude...” Allison casually responds, lifting her hands up. Allison squints her eyes, looking closer to Tokomon. “You’re a weird little guy...Just what in the heck are you supposed to be?” She asks.

“Tokomon! I’m a Digimon!”

“Whoa...A Digimon? Did you like, come out of a video game or something?” She asks.

“I’m from the Digital World! And I wanna fight some Digimon! Grrrr...” Tokomon growls and barks, not intimidating Allison a bit.

“Whoa, you really are from some video game world...” Allison smiles. “That’s awesome.” Allison shifts one foot, as it bumps into something. She looks down at the ground and sees Tokomon’s Digivice laying next to her.

“Yo, what’s this little gadget?” Allison asks.

“That’s mine! Gimme!” Tokomon leans forward, as Allison reaches the Digivice out to him. Then, Tokomon touches it...

...And the second he touches it, the Digivice shines brightly, the stripes changing color...


Tokomon’s body also starts to glow with the light...Of Digivolution...


As he changes into a new Digimon.

“Whoa...I’m Tsukaimon now!” Tsukaimon flaps his wings, hovering as both him and Allison admire his new form. Hey, what’s your name?” Tsukaimon asks.

“Uh, it’s Allison.”

“Allison...Heh, you’re pretty alright for a human...” Tsukaimon smirks. “Say, wanna go with me and help me find some Digimon to fight?” He asks.

“...Dang, my life really is about to turn into an epic video game...” Allison whispers to herself, smirking back at Tsukaimon. “Alright, I’m in. Where can we find some Digimon to fight?” Tsukaimon thinks, looking around the area.

“Hmm, I don’t know...Maybe if we walk around town we can find one!” Tsukaimon says. Allison nods, as the two run out of the alleyway. They start walking around the still empty town, walking around for a few minutes, but not seeing a sign of anyone around.

“I really don’t see anything around here...” Allison grumbles.

“Well, keep looking! I’m itching for a fight right now!” Tsukaimon says.

BEEP! BEEP! Suddenly Allison’s Digivice starts beeping. She pulls it out of her pocket, seeing what looked like a tracker on the screen, with a small orange dot close by to them.

“Hey, what’s this thing doing?” Allison asks.

“The Digivice! It’s tracking a Digimon nearby!” Tsukaimon says with excitement. “Come on, let’s follow the dot!” The two follow the dot on the map. While they’re doing that, the Digivice beeps slowly, but gets more and more rapid as they get closer. Soon, they turn the corner of another alleyway, and at the end of it...See a sleeping Wendigomon, curled into the ground.

“Whoa...What the heck kind of Digimon is that?” Allison asks.

“It’s a Wendigomon! I recognize that fat ugly face...” Tsukaimon growls, with a smirk as he flies towards Wendigomon.

“Hey, ugly! Wake up!” Tsukaimon hisses, poking Wendigomon but he doesn’t budge. “PURPLE HAZE!!” Tsukaimon then blows a dark purple smoke right in Wendigomon’s face. Wendigomon then wakes up, coughing and growling as he stands up, glaring at Tsukaimon.

“Haha, yeah, let’s fight! PURPLE HAZE!!” Tsukaimon attacks again, but leaves Wendigomon unfazed, as he whacks Tsukaimon with his arm, sending him crashing roughly into the walls beside the alleyway.

“Don’t worry Tsukaimon, I’ve got you!” Allison runs towards Wendigomon kicking him in the legs. This does no damage to Wendigomon, instead angering him as he glares at Allison.

“CABLE CRUSHER!!” Wendigomon slams the ground near Allison, sending her tumbling backwards. Wendigomon takes another step towards her, raising a claw...

“Hey!!” But Tsukaimon suddenly flies in front of her. “You’re fighting me...Not her!” He hisses.

‘Dang, this little dudes got spirit...’ Allison thinks to herself, smiling at Tsukaimon. ‘...That’s pretty awesome.’

Suddenly then, Allison’s Digivice starts to rumble and glow...As once again, Tsukaimon’s body glows with the light of Digivolution...




“Whoa...The little dude evolved again?!” Allison stood up, eyes sparkling as she admired Devidramon, who now stood taller then Wendigomon. 

“SCREEEEEEEE!!” Devidramon let’s out a high pitched scream, as he tackles Wendigomon roughly to the ground.

“CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon slashes Wendigomon deeply, the Digimon growling in pain.

“KOKO CRUSHER!!” Wendigomon screeches, Devidramon getting knocked back slightly. He doesn’t let up though, letting out another screech as he charges Wendigomon again, this time crashing into the walls. Devidramon pins him to the wall, roughly pushing him through the wall as Wendigomon hisses in pain.

“CABLE CRUSHER!!” Wendigomon smacks Devidramon in the jaw, but it doesn’t mak him budge.

“RED EYE!!” Red lasers come out of Devidramon’s eyes, shocking Wendigomon as he freezes, paralyzed.

“CRIMSON CLAW!! CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon roughly slashes at Wendigomon rapidly, shredding through his body as he screams in pain.

“Dang, Devidramon is brutal...” Allison says to herself, surprised by Devidramon’s brutality.

“CRIMSON...CLAW!!” Finally Devidramon gives one last powerful slash through the neck, poofing Wendigomon to dust.

“Whoa, good fighting...You totally kicked his butt!” Allison compliments.

“SCREEEEEEEE!!” Devidramon ignores her, screeching loudly as he fiercely glares around him. “CRIMSON CLAW!!” He strikes the air close by to Allison, who ducks out of the way.

“Whoa, dude! There’s no one else to fight! Chill out!” Allison calls. Devidramon ignores her, as he hurriedly looks around himself, clawing at the air wildly as Allison backs away from him.

“...Devidramon?” Devidramon still ignores her, only annoying Allison more and more...

“DEVIDRAMON!! THERE’S NO ONE TO FIGHT SO WOULD YOU JUST QUIT IT ALREADY?!” Allison screeches, suddenly stopping Devidramon’s fury as he realizes what he’s doing, looking around with a softened expression. Then, he reverts back to Tsukaimon.

“Hah...That was awesome, finally Digivolving to the champion level!” Tsukaimon smiles, looking a bit tired.

“Heh, that sure was.” Allison smiles back. A silence grows between them for a moment, as Allison looks around, thinking.

‘Ugh, I really don’t wanna bring him back home to my mom...’ Allison thinks, looking up at Tsukaimon. “Yo, Tsukaimon, how about you hang out here in this alley, and tomorrow morning I’ll come back here, and we can look for some more Digimon to fight?” 

“Heh, alright! When I hear some walking over here, I’ll pop out and scare them!” Tsukaimon snickers.

“Heh...That’d be awesome.”

The next morning...

Jake slept in his bed, slowly starting to wake up, as he heard his two jerk roommates, Steven and Stephen snickering to each other. Jake slowly opens his eyes...

...As he sees the two holding onto Terriermon, who was pretending to be a plushie.

“Pfft, I can’t believe the little baby brought a plushie bunny!” Steven laughs.

“Hey, wh-what are you doing?! Give him back!!” Jake whimpers, quickly hopping out of bed.

“Oh my god, he called it him! That’s the funniest thing ever!!” Stephen cackles.

“Haha, I bet Lily gave it to him so he wouldn’t have nightmares!” Steven laughs.

“Dude, everyone knows you’re in love with Lily!” Stephen teases.

“I-I AM NOT!! We’re just friends!” Jake whimpers loudly, his face flushing a bright red color.

“Jake and Lily, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” The two boys mockingly sing, as they throw Terriermon back and forth across the room to each other.

“S-stop it! Give him back!” Jake runs to Steven, trying to grab Terriermon, but he pushes Jake, knocking him on the floor.

“Haha! The little baby fell on his-“

WHAP!! Suddenly Terriermon moves his ear, slapping Steven in the face. The boys stop what they’re doing, staring at Terriermon in shock.

“Wha...Dude, that plush just moved!” Stephen says, pointing to Terriermon.

“That means...This place is really...” They both stare in wide eyed horrror.


“GHOOOOOSTS!!” The two boys drop Terriermon, as they run out of the cabins screeching.

“Terriermon, are you ok?!” Jake worriedly asks, as Terriermon sits up, rubbing his head.

“Yeah, but those two are such jerks! Why are they so mean to us?!” Terriermon grumbles. 

“Your answer is as good as mine...” Jake mumbles.

“That one boy really needs some mouthwash too! Man, and I thought Wendigomon had bad breath!” Terriermon says. Him and Jake both stand up, as Blaine and Lily walk into the room.

“Any reason why Steven and Stephen just ran out of here screaming about ghosts?” Blaine asks.

“Yeah, they saw Terriermon move and now they think this place is haunted.” Jake responds.

“Pfft, what a bunch of babies.” Lily snickers.

“Blaine!” Terriermon excitedly runs to him, hopping in his arms and hugging him. “Blaine, you should totally cut those boys heads off with your katana, that’d be so funny!” Terriermon says.

“Pfft, not unless I wanna go to jail.” Blaine remarks, as he couldn’t help but laugh a bit at Terriermon’s statement.

“So uh, what’s up with you guys?” Jake asks. Lily and Blaine look at eachother, their faces turning serious.

“Uh, me and Blaine were watching TV in the lodge this morning, and we saw something you and Terriermon need to see.” Lily says, Jake and Terriermon looking curiously. Blaine motions for everyone to follow him, as they all walk out of the cabin, down the path and inside of the large lodge building, which had no one else inside the building. They walk towards a couch in front of the TV, which was set on a News channel, with the headline: ‘Sleepy town of Cody awoken by mysterious monster sightings.’ The picture on the TV also showed a blurry picture from a window, which showed Devidramon and Wendigomon fighting.

“Oh no...” Terriermon whimpers. “That’s gotta be the Digimon with the evil energy! He found his partner!”

“Evil energy? What are you talking about?” Lily asks.

“When Anubismon first sent me to this world, he said one of the eggs had an evil energy inside of it. And I think that’s the Digimon...” Terriermon explains. Everyone stares at the TV screen, in worry.

“That’s not good...” Jake says. “We need to find that Digimon...Now.”