Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 8
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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All together || Chapter 7

(This is a more boring, uneventful chapter...It can be skipped if you’d like.)

“Hey...Jake? Jake, wake up!” Terriermon pokes Jake, him groaning in response as he opens his eyes, sitting up out of bed.

“Ugh...What...” Jake looks at the bed across from him, trying to spot Lily, but seeing no sign of her.

“Hey...Where’d Lily go?” Jake asks.

“Her and the others went to some Dojo or something...” Mrs. Evans suddenly says, poking her head into the room. “They rented it for the day, said they wanted to train or something.”

“Huh, alright then...” Jake stretches, standing up out of the bed.

“Jake, is everyone alright? You all seem pretty stressed the past few days...” Mrs. Evans says, with a concerned expression. “Plus Lily was arguing with the other kids this morning...I’m surprised it didn’t wake you up!” 

Ugh, not really...” Jake grumbles. “Ever since that fight Allison had with another Digidestined a few days ago, everyone’s been nothing but tense the past few days...” Jake’s thoughts start making him think about Hoshi again. “Man, I hope that boy is ok. I wish I knew where we could find him again, then we could smooth everything out here...” Jake says.

“Me too...I can’t stand all this fighting!” Terriermon pouts. “I don’t like seeing everyone mad at each other like this...Plus it ruins my beauty sleep!”

“Blaine also wanted to tell you that a package had arrived for them today...” Mrs. Evans says. “It’s from the other Digidestined kids, and they want everyone to open it up together...”

“Aw man, we should probably hurry up and head to the Dojo then, Terriermon...” Jake says. “But let’s eat Breakfast first, I’m starving.”

“Yeah, alright! Follow me, I already made some toast for you!” Terriermon excitedly runs to the kitchen.

“Aw, man...Did you burn the toast again?!” Jake whimpers.


Sometime later...

Lily and Blaine sat in the small Dojo room, the two of them sitting on some chairs. Blaine looked down at the cardboard box sitting in his lap, as the two heard Jake and Terriermon run into the room, out of breath.

“We’re...Here! Sorry we’re so...Late!” Jake huffs.

“Come on...I wanna see what’s inside the package!!” Terriermon says, running up to the two. Jake looks around the room, noticing the lack of Logan and Allison.

“Hey, aren’t Logan and Allison supposed to be here too?” Jake asks.

“They were here earlier, but the two started arguing again, and ran outside...” Blaine says, rolling his eyes.

“We were gonna wait until everyone was here to open this package, but...” Lily says. “Those two could be arguing forever.”

“Aw man...Can we just open it right now? And show them later?” Jake begs. Lily and Blaine exchange looks, thinking.

“Might as well. No point in delaying it any longer.” Lily says. Blaine pulls a pair of scissors out of his pocket, cutting the tape on the box.

“Yeah! What’s in that box, exactly?” Jake asks.

“I think you’ve only seen him like, a few times before, but one of our Digidestined friends, Axel...” Blaine says. “He had a bunch of teleportation cubes left over, and I asked him to send them to us...”

“Ooh, yay! Those are what we use to go to the Digital World! Right?” Terriermon asks excitedly.

“Sure is.” Lily says, smiling.

“Woah, seriously?! Does that mean we can go to the Digital World like, right now?” Jake asks.

“If these things still work...” Blaine says. Blaine fully rips off the tape, opening the box, to reveal it being stocked full of countless teleportation cubes, all neatly stacked against each other. Everyone’s eyes light up looking at them, except for Lily, who notices something off.

“Wait a minute...Look at that one cube...” Lily points to a cube that was on its side, the button pressing against the side of the box.

“Wait...What?” Blaine looks in confusion, picking up that cube and pressing the button...But it does nothing.

“Do...Any of these work?” Lily asks. Blaine and Lily both pick up multiple cubes, pressing each button...But none of them do anything.

“Ugh...These are all defective! None of these work anymore!!” Blaine gets mad, angrily throwing the box to the ground, all the cubes falling out and scattering everywhere.

“Wait...They’re all broken?” Terriermon sadly mutters, as he grabs and tries out more fo the cubes, none of them still working.

“Ugh, I hate this...I have no idea how we’re gonna get to the Digital World now...” Blaine grumbles, resting his head in his hands. Jake awkwardly looks around, looking at the entrance door.

“Uh...You think I should ask Logan and Allison what we should do?” Jake asks.

“I don’t know, I guess...” Blaine mutters quietly. “I’m not getting involved in their argument right now though...”

“That’s ok...” Jake stands up. “I wanna talk to them, try and smooth things out.” Jake and Terriermon walk out, leaving the room.

“Hey, it’s gonna be alright...” Lily pats Blaine on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.

“Ugh, I’m sorry...” Blaine mutters, his gaze staring down at the floor. “Everything thats going on right now, it’s just a bit stressful...I mean, we still have no idea how to get back to the Digital World, we still don’t know how to get Allison to control Tsukaimon, and to top it all off, we still gotta find where Kudamon’s partner is, and convince him to join us...”

“I remember Terriermon also mentioning that there was another Digimon that came with him to this world...” Lily adds. “It was a Dorimon, and we still have no idea where he could be...”

“Yup, that too...” Blaine says. “But if we don’t see any more News headlines of Digimon attacks, there’s no way for us to know where Dorimon is...”

“True...At this point we’ll just have to hope that Dorimon finds his partner on his own, and we run into them in the Digital World...” Lily states. “And I wish we knew more about the Digimon that are attacking here...” She continues. “And what they want exactly.”

“Thing is, there’s only been a few Digimon attacking us...And they’re all the same species, a Wendigomon....” Blaine says. “It’s not like a variety of Digimon. It’s just one type, which is weird...”

“You think those Wendigomon could be agents of some sort? That were ordered to come after the new Digidestined?” Lily asks.

“Could be...All the more reason we need to hurry and get to the Digital World.” Blaine responds.

“Blaine, I know the other Digidestined desperately need our help...” Lily says. “But how else can we help them, once we get to the Digital World?” 

Blaine turns his head, pulling out his katana from behind his back, the one with the cloth wrapped around the handle, and the odd line work etched into it.

“I still have this...I can fight some of the weaker Digimon with this, and help defend the group a little...” Blaine says. “At least, until I find Ryudamon again.” Lily’s face falls a bit, once again thinking of her partner.

“I really wish I had Lopmon and Taeka with me...” Lily says. “I always felt so much more confident with them around me.” Blaine looks over to Lily, patting her on the shoulder.

“Hey, don’t worry about it...” Blaine says. “I promise you, we’ll find Lopmon, Taeka, and our other partners...Don’t worry Lily, I’ve got your back.” Lily looks up at him, with a warm smile, as she suddenly hugs Blaine.

“Thanks, Blaine...” She says, Blaine hugging her back.

“...Of course.” The two stay embraced for a short moment, before letting go. 

“Hm...I wonder what’s going on with Jake right now...With Logan and Allison...” Blaine says, the two looking out at the door.

“Well, whatever’s going on...” Lily says. “It’s probably not pretty.”

Meanwhile, with Jake...

Jake searched for the sound of yelling, until him and Terriermon went outside to a small garden area, finally spotting Logan and Allison yelling at each other, about god knows what. Tsukaimon and Veemon were on the other side of the garden, both covering their ears.

“Whoa, whoa, you two! What’re you arguing about now?!” Jake says, cutting through the argument.

“I’m tired of Allison disrespecting me! All she does is insult me, and call me a nerd!” Logan yells.

“Pfft, chill out, dork! I could call you way worse then that...” Allison remarks.

“See?! That’s exactly what I’m talking about!!” Logan snaps.

“Hey, wait! You both gotta, uh...Calm down...” Jake says awkwardly.

“She’s the one who needs to calm down!!” Logan snaps. 

“Uh...Hello?” An unfamiliar, quiet voice cuts through the conversation. Everyone turns around, to see Hoshi and Kudamon shyly peeking out the door, Hoshi holding what looked like a note.

“Hey, there’s that boy...Finally...” Allison says. “Hey, get out here before I drag you out by your feet!” Allison steps forward, but Hoshi whimpers, quickly hiding behind the wall.

“Woah, wait a minute!” Jake stretches a hand out, stopping Allison. “Is that the Digidestined kid you fought that day? How’d he end up here, too?” Jake asks.

“Ugh, I saw him walking around one day, and he saw me and ran and hid inside that restaurant we went to that one day...” Allison says. “I figured he must’ve lived there, so I slipped a note under their door asking him to come over here today.”

“Ugh, you probably just scared him away though...” Logan grumbles, rolling his eyes. Jake turns around, looking back inside.

“He could still be here though...You two wait here, me and Terriermon will look and talk to him.” Jake says, as the two walk back inside. Jake looks around, immediately seeing Hoshi standing a close distance down the hall as he carefully approaches him.

“Hey, uh...You alright?” Jake asks.

“Yeah, uh, sorry...I’m just really shy is all...My social anxiety gets the better of me...” Hoshi shyly says. “Plus, that girl...Kind’ve scares me a little.”

“Allison? Yeah, after what happened that day, I don’t blame you.” Jake says.

“Honestly...Allison kind’ve scares me a bit too sometimes!” Terriermon adds, everyone smiling a bit.

“Look, I know you’re scared of her, but, we really need you to join our group. You see...” Jake and Terriermon both quickly explain what’s going on with the Digital World, Hoshi and Kudamon nodding in understandment.

“Yeah...I get it now. I really do wanna help out and join you guys, but I just...” Hoshi’s voice trails off, looking down at the ground nervously. “I feel like I might just get in the way. I have really bad asthma, and it gets in the way of everything I wanna do...Plus, with Kudamon...” Hoshi pauses, looking down at his partner. “They have this problem when they digivolve into their champion form. It’s kind’ve hard to explain, but it makes it a bit harder to fight...” Hoshi explains, Jake nodding a bit.

“I get it...Look, we don’t want you to feel like a burden just because of your health problems, you can’t control that...” Jake says. “And also, if it helps, there’s another Digidestined in our group...His name is Blaine, and he’s planning on doing a training session soon. He knows what he’s doing, so you can ask him for help with whatever Kudamon needs help with.” Jake explains, Hoshi nodding in understandment.

“Yeah, alright, that’d be nice...” Hoshi says. “So, uh, when’s the training? Is that soon?”

“Yeah...We just gotta get everyone together...” Jake pauses, looking at the door that leads outside. “...I just hope those two have calmed down by now.”

A short moment later...

“Alright, everyone...” Blaine stood confidently, giving a speech to everyone in the group, who was sitting in front of him, carefully listening. “I know you’re all just beginning as Digidestined, which isn’t gonna be easy. You’re all gonna face many important, and dangerous fights, that’ll put both your lives...And the lives of both our world, and the Digital World in danger. And the farther we get through our journey, the more difficult these fights will become...On the plus side though, the more you all fight and train, the more easier these fights will become...And hopefully, you’ll all eventually be able to reach levels beyond the champion level.

“Yeah! I’m gonna become the strongest mega level Digimon someday!” Terriermon confidently blurts out.

“Wait a minute...Does that mean Digimon can evolve even more? Beyond their champion levels?” Logan asks.

“Yes, it is possible, but I’ll explain that more later...” Blaine says. “Before we do anything else, me and Lily wanna do everything we can to help the group...” Blaine nods to Lily, who was leaning against the wall. “So if you’d like to ask any questions before we start our training, feel free to raise your hand now, and either me or Lily will help you out.” Everyone thought for a bit, until Hoshi shyly raised his hand.

“Alright, Hoshi...What’s your question?” Blaine says.

“Uh, it’s kind’ve hard to explain, but...Kudamon has this, sort’ve...Problem with their tail, when they digivolve to Reppamon. It like, swings around on its own, and Reppamon can’t control it...Is there any way you can help with that?”

“...Hmm...” Blaine is silent for a moment, thinking. “Kudamon, are you able to digivolve in here without destroying the building?” Blaine asks. “I wanna see an example of what’s going on...” Kudamon takes a deep breath, slinking towards Blaine.

“I suppose so...I think you should all back away from me though...” Kudamon says quietly, as everyone stands up, backing far away from them...


...Reppamon stands still for a moment, until their tail suddenly starts twitching, then violently flailing itself around in the air, dragging their body along with it.

“...What the...” Blaine stares at Reppamon in confusion as he cautiously backs away more...Then reaches out of his pocket, pulling out his Digivice and using the analyzer.

‘Reppamon: Champion level, Vaccine. A holy beast Digimon with a powerful, sharp tail made of strong metal, that can block any attack, even from behind. However, it’s tail has a mind of its own, and will often quarrel with Reppamon in the middle of battle if it doesn’t know how to control it. Main attacks include: Lion Claw, Razor Wind.’

“...Interesting...” Blaine read the analyzer, before looking back up at Reppamon. He then pulls his katana out from behind his back, stepping towards Reppamon...

WHAM!! Then Blaine moves his katana forward, blocking Reppamon’s tail with it, the sound of both metals clanking together echoing in the room. Everyone gasped, as Blaine used all his strength to keep Reppamon’s tail suspended in the air, keeping it lifted up with his katana.

“Hm...Just as I thought...” Blaine says, quickly pulling his katana back. “Reppamon’s gotta train, so you can learn to control your tail.”

“Alright...” Reppamon says softly, keeping their tail suspended in the air as it twitches. “By any chance is there any Digimon here that’s able to help me train?” Reppamon asks.

“Ooh! I wanna fight!” Tsukaimon happily volunteers.

“Uh, no way! You forget what just happened a few days ago?!” Blaine quickly shuts him down. “Besides, Devidramon is way too big, and will crumble this entire building if you digivolve.

“I think Veemon’s too big too then...” Lily adds.

“I’ll help then!” Terriermon happily chimes in. “Gargomon can fit in this room without killing us!”

“TERRIERMON DIGIVOLVE TO...GARGOMON!!” He Digivolves right away, confidently standing in front of Reppamon.

“Alright, Reppamon...You ready to train?!” Gargomon asks, Reppamon taking a deep breath.

“...As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Sometime later...

The group spent many hours training, learning about various things. The Digimon trained, Gargomon helping Reppamon control their tail a bit, and Veemon and Tsukaimon training a bit in their rookie forms. Meanwhile, Blaine and Lily had taught the rest of the kids everything they could possibly know about Digimon...Everything from Digivolution, levels, more about their Digivices...And more.

“Alright...Part one of our training session is now over.” Blaine announces, putting his hands up as everyone stops talking. “For part two of our training, I’ll be taking a break for a bit, while Lily takes charge of everyone now.”

“Sweet...What are we gonna do next?” Allison asks. “We fighting anyone right now?”

“No, actually, for this part...” Lily smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. “We’re actually gonna be taking a break. I thought, since everyone’s been so stressed out these past few days, and haven’t been getting along very well, we’d all just take a break and find somewhere to eat for lunch, and, you know...Just relax and have some fun! This’ll also give us a chance to get to know each other a bit better...Think of it as a team, and friendship building exercise!” Everyone looked a bit confused at first, but nodded, all smiling in agreement.

“Yeah, that would be nice...” Logan says.

“Agreed. Plus, I’m starving. Can we go to Hoshi’s restaurant for lunch?” Allison asks.

“Er, thing is, it’s actually closed today...” Hoshi says. “But I wouldn’t mind making something for everyone...Uh, I can even ask my sister Charlee to help out too...Don’t worry everyone, she already knows about the Digimon.” Everyone exchanges glances, all nodding in agreement.

“Sounds cool with me.” Lily says.

“Yay! Let’s go then!” Veemon cheers happily, as almost everyone stands up, packing up their stuff.

“Alright, I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Blaine says, as he pulls out his katana, polishing it. Jake also stays still, thoughts swirling in his head.

“Actually...” Jake says. “I’m gonna stay here too for bit.”

“Really? You sure you’re not hungry?” Lily asks.

“I am, I just wanna stay here for a bit...I’ll come over later, so save some food for me, alright?” Lily looks a bit confused, but nods, with a smile.

“Alright. But I’m kicking your butt if you don’t show up!” Lily chuckles, as everyone gets up and leaves, leaving just Blaine, Jake, and Terriermon alone together.

“Aww...But Jake, I’m starving!” Terriermon whines.

“Uh...Any reason you wanted to stay here with me?” Blaine asks curiously. Jake is silent for a moment, not answering...Until he suddenly falls to the ground, in a begging stance.

“...PLEASE BE MY MENTOR!!” Jake loudly pleads.

“...Whaa??” Blaine stares, seriously confused by this sudden outburst. “Um...Why exactly do you want this?” He asks.

“I really want to be the best Digidestined that I can...” Jake says. “And you know so much, I really need your wisdom and knowledge as a Digidestined to help me! And besides, I...” Jake sits up, pausing as his voice gets softer. “...I really want to help Lily out. Ever since Taeka left, she’s been so...Sad. Like the sunshine that was once in her eyes is now gone. Back then, I never understood what had happened to her, but now that I do...I wanna do the best that I can to help Lily out...I just wanna...See her happy again.” Blaine was stunned by what Jake had said, silent for a moment.

“Whoa, I uh...Alright. I’ll be your mentor.” Blaine says, taking a deep sigh. “I get exactly what you mean though. Lily, she...Out of everyone in the group, she definitely changed the most out of our adventure together.” Blaine states. “Remember when we all went to her 9th Birthday party?”

“Yeah...She invited all of us, but spent the whole party crying in her room instead.” Jake says, sadly remembering that day. “I’d never seen her that sad before...She’s my best friend, and I wanna do everything it takes to make her happy again.” Jake states. Then, suddenly, his tag and crest started glowing a soft blue color, Jake curiously pulling it out from under his shirt.

“What the...” Blaine stares at the tag, wide eyed. “Jake, where’d you get that from?” He asks.

“Uh, this one day, Logan fought and defeated a Wendigomon that was holding this...” Jake explains. “He dropped this so I just....Kept it. I’m not doing anything wrong, am I?!” Jake asks with sudden nervousness.

“Uh, no, it’s fine...” Blaine shakes his head, quickly brushing it off as he stands up. “What’s more important right now is...Are you ready to train again?” Blaine asks. Jake stands up, confidently slamming his fists together.

“Yeah...Let’s do this.”

Sometime later...

Everyone was at the restaurant, all talking and looking pretty happy, as they enjoyed a few big pizzas they were all sharing. Charlee was also there, sitting at a nearby table, as she strummed on a guitar, playing soft music for everyone. Everyone looked a lot more happy and relaxed, and even Hoshi was sitting next to Allison, looking a bit more comfortable.

BAM! Suddenly the doors shoot open, as Jake, Terriermon and Blaine walk into the room, everyone happily waving to them.

“Terriermon, over here! I saved a slice for you!” Veemon calls.

“Yay, pizza! Thanks, Veemon!” Terriermon quickly runs to the table, chomping down on the pizza ridiculously fast.

“Is there any left for me too?” Jake asks, as Lily holds up a plate with a few slices. Jake’s eyes immediately light up, as he sits down to eat too, Blaine sitting nearby.

“Man, Digimon are awesome! I wish I had my own partner too...” Charlee says. She smiles, taking a deep breath. “Alright...I’m gonna sing a song, in honor of all the Digimon here...”

“Ooh, do you take requests?!” Terriermon happily asks. “Sing a Britney Spears song, please!!”

“You like Britney?” Charlee asks, chuckling. “Alright then, I gotchu little guy.” Charlee starts strumming on her guitar again, singing a song.

“YEAHHHH!! GO BRITNEY!!” Terriermon hops up on the table, dancing furiously. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh and smile at Terriermon. 

Everyone was having a lot of fun, until they heard the door suddenly open...



...Only to see Hoshi and Charlee’s parents, Mr. Os’Well and Mrs. Os’Well, standing at the front door, with horrified expressions.

“...Kids, we’re supposed to be closed today...What is going on here?!” Mrs. Os’Well asks with shock, her voice silencing everyone, as Charlee also stops playing.

“And, uh...What are those things supposed to be?” Mr. Os’Well asks, pointing to the Digimon.

“Whoa...This is awkward...” Charlee says silently.

“We’re Digimon! Uh, hey...” Veemon awkwardly chimes in.

“Hoshi, Charlee...You two had a party here? Without my permission?!” Mrs. Os’Well gets mad, crossing her arms angrily.

“Wow, uh, look at the time...I think we should probably head out now, right everyone?” Lily says with an awkward smile, as everyone quickly gets up, ready to leave.

“Aw, wait! But I haven’t finished my pizza yet!” Terriermon whines, shoving the slice down his mouth.

“Terriermon, come on, we gotta go!” Jake quickly grabs Terriermon, as everyone rushes out of the door and leaves, leaving just Hoshi, Charlee and Kudamon alone with their parents. Hoshi stared at his parents nervously, clutching onto Kudamon.

“Hoshi, why is that thing still here?” Mrs. Os’Well hisses, pointing at Kudamon.

“Um, mom...Kudamon’s my partner...” Hoshi shyly says.

“Not anymore.” She grumbles.


“You’re getting rid of that thing. Right now.”