Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 15
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Nightmare forest || Chapter 14

It was the next morning, and the group was walking through the forest, Kotemon also staying with the group. Wizardmon had given them a map to the hospital, but they still couldn’t find it, getting more annoyed with each step.

“Ugh, this is getting annoying...How have we not found it yet?!” Jake grumbles, staring at the map.

“You’re probably reading the map wrong or something...” Allison huffs.

“What?! No I’m not!” Jake denies.

“Yes you are!” Allison suddenly yanks the map out of Jake’s hands.

“Hey! You almost gave me a papercut!” Jake whimpers, looking back over at the map. “And you’re holding it upside down! Give it back!” Jake tries grabbing the map, the two trying to wrestle it from one another.

“Come on you two, cut it out!” Blaine says, the two ignoring him as he rolls his eyes.

“Ugh, this ridiculous...Blaine grumbles. “We’ve been walking in this forest for forever now...” He pauses, looking up at the trees that covered the sky. “And I can’t even tell if it’s daytime or nighttime!”

“I know...” Lily agrees. “And my feet hurt like heck...” Everyone watches Allison and Jake wrestle the map from each other...Until they finally pull it hard enough to rip it in half.

“Wow, nice job you two...” Logan says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Veemon says.

‘Oh no, now everyone’s upset...’ Blaire thinks to herself, worried. ‘Now what do I do?’ Blaire tries thinking of a solution, something suddenly popping into her head.

“Hey, I think there’s supposed to be a village nearby...” Blaire says. “Maybe they can help us find the hospital!” Everyone turns to her curiously, seemingly approving of this plan.

“I guess that’s our next best choice at this point...” Blaine says, everyone nodding in agreement.

“I think I know where that is...” Kotemon says, walking ahead. “Follow me.” Everyone follows him through the bushes for a few minutes, before finally reaching a clearing...With the village, which was pretty small, with a few wooden houses. But for some reason the village was empty.

“Uh...Where is everyone?” Jake asks. Everyone was silent, looking around the village.

“I don’t know, but...” Lily says. “Something doesn’t feel right here...” 

“HEY!! IS ANYONE HERE?!” Blaire shouts loudly.

“Blaire, I don’t think it’s a good idea to-“ Dorumon tries to stop Blaire, but a rustling is then heard in the bushes...


‘Woodmon: Champion level, virus. A plant Digimon that resembles a tree, draining the life energy of Digimon that pass by it. Main attacks include: Branch Bash, Leaf Slider.’

...As a big group of Woodmon pop out, growling angrily. Something about the Woodmon seemed...Off though. All of them had a dark aura surrounding their bodies, and their eyes were also completely blacked out. They also made a low grumbling noise, almost making them seem...Zombie-like. One of the Woodmon was also twice the size of the others somehow.

“...What the? What’s wrong with them?!” Logan says. Everyone backs away slowly, nervous by their unsettling demeanor.

“Oh no...They’re acting just like those Doctimon I saw...” Blaire whimpers quietly. Everyone looked nervous, except for Allison who confidently stepped forward.

“Don’t worry guys, we got this.” Allison smirks.

“Allison, wait a minute-“ Blaine tries to stop her, but to no avail.


“CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon slashes at one of the Woodmon...But it doesn’t budge.

“...What the...” Devidramon looked genuinely surprised...”BRANCH BASH!!” As all the Woodmon suddenly charge forward, attacking Devidramon all at once as he screams in pain, instantly reverting as he crashes to the ground.

“What...? H-how are they so powerful?!” Jake whimpers. Allison quickly picks up Tsukaimon, as the Woodmon growl furiously...

“RUN!!” And they start chasing the group through the village, who try their best to escape as they hide behind a house.

“What are we supposed to do?!” Lily whispers. “There’s nowhere good to hide!”

...Suddenly then, a small, wooden drain cover below them pops open, a tiny hand waving at them. “Hide in here!” The voice whispers to them. Without a chance to think, everyone hops in, the Digimon quickly covering the entrance, before they hear the Woodmon stomping away. Everyone sighs in relief, as they look around the underground room, which was pretty big and neatly organized.

“Wow, that was a close one...!” The voice says, everyone turning around to see the small Digimon that helped them.


“My names Lalamon, it’s nice to meet you!” Lalamon looks at the group curiously. “Wow, you really are humans...You must be Digidestined then! What the heck are you all doing in this village anyways?” She asks.

“We all came to this village for help...” Dorumon responds. “And directions.”

“Oh, alright...” Lalamon sighs. “Sorry, I wish I could help you guys right now, but honestly, this village needs just as much help as you guys do!”

“What’s wrong with all the Woodmon here? They seem a lot different then most Digimon!” Terriermon says.

“Oh, I wish I knew...” Lalamon sighs. “They were all completely normal just a few days ago! They all used to be good Digimon who I lived in this village with, but...One day, one of the Woodmon left the village, looking for food.” She explains. “Afterwards, he finally came back later then usual, but he was acting odd...Then, one thing lead to another, and now all the Woodmon are acting like this! I don’t know what’s wrong with them. It might be a weird infection or something. But I don’t know what...” Lalamon sighs sadly. “I started hiding down here when everyone became infected, but...I just want my friends to go back to normal...Ever since I’ve been hiding down here, I’ve been trying to train so I can Digivolve, but...” Lalamon pauses, looking around the room. “There’s not much I can train with down here. Are you all able to Digivolve to the champion level?”

“Uh, yeah, pretty much everyone can...” Lily says. “Except for Dorumon right now, and...Kotemon...I think? Hey, Kotemon?” Lily tries to get Kotemon’s attention, but he ignored her...Instead he was staring silently, directly at Lalamon, with a light pink blush on his face.

“Hey, Kotemon, are you alright?” Veemon asks. “Your face is all pink!”

“HEY!! KOTEMON!!” Terriermon yells at him, snapping Kotemon out of it.

“Huh? What?” Kotemon stutters in confusion.

“Kotemon, are you able to Digivolve to the champion level?” Lalamon asks.

“Oh, um...N-no, but...” Kotemon stutters nervously, stepping closer to Lalamon. “I am trying to train to reach the champion level too, so maybe if you’d like...We can train together?” Kotemon then takes Lalamon’s hands in his.

“Ooh...That would be nice Kotemon, thank you!” Lalamon smiles, the two smiling at each other softly for a bit.

“Um, not trying to interrupt your moment, but...” Logan says. “Is there any way we can help out the village?”

“Oh yeah!” Lalamon steps back a bit. “I know what we can do! I don’t wanna hurt the Woodmon, since they’re my friends, but...I know who can help!” She says, everyone paying close attention. “There’s another Digimon who lives in the village, Toropiamon... He can produce sap and spores from his body and use it to make remedies that can heal a lot of types of infections and injuries.” Lalamon explains. “He donates his remedies to the hospital nearby regularly, but he left a few days ago and hasn’t come back. Honestly, I just need some help looking around the forest to find him, so he can hopefully heal the Woodmon.” Everyone exchanges glances, all nodding in agreement.

“That sounds simple enough.” Hoshi says. 

“Yeah...We’ll help you find Toropiamon, don’t worry!” Jake says, with a smile.

“Yay! Thanks so much everyone...” Lalamon says happily. “We’ll split up into groups then...And find Toropiamon!”

Sometime later...


Toropiamon ran rapidly through the forest, feet pounding on the grass as he ran away from multiple BlackGrowlmon.

“EXHAUST FLAME!!” One BlackGrowlmon attacked Toropiamon right at his feet, knocking him to the ground. 

“HYAH!!” Someone else then throws a cage around Toropiamon, which snaps itself shut, trapping Toropiamon inside, who grumbles in defeat.

“Finally...We caught him.” Rosalie says, stepping out the shadows alongside Lila, who eye the caged Toropiamon.

“Heh...You’re ours now Toropiamon, so you have to do as we say!” Gazimon snickers.

“Yup...” BlackGatomon agrees. “Which means we have a task for you to do.”

“What makes you think...I’d ever work for you Demondestined?” Toropiamon huffs.

“Because your ours now, and you have no say in the matter!” Lila yells. “SO DO AS WE SAY YOU FAT OVERGROWN WEED!!” Toropiamon grumbles nervously at her yelling.

“Heh...I like it when you get all angry like that.” Rosalie says in a flirty tone, the two girls smiling at each other.

“Alright, BlackGrowlmon...” BlackGatomon snaps her claws, the BlackGrowlmon picking up Toropiamon’s cage. “Let’s get moving...We’ve got work to do.”


The group had now split into two as they looked around the woods, as Lalamon and Kotemon were walking together, close by one of the groups. Kotemon was blushing again, as thoughts swirled through his head.

“Uh...Hey, Lalamon?” Kotemon grabbed Lalamon’s attention, who looked at him curiously. “Um, if you don’t mind me asking...Maybe after we find Toropiamon, we could, um...Go out for dinner or something?” He asks.

“EEEEK!! Oh my goodness!” Suddenly then they hear the squealing of someone behind a nearby bush, looking over to see Terriermon awkwardly pop out, next to Dorumon.

“Terriermon...Did you really have to squeal like that?” Dorumon asks.

“Yeah...Sorry, I couldn’t help it!” Terriermon says. “They’re just so...Cute together!!”

“What the...Were you two watching us this whole time?” Kotemon asks.

“Er, yeah...Sorry about that.” Dorumon says awkwardly. Then, shortly after, Jake, Blaire, Blaine, and Lily walked through the bushes, to the Digimon.

“Hee still haven’t found Toropiamon yet...” Lily says. “What about you guys?” She asks, the Digimon also nodding no.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!” Suddenly then, a loud scream is heard far in the far distance of the forest.

“Wha-What the? What’s going on?!” Jake says.

“I don’t know, but that could be Toropiamon in danger!” Lalamon says, going to the direction of the scream. “Let’s hurry and find out!”


Hoshi and Logan were also walking around the forest, only farther away from the others. 

“Ugh, I can’t believe we still haven’t found anyone out here...” Logan huffs, annoyed. Hoshi looks around for Allison, who’s also supposed to be with them, but is nowhere to be found.

“Hey, did you see where Allison and Tsukaimon went?” Hoshi asks, everyone looking around.

“The two must’ve walked off on their own.” Kudamon says.

“Ugh, well that’s typical of her...” Logan says, rolling his eyes.

“AAAAAAAGHHHHH!!” Everyone was cut off by a loud scream in the distance, gasping in shock.

“Who’s voice is that?!” Veemon says. “I don’t recognize it!”

“I don’t know, but the others could be in trouble...” Logan says, with a serious expression.

“Hey, how about you go see what’s going on, and I’ll go find Allison?” Hoshi says, Logan nodding in agreement as the two walk away.

“Alright...” Logan says. “Let’s hurry.”


Allison and Tsukaimon walked around the forest alone, Allison sighing in annoyance.

“Hey, what’s wrong Allison?” Tsukaimon asks. “You look a bit annoyed.”

“Urgh, I don’t know, it’s just...” Allison grumbles. “Doing all this walking around is just so...Annoying. I wish we could do something more fun, like fighting those Woodmon or something.”

“I do too, but...” Tsukaimon sighs. “You saw how badly I lost to them earlier.”

“Yeah, I know...” Allison huffs, her voice low. “Just like the fight with Rosalie...” The two both sigh in annoyance.

“...I hate how easily we lost to her.” Allison says. “Why’d we lose like that? I thought we were invincible...And could kick anyone’s butt. Does this mean...We’re not as strong as we think we are?” Her voice gets low, starting to sound a bit upset. Tsukaimon looked away for a moment, thinking.

“No...Not at all!” Tsukaimon says. “I was just weak from the BlackGrowlmon from earlier that day, remember?” Allison starts to remember, smiling a bit. 

“Yeah...You’re right. I’m sure next time we run into Rosalie, you’ll be more rested, then we’ll really kick her butt!” Allison says.

“Yeah!” Tsukaimon smirks, thinking about it.

“Urgh...You know what though?” Allison says. “I just wish...I could get you to the ultimate level. I mean, come on, what’s so special about Jake and Terriermon that they can Digivolve to the ultimate level, but we can’t?” She huffs in annoyance.

“I think it’s because of that tag and crest Jake found...” Tsukaimon responds.

“Whatever...I just wish we had one of those too...” Allison says. 

...Then, out of nowhere, a soft, purple glow is seen a close distance away, the two looking over at it curiously.

“...I think you’re about to get your wish.” Tsukaimon says. The two hurriedly run over to the glowing light, stepping through a couple bushes...


...As they see a small wooden shrine, with a tag and crest held in the middle of it. Allison smiles as she runs to it, grabbing the tag and crest from the shrine, immediately slipping it on over her neck. She holds the tag and crest up, the two admiring it for a moment.

“Hey, Allison!” The two hear rustling behind him, seeing Hoshi calling, running up to the two.

“I’m so glad I...Cough, cough...Finally found you two.” Hoshi huffs. “Um...Allison, what’re you holding?” 

“Uh...Nothing!” Allison tucks the tag and crest under her shirt, out of view as she turns to face him. “Um...What’s up?”

“Well, I was with Logan, and...Cough, cough...I...” Hoshi coughs a lot, taking a puff of his inhaler.

“We heard screaming in the distance...” Kudamon says. “There’s some trouble going on, and we gotta find and help the others.” Allison and Tsukaimon exchange glances, the two nodding in agreement.

“Alright...” Allison says. “Let’s go.”


The rest of the group, alongside Logan who had caught up with them, ran as fast as they could towards where’d they heard the screaming. They keep running, until they arrive at a clearing, with two BlackGrowlmon surrounding Toropiamon’s cage, with Rosalie and Lila there too.

“There’s Toropiamon!” Veemon shouts, everyone gasping.

“Oh no! What are you guys doing with-“ Lalamon froze, gasping in shock as she saw another gigantic Digimon that was asleep right in front of them.


“It’s...Entmon!” Lalamon says, in horror. Entmon was gigantic, looking like the size of a big building.

“Entmon...? Who’s that?” Blaine asks.

“Entmons the guardian of this forest...” Lalamon explains. “He’s always asleep in this very spot, and if anyone wakes him up, he could be put in a rage and destroy this whole forest! Wait a minute...” Lalamon gasps. “You guys aren’t doing...What I think you’re doing...”

“What do you think we’re doing?” Rosalie scoffs, smirking. Everyone gasps, exchanging worried glances.

“Toropiamon...” BlackGatomon walks over to Toropiamon’s cage. “Why don’t you do us a favor...Use your spores to shock Entmon awake.”

“What? I won’t...” Toropiamon hisses. “I’d rather die than help the likes of you.”

“We’re here to help Toropiamon!” Jake yells. “So you better let him go or else!!”

“Pfft...Or what?” Lila hisses. Both sides glare furiously at each other, ready to fight.

“...You know what.” Logan hisses.





“GATLING ARM!!” The two immediately started attacking.



“EXHAUST FLAME!! EXHAUST FLAME!!” But, immediately get overpowered, being two against four. The Demondestined Digimon tackle Veedramon and Gargomon, pinning them down.

“Say your goodbyes, Gargomon...” One BlackGrowlmon growls, Gargomon whimpering in fear as BlackGrowlmon opened his jaw wide...

“...NO!!” But Blaine suddenly charged forward, pulling his katana in front of BlackGrowlmon, using the blade of it to hold BlackGrowlmon back by his jaw. Everyone else was only able to look in fear, knowing Blaine couldn’t hold him back much longer...Especially Kotemon and Lalamon, who looked around nervously. 

“Where’s Hoshi and Allison? They can’t win without them...” Lalamon says nervously.

“Lalamon...We have to Digivolve to the champion level.” Kotemon says. “Or we’re gonna lose.”

“What?! K-Kotemon, I don’t know if I can...” Lalamon says.

“It’ll be fine, Lalamon...” Kotemon takes a hold of Lalamon’s hands, reassuring her. “I know you...No, we can do this...Together.”

“Oh, Kotemon...” Then...Kotemon and Lalamon’s bodies start to glow, feeling overwhelming power...







Everyone gasps in shock at Lalamon and Kotemon’s evolutions, the two Digimon charging forward to help.

“SUNSHINE BEAM!!” Sunflowmon blasts a beam at BlackGrowlmon, saving Gargomon.

“DOUBLE STARS!!” And Shurimon throws ninja stars at the other BlackGrowlmon, saving Veedramon.

“Everyone...” Shurimon says. “Let’s work together...To defeat them.”

“Yeah, together!” Gargomon nods and agrees, the four fixating their gazes on one of the BlackGrowlmon, smirking.

“V-NOVA BLAST!!” “SUNSHINE BEAM!!” “DOUBLE STARS!!” “DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” They all attack at once...Instantly poofing the BlackGrowlmon to dust. The other BlackGrowlmon only stared in shock, his body shaking nervously.

“NO!! I’m outta here!” The BlackGrowlmon whimpers, running away.

“GOD, IS HE SERIOUS?!” Lila yells furiously. BlackGatomon and Deltamon backed away nervously, now being the ones who were outnumbered.

“We still need to get this cage open!” Jake says, the kids and Dorumon trying to open Toropiamon’s cage.

“Someone help us!” Blaire says.

“DOUBLE STARS!!” Shurimon throws his stars at the cage, which easily slice through it...The cage completely collapsing as Toropiamon is finally freed.

“You’re done for, Demondestined...” Toropiamon growls. “You might as well leave now while you still can.”

“Urgh, I hate to say it Rosalie, but I think he’s right...” BlackGatomon growls. Rosalie and Lila back away nervously, as all the Digimon attack Deltamon, reverting him back to Gazimon.

“Let’s just go, Lila...” Rosalie says. Lila is silent for a moment, before groaning angrily.

“You may have won this time, Digidestined...” Lila growls. “BUT YOU WON’T BE SO LUCKY NEXT TIME!!” She screeches, before all the Demondestined run away...Finally out of sight.

“YEAH!! WE DID IT!!” Jake and everyone else cheers, as everyone reverts back to their rookie forms.

“That was amazing, Kotemon! You finally Digivolved!” Blaire giggled happily, hugging Kotemon.

“Yeah...I didn’t think I could actually...Do it.” Kotemon says.

“Hey! We’re here!” The group hears Allison’s voice, as her and Hoshi run up to the group.

“Uh...What did we miss?” She asks.

“A lot, but...It’s over now.” Jake smiles.

“Toropiamon, are you ok?” Lalamon asks.

“Yes, thanks all of you...” Toropiamon responds. “Sorry I’ve been away from the village for so long, Lalamon...”

“It’s ok! I feel better seeing you’re ok now...” Lalamon says. “But, um, we might need your help with something...Right now.”

Sometime later...

Everyone went back to the village, but this time were being more sneaky, climbing up into some trees right above the village, safely out of view from the Woodmon.

“Why are we all the way up in these trees?” Logan asks, Lalamon motioning for him to be quiet.

“Just watch.” She whispers. Lalamon points to a tree nearby, where Toropiamon was standing, his stance overlooking the whole village. Then, Toropiamon starts shaking the leaves and petals on his body, as spores start falling down onto the Woodmon. The Woodmon all look around curiously, as the spores stick to their body...The dark aura disappearing as they all returned to normal.

“Whoa...It actually worked!” Lily gasped, everyone sighing with relief as they all climbed down from the trees, to the Woodmon.

“What the...What happened?” One of the Woodmon ask.

“I’ll explain later...” Lalamon says, turning to Toropiamon. “Toropiamon, your spores actually worked!” She smiles happily, Toropiamon nodding.

“That’s good. Maybe this is a sign of hope for all the other Digimon who are infected.” Toropiamon says, everyone nodding in agreement.

“Um...Do you guys hear that?” Veemon asks. Everyone goes silent, listening for something...As they heard quick, rapid footsteps coming towards them...As they see Fangmon running into view, who was carrying a small Digimon on his back.

“Woah...It’s Fangmon!” Blaire calls to him, but frowns when she sees scratches covering his body, showing he was badly hurt. Fangmon then limps over to everyone, collapsing to the ground, the Digimon on his back also falling to the ground.


“Oh no! Fangmon!” Blaire kneels to the ground, trying to help him up.

“What the...Is that Lopmon?!” Lily’s eyes widen, everyone gasping as Lily picks up Lopmon, who was unconscious.

“But...This Lopmon looks different...Is this one my Lopmon?” She asks. Lily’s Digivice then starts beeping softly, Lily pulling it out as it beeps more rapidly when she holds it closer to Lopmon.

“I don’t think your Digivice would be reacting like that if it wasn’t her...” Blaine says.

“But...How did Fangmon find her?” Jake asks, everyone looking at Fangmon, who’s data was starting to fade away.

“No...Fangmon! Toropiamon, you gotta help Fangmon!” Blaire pleads, Toropiamon looking down at Fangmon as he shakes his head.

“It’s...Too late.” Toropiamon says quietly...Fangmon poofing to dust.

“Fangmon...No...” Tears fell out of Blaire’s eyes as she sobbed quietly, curling up on the ground, everyone standing in saddened silence.

“He...Sacrificed himself...To save Lopmon.” Terriermon whimpered.

“He’ll...Always be remembered.” Kotemon says.

“But...I still don’t understand why Lopmon looks like this.” Lily says. “And why won’t she wake up?! Toropiamon, are you able to help her out?” Toropiamon walks up to the two, curiously eyeing Lopmon.

“...She must be in a coma of some sort.” Toropiamon says. “I don’t think my spores will be powerful enough to wake her up, but if you take her to the hospital, Surgemon should be able to wake her up. The hospital is right outside the village, with a path that leads right to it...But you all can rest here for tonight, if you want.” Everyone exchanges glances, nodding in agreement.

“Alright...We’ll head up there first thing tomorrow morning.” Blaine says.

“You ok, Blaire?” Dorumon asks her.

“...I want Fangmon back.” She whimpers, Dorumon patting her on the back.

“...I’m sorry.” He says.

“Hey, Blaire, something I actually wanna tell you...” Kotemon says. “I don’t know how else to say this, but...I’m actually planning on staying here in the village with Lalamon...” He says, the two holding hands for a bit.

“What? I don’t want you to leave me, too!” Blaire whimpers.

“It’s ok, Blaire, I’ll be safe in this village, training with Lalamon...” Kotemon responds. “Besides, you’ll be much safer with these other Digidestined...They’ll protect you better then I ever could.” Blaire nods, still looking a bit upset, as the two hug.

“Alright then...” Jake says. “Tomorrow...We’ll finally be ready.”